Character Sheets

Started by Faiyloe, June 12, 2014, 07:19:26 PM

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So I made this really long complicated Character sheet for developing and or storing information about you characters.
If you would like to use it feel free. if you want to post a character here using the sheet go ahead. Comments and ideas welcome.

Name: (Their full name)

Nickname: (The name they go by if it is different from what you put above. How did they get it?)

Titles: (If any)

Gender: (Male, Female)

Age: (How old are they. The human equivalent. if they are as mature as an 11 year old put them down as 11. They never really say how old people are exactly.) (The other option is to put down an general age for example. infant, dibbun, child, tween, young teen, middle aged teen, older teen, young adult, adult, middle aged, etc...)

Species: (badger, hare, otter, squirrel, shrew, mouse, hedgehog, mole, vole, rat, ferret, stoat, weasel, sable, pine marten, wildcat, wolverine)

Good, Evil or Neutral:

Role: (Are they the abbey warrior, a wandering traveler, or a salamandastron hare of the long patrol.)


Appearance: (An overall summary of what they look like. What is their first impression? How do the walk?)



Cloths: (favorite/usual)

Distinguishing marks: (Tattoos, scars, strange fur coloration)

Personality: (How do they act when they are around people or when they are alone)


Voice: (How do they talk? Do they have an accent? Are they loud or quiet?)





Favorite food:

Season: (The season they were born in)

Origin: (Where they where born)

Where: (Where they live now)

Home: (What their home is like)

Room: (Where they sleep. Describe it if it is a constant)




What is something they never go without:

what they keep in their...

Traveling pack:



Under Their Bed/Pillow:

Other: (Though I highly doubt that you will need it)


Name: (Their full name)

Nickname: (The name they go by if it is different from what you put above. How did they get it?)

Titles: (If any)

Gender: (Male, Female)

Age: (Add details if their race ages differently.)


Good, Evil or Neutral:



Appearance: (An overall summary of what they look like. What is their first impression? How do the walk?)




Skin: (Include color, texture example: clammy, dry, flaky, smooth)










Sight: (How good is their vision?)





Smell: (How good is their sense of smell)





Teeth: (what do their teeth look like? are they straight or crooked, white or dirty yellow)





Piercings: (any ear piercings)  

Hearing: (How good is their sense of hearing)

Cloths: (favorite/usual)

Distinguishing marks: (Tattoos, scars, strange skin coloration, birthmarks, and anything out of the ordinary for their race)

Personality: (How do they act when they are around people or when they are alone)


Voice: (How do they talk? Do they have an accent? Are they loud or quiet?)





Magic: (if they possess any kind of magical ability in anyway.)



Favorite food:

Time of day: (The time of day they where born)

Season: (The season they were born in)

Year: (if there is a working dating system)

Month: (or that worlds equivalent of month)

Origin: (Where they where born)

Where: (Where they live now)

Home: (What their home is like)

Room: (Where they sleep. Describe it if it is a constant)



Loyalties: (Who and what groups are they really loyal to?)


What is something they never go without:

What is something that they would never do:

What is something that they would never do again:

What is their greatest fear:

Prefered mode of travel:

Actual mode of travel: (if different than above)

what they keep in there...

Traveling pack:



Under Their Bed/Pillow:

In their kitchen:

On their nightstand/next to their bed:

In their saddle bag:

Other: (Though I highly doubt that you will need it)
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

I can tell you spent a while doing this, as it is very well thought out. This could be used for some more coordinated RP's, like duels and such (for instance, your 'heavily plotted duel'), but some RP characters will not have, or need, as much information as this would give. I would be willing to use this though, as I like seeing backstories. ;)
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


I know that most RP's don't need so much detailed but I also know that allot of the more experienced RPers like to make extremely detailed Sheets. It could also help with those of us who would like to make one but just need a little nudge in the right direction.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

It's a great idea, and very helpful. Sometimes it's hard to put that much information in the classic char. sheet, so this is a wonderful place to start. I hope other people use this as well.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

Quote from: Faiyloe on June 12, 2014, 07:57:33 PM
I know that most RP's don't need so much detailed but I also know that allot of the more experienced RPers like to make extremely detailed Sheets. It could also help with those of us who would like to make one but just need a little nudge in the right direction.

Little nudge? How about about a HUGE nudge? For me, at least. :P That would probably take me two days to fill it out, but I'd use it.....And probably will! If GMs don't mind me copy 'n' pasting a different sheet than theirs!

Wylder Treejumper

Wow! That's like... What I use to map out chars for writing novels! That is really in depth!
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.


