Riayan Wildlough's Adversary: A Story of Success and Succession

Started by Tiria Wildlough, August 15, 2011, 06:46:52 AM

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Tiria Wildlough

Please forgive me if I don't finish this, and don't read it unless you've read High Rhulain.

Runekar Wildlough gazed out of the window, letting the seabreeze ruffle her fur.
Then she turned around, and picked up a book. It was titled, 'The Records of Green Isle from the First High Rhulain After the Wildcats.'
On the front page, there was a list of the names of the otterqueens.
Tiria, Riayan, Yanura, Nuralis, Lisarune, Runekar
Each name followed on from the one before.
The last one was her, Runekar Wildlough, High Rhulain of the Otterclans of Green Isle.
Runekar flipped through the book. Most of it was timelines and detailed information, but there was one part that particularly caught her eye.
Riayan Wildlough's Adversary: A Story of Succession************
Chapter One: A Disobedient Ottermaid
An ottermaid and a mouse tumbled over and over. The otter was repeatedly punching the mouse.
'You dare call me a riverdog again and I'll tie your backbone in a bow and make your ears switch places!' she threatened. 'I'm a sea otter, not a stream one. Get that?'
The mouse backed up against the wall. 'Mum Trasa, Riayan wants to kill me!' he whimpered.
A huge female badger stumped into the room. 'So, Riayan wants to kill you, eh? I'll see about that!'
This time it was the ottermaid's turn to back up against the wall. Badgermum Trasa wagged a stern claw at her. 'Listen, young lady, this isn't the first time you've been in trouble for fighting. Haven't you learned anything?'
Then she turned to the mouse. 'And what did you do, Varrull?'
Varrull was confident. 'All I did was call her a riverdog, all in fun, you know, and she got mad and tackled me,'
He held his paws akimbo and wailed, 'It's not fair!'
Trasa sighed. 'Riayan, whatever are we going to do with you? It's obviously no good to just tell you not to fight, scoldings run off you like water off a duck's back!'
Riayan hung her head. 'But—
'Don't but me, young otter. I will talk to Father Abbot about this later. Now separate.'
The Redwall kitchen was full of noise and bustle. Riayan liked to go there, it was a place where nobeast paid attention to her.
She sidled over to a pan of cooling pasties, and sniffed. A wonderful aroma was curling up from them.
Varrull was also there. His paw sneaked closer and closer to a pastie, then grabbed it.
His howl filled the kitchen.
Riayan smirked. 'Inexperienced thief.'
Friar Lerurn came up and rapped Varrull's paw with a spoon. 'What did I tell you about touching my pasties? Get out! Go!'
Badgermum Trasa had a very hard think about Riayan. The ottermaid was disobedient, stubborn, and a general infuriation to the elders of Redwall. She decided to take the problem to Abbess Twanda.
Twanda was a pretty squirrel in her mid-seasons. She was undisputedly wise, and liked by all.
When she heard of Riayan's behaviour, she smiled. 'Oh, it's Riayan again? I'm fairly sure she'll learn to make good use of that pretty smile.'
Trasa folded her paws. 'Mother Abbess, I don't mean to be impatient or discourteous, but you have said that a lot, and it has changed nothing.'
Twanda smiled. 'Trasa, I have a feeling that Riayan will soon prove herself to us. I think that our young ottermaid has no respect for herself. What with everybeast scolding her and putting her down, Riayan has just accepted the fact that she is no good. You can perhaps try to be less hard on her. Remember, if you have no respect for yourself, you have nothing.'
'Very wise words, I'm sure, but I hope your feeling is right, because Riayan has a very short temper, and nobeast knows that better than Varrull the fieldmouse.'
My tumblr! not-the-skycat.tumblr.com
I'm not a hipster.


Sounds intriging! :)  I love what you did with the names!  The only thing I would change at all is to make the name of the book a little bit less long.  ;)  And that's an incredibly minor point.   Unless the long title plays a role in a future riddle or something.  Hmm, just a sugestion here, but perhaps Tiria could be sort of the Martin the Warrior of Green Isle, since she's the one that re-established the dynasty. :)  I like it!  Please keep writing!
"Aha! Today I shall become an author, and I shall auth, and auth, and auth, and make a squillion dollars! Whoopee!!!"
~Brian Jacques

Tiria Wildlough

My tumblr! not-the-skycat.tumblr.com
I'm not a hipster.


Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.

Leatho Shellhound

I know this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 day but Are you going to write more?
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