Clue, The RP.

Started by Faiyloe, May 20, 2014, 08:37:41 PM

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Cornflower MM

OOC: So did I..But I also so edited out something else...About where she was standing.

BIC: Miss Peacock noticed the screaming still wasn't stopping, and then it did. The Study was just up ahead, and she strode through the door. "What's going on here? Oh, I see. Well, it's about time he died." She said, noticing the body of Mr. Black on the floor, Miss Scarlet pointing to it, and that fellow who worried about his car also there.

OOC: Um, should I change it to where She's standing right behind Mr. Green?


Green looked at her funnily, "You don't conceal your thoughts do you. You better learn to when the police arrive." 

Cornflower MM

" So, he deserves it. And, I might ask, who's calling the police?" Miss Peacock said, refraining from adding more to that.


"Well, someone should. Or we could all get arrested." Green shrugged, he didn't really care.

OOC: Maybe someone (the killer) could have cut the phone lines. That would make more sense why they don't phone the police.


Scarlet leaned up against the desk breathing hard. One paw on the desk one on her heaving chest. Trying to calm herself down.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

OOC: Pay no heed to this!!


Green looked at Miss Scarlet, "Were you in here when the lights went out?"


Scarlet then realized that every one in the house probably had heard her argument with Black. How much had they heard? "It doesn't take a detective to figure that out." She said rolling her eyes. She had collected her self a little now from the shock and sat down in Blacks desk chair. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"So, you killed him." Green said flatly.


"NO! Why would I have screamed my head off if I had. If I had then I would have tried to get away as fast as possible, Nut Brain" she said 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Green shrugged, "Then it would be obvious it was you. First rule of detective work, there's a fifty-fifty chance that the person who found the body was the murderer."

OOC: I just quoted a detective show I watched night.  ::)

Cornflower MM

Miss Peacock had been listening to the conversation, as well as looking over the mess on Mr. Black's desk. Then she spoke up. "Now, let's not be too hasty. It could have been me - Or you - Or the Colonel. The lights went out. The phone lines were cut. Yes, the two of them were together in the Study, but does that necessarily mean that she killed him? No. And, the lights were only off for a moment. Where's the weapon? She had no time to stash it! I heard the screaming right when the lights came back on. Unless she had an accomplice, she couldn't have done it. Also, she has a point." Miss Peacocks stated. The females had to stick together, or the world would go to ruin. Even if she didn't really like Miss Scarlet.


OOC: Ok They don't know that the lines have been cut yet and I was thinking the power outage was just due to the storm. I don't know about you but I have had the light flicker out for just a few moments and then come right back on.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Amarith Waterspring

Plum turned a corner and saw Mr. Green standing in the doorway to a room. When he got closer he heard Mrs. Scarlet saying something to Peacock. He looked over Green's shoulder and saw Black lying on the floor. "Is he.......dead?" Plum said, asking no one in particular. He felt rather nervous that he might be in the room with a killer.
Rosie is weird,
Violets are weirder,
I can't rhyme,


"It might just as well been you, You did get here rather fast," Scarlet said raising an eyebrow. Now that she was over the shock she realized that Blacks death was to her advantage.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?