  I might just use that on some of the characters from my own story...
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I might do this, although it would take an entire season to post the whole Knight Tribe lol


  Not finished yet, but this is the main character from an original story of mine.

Adam Celor Harrison
Name:  Adam Celor Harrison.

Nickname:  Adam.

Titles:  Dragon Rider, Saviour of the Tsapi.

Gender:  Male.

Age: 18.

Species:  Mottled elf (half human, half elf)

Good, Evil or Neutral:  Good

Role:  Student of the dragon riding academy.

Weapon(s):  Adam carries only a pocket knife, but then again, he does have his dragon to help with fighting.

Appearance:  When you first meet Adam, you might see him as a shy and uncomfortable person, and that would be very true.  He's embarrassed by his mottled elf status, as others view them as lower than elves and even lower than humans.  Because of this, he tries to hide his elven features with long hair and baggy clothes, and he usually wears a hat.

Skin/hair:  Adam takes after his mother with skin colour, getting pale elven skin, but he has his father's dark brown hair, which hangs nearly to his shoulders and is in his face at all times.

Eyes:  Dark brown, but angled like an elf's.

Clothes:  Anything comfortable, but the teen loves wearing a dark red tunic with a faded green vest on top, and dark brown trousers.  His feet are usually covered by boots or tennis shoes, and a beanie is almost always upon his head.

Distinguishing marks:  Pointed ears, and a green dragon rider facial tattoo.

Personality:  When around others, Adam is usually silent, because should he speak, others may hear his mottled elf accent and mock him.  So he listens and pays attention to others, but doesn't do much else.  However, when around friends, he's rather interesting and fun, and enjoys telling jokes.  He can be serious, but does not enjoy being the one to take control.

Extrovert/introvert:  Deeply introverted.

Voice:  Adam has a tenor, soft voice that has a mainly human accent (cockney), but with an elven influence.

Likes:  Flying, desserts, swimming, reading, singing, art, music, the forest, magic, animals, and puzzles.

Dislikes:  Meat, his clothes being wet, crowds, his lineage, and his looks.

Strengths:  Physical strength and stamina, swimming, sword-fighting, and intellect.

Weaknesses:  Controlling magic, controlling his dragon, not a strong leader, archery (or any long-ranged weapon), too trusting.

Favorite food:  Any kind of pie.

Season:  Summer.

Origin:  Adam was born and raised in the forest region of Eliserid, in the small town of Illian.

Where:  The dragon academy in Felsan, a small country high in the mountains of Gaath Anor, to the west of Eliserid.

Home:  Adam's home in Illian is a medium sized, human-style house, which is rather bland, but cozy.  His current home, the dorm at the academy, is a three room stone dorm, with two bedrooms (one for him, and one for his roommate), two bathrooms (connected to the separate bedrooms), and a main room with a couch, a dining table, and a small kitchen.

Room:  A full-sized bed is pressed up against the wall of this stone room, and a green and gold (the school colours) rug is on the wooden floor.  A chest for clothing is at the foot of the bed, and a nightstand is to the right of said bed, with a magic lamp atop it.  There is a wardrobe on the opposite wall, a mirror beside it, and to the left of the door leading to the room is the restroom door.  The restroom contains a toilet, sink, and a bathtub/shower.

Family:  Adam's immediate family consists of his mother, an elf named Tys Alavara Harrison, his father, a human named Erik Harrison, and his little sister, a mottled elf like himself named Lily Harrison.

Friends:  Drake Granthius (mottled elf, male), Drake's parents Oncith Granthius (elf, father) and Elen Granthius (human, mother), Kameela (tsapi, female), and his dragon, Feathers.


What is something they never go without:

what they keep in their...

Traveling pack:



Under Their Bed/Pillow:

Other: (Though I highly doubt that you will need it)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


So cool I love it. I have been (or more like will be) working on a none Redwall Character sheet which I can send to you when it is finished if you want.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Quote from: Faiyloe on June 16, 2014, 07:39:25 PM
So cool I love it. I have been (or more like will be) working on a none Redwall Character sheet which I can send to you when it is finished if you want.

  Sure!  That'd be awesome!  (And very helpful, as pretty much all of my non-RP characters are humanoids (elves, humans, that sort of stuff.).  ;)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Quote from: Faiyloe on June 16, 2014, 07:39:25 PM
So cool I love it. I have been (or more like will be) working on a none Redwall Character sheet which I can send to you when it is finished if you want.

Could you send it to me too?
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Cornflower MM

Faiy, I'm stealing this and using it in my RP. :P


Sure. Know what I'll just post it here in a spoiler code.

And corn its not stealing if I said you could use it.  ;D
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM