
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Started by The Skarzs, June 11, 2014, 11:37:52 PM

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The Skarzs

"I heard it from an old hedgehog a while back; he played it on a flute. Unfortunately, I never learned the words," he said. "It does have a lovely tune, though."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

"I think I've got it.....Would you like me to sing it?" Arya asked, casting him a glance.

The Skarzs

"I would love to!" He regretted being so enthusiastic, but he was sure Arya had a beautiful singing voice. "I mean," he cleared his throat a bit, "I would like to hear the words to it."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

"Alright." Arya said, then paused a moment, then started singing.

"You will find me in Noonvale on the side of a hill
When the summer is peaceful and high
Where streamlets meander, the valley is still
'Neath the blue of a calm, cloudless sky
Look for me at dawn when the earth is asleep
Till each dewdrop is kissed by the day
Neath the rowan and alder a vigil I'll keep
Every moment that you are away.
The earth gently turns as the seasons change slowly
All the flowers and leaves born to wane
Hear my song over the lea like the wind soft and lowly
And come back to Noonvale again. "

The Skarzs

Garth listened without a sound, amazed at Arya's beautiful voice and the sad words of the song. Blinking back a threatening tear, he smiled. "That was very pretty; where did you learn it?"
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

"I once traveled through Noonvale, and stopped for a few days." Arya said, then smiled. Then she stopped, and frowned. "Did you hear something?" She asked, then an arrow flew by her face. "Oh, for the love of Pete!" She cried, as she drew her sword and lopped off the head of the ferret who had been about to plunge his dagger into Garth's back.

The Skarzs

"What the. . . get down!"
Garth dived upon Arya as several arrows buzzed in.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

Arya spluttered, then fell silent as she watched an arrow fly through the air about a foot from her face. "Come on!" She hissed, then started wriggling on her belly towards the trees where the arrows were coming from.

The Skarzs

Garth followed, watching carefully for any vermin who might have showed themselves.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

Once getting to the bushes, Arya stopped, and then pushed herself up a tree, and killed the rat hiding there. Then, dodging arrows the whole time, started tree-jumping and killing the other shooters. "Get the ones on the ground!" She called down to Garth. "Be down in just a HOLY HADES second." She finished, getting an arrow in her injured thigh.

The Skarzs

Garth split a ferret's skull, leaving the axe there to grab a shortsword out of a surprised weasel's paw, slaying him with it. He killed another by stabbing it in the chest.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

"What? I'm kinda busy at the moment!" Arya called back down, neatly decapitating a pine marten, then jumped. "No more archers!" She said, then blocked a weasel's punch and stuck her sword through his chest.

The Skarzs

OOC: He saw Arya get hit by the arrow; he thought she was badly wounded. :P

BIC: She was alright; Garth sighed in relief. He was now faced with a large rat wielding a cutlass. Unused to his current weapon, Garth could not fight back very well when the rat charged him. Jumping lithely back, the squirrel kept his sword point at the rat, who knocked it skillfully out of his paws. They both went down, with the rat on top; Garth was hard pressed holding back the rat's arms so he could not swing. He kicked upwards, knocking the wind from the rat, and he scurried out of the way. Grabbing his axe again, he chopped downwards, hard, on the rat's neck. The head rolled.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

OOC: She is. She's just not letting on.

BIC: Arya had seen Garth, but had her own troubles at the moment. She was surrounded by three rats. So she decided to do something stupid: She charged them. She received a deep cut on one arm, and a dagger stab in her other leg, but the rats were killed. Then that was it. She hobbled over to Garth. "Okay. I think that thy're all dead or running." She said, her face drawn in agony. "Would you minf helping me over to some clean ferns?" She asked.

The Skarzs

"You're hurt," Garth said in concern, and gingerly helped her over to the ferns. "Don't move, I'll get you bandaged up."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.