Character Sheets

Started by Faiyloe, June 12, 2014, 07:19:26 PM

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So can we just post random characters here, even if they're not used in RP's?


Yup :D I would like it if they where put in spoiler code to save space though. I am almost done with the fantasy sheet.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?



  You almost done with the fantasy sheets, Faiy?
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


 :P Forgot about that sorry... there where some problems on My computer and I had to close up all of my windows and documents so I forgot about that. Normally I just leave the things I am working on open. I'll get it up right way. I just need to check it one last time before posting.

Edit: It's up
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Name: Ezekiel Low

Nickname: Zeke

Titles: High Warlock of Cambridge

Gender: Male

Age: He stopped aging when he was 22, he is now 425 years old

Race: Warlock (Half human/Half demon)

Good, Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Role: Main character of my fanfic

Weapon(s): He mostly fights using gold fire but he also has a curved sword for when people get too close

Appearance: Ezekiel's Warlock marks are his giant golden-coloured bat wings, his short, curved horns, his deep purple eyes, his fangs and his clawed hands with extra finger joints. He has short brown hair and his horns protrude from his forehead. He can nearly always be found wearing a suit or an overcoat, fedora, t-shirt and jeans

Height: 6ft

Weight: Um, I'll come back to this one

Build: He's lithe and skinny and is incredibly acrobatic and quick

Skin: He's white but has a faint gold tinge to his skin which is smooth

Color: Chocolate brown
Length: Quite short, he has a fringe but not much of one
Texture: Um, I'll get back to this one
Style: It's not really styled in any way, he leaves it alone unless it needs cutting or washing so it basically just goes downwards naturally

Color: Deep purple
Shape: Hooded
Placement: Close set
Sight: His vision is the equivalent of an eidetic memory

Size: Average
Shape: Average
Placement: Dead centre
Smell: Normal human level

Placement: I'll get back to this one
Color: I'll get back to this one
Shape: I'll get back to this one
Teeth: Straight white teeth apart from his vampire-like fangs

Shape: I'll get back to this one
Size: I'll get back to this one
Placement: I'll get back to this one
Piercings: He has a jade stud in his left ear
Hearing: It's better than the average human's but not really anything special

Cloths: His favourite clothes are a dark blue suit, he has other suits as well but the dark blue one is his favourite. He usually wears a white t-shirt and blue jeans with black converse trainers. He also wears an overcoat and fedora.

Distinguishing marks: He has a yellow tinge to his skin, a Celtic-looking spiral design tattooed on the nape of his neck. He also his an ouroborus tattoo around each wrist

Personality: Zeke is incredibly egotistical, believing himself to be better than most people, often putting people down without realizing it. He is pessimistic and quick to anger, despite this he is very protective over those he loves. If he's your friend then he's incredibly loyal and he'd gladly die protecting you.

Extrovert/introvert: Somewhere in the middle, he isn't shy but he's not outgoing either

Voice: He has a deep voice and speaks with a clipped British accent. He only uses proper language and grammar

Likes: Flying, his friends, good food and drink, good books, magic, peaceful places

Dislikes: Cowards, traitors, bad food, loud noises, busy places, stupid people

Strengths: He's incredibly powerfully magical, ruthlessly intelligent and coldly logical

Weaknesses: That cold logic could also be considered a weakness, if his friends are endangered he'll do anything the person endangering them says

Magic: He has the ability to shoot gold fire out of his hands, can create portals and summon demons

Habits: He conjures and banishes balls of fire in his hand repeatedly when he's thinking, he picks at his wrists when he's nervous and he scratches his horns when he's upset or angry

Hobbies: Flying, reading, going on long walks, listening to music, watching films

Favorite food: Linguini bolognese

Time of day: Early evening

Season: Autumn (astronomically) Winter (Day length-y)

Year: 1589

Month: November

Origin: London

Where: Cambridge

Home: He lives in a large, top-floor apartment in a converted warehouse home to many Downworlders (mostly Vampires who aren't part of a clan). His home is very clean, the living room has a wooden floor and white painted walls. His bedroom is entirely black with black walls and a black carpet, his bed is not a hammock but is suspended above the floor from the ceiling, there is a green lamp in the roof which lights it up with an eerie glow, he says those conditions help him relax. Aside from the bathroom, and kitchen the rest of his apartment is taken up by an expansive library filled with ebony bookshelves, there is a soft red carpet and a giant bay window at the back. The roof also belongs to him and he likes to sit up there as it's quite peaceful.

QuoteHis bedroom is entirely black with black walls and a black carpet, his bed is not a hammock but is suspended above the floor from the ceiling, there is a green lamp in the roof which lights it up with an eerie glow, he says those conditions help him relax.

Family: Before his mother married his adoptive father, she was seduced by a shape-changing Eidolon demon who left the very next day. His mother and adoptive father resented him for his parentage and his demonic appearance. He had two half-brothers and a half-sister, the youngest brother and the sister were friendly towards him but the older brother was not.

Friends: Zeke has formed a small circle of seven friends Solomon Farr, a Warlock like himself, Gabriel Smith, a Vampire, Artemis Black, a female Warlock, Jeremiah Swift, another Warlock, Kyswyn, a female Faerie, Tynahri another Faerie and brother of Kyswyn and Catherine White, a Vampire (Specified Artemis' gender because the name is unisex, specified Kyswyn's gender because the name is made up)

Loyalties: Himself and his friends

History: Zeke was born Jack Alistair on the 3rd of November 1589 in a London house. He grew up there with his mother, adoptive father and half-brothers and sisters. At the age of sixteen Jack left the house to go roaming out in the country. At the age of seventeen Jack was adopted by another Warlock, Tamar Low who taught him how to control his power, how to summon demons, how to create portals and all the other things Warlocks can do. After Tamar died in a fire caused by an angry mob who believed the two Warlocks had cursed their village, Jack went berserk and killed them all without mercy. Taking Tamar's last name as a way of honoring his mentor and the biblical name of Ezekiel as a way of defying his demonic father, Zeke fled to the lake district where he lived until 1920 when he moved to Germany. He lived there throughout the second world war and hid Jews and other 'undesirables' from the Nazis and smuggled them out of the country. After traveling the world throughout the early nineteen hundreds, in 1956 Zeke moved back to England where nothing interesting happened to him until 2009 when he became the High Warlock of Cambridge. Throughout this time Ezekiel formed a circle of Downworlder friends.

What is something they never go without: His phone

What is something that they would never do: Abandon one of his friends

What is something that they would never do again: Go on a killing spree

What is their greatest fear: Death of someone close to him

Prefered mode of travel: Flying

Actual mode of travel: Walking, car, flying, public transport

what they keep in there...
Traveling pack: He doesn't have one
Chest: Weapons (he collects rare weapons)
Pockets: Phone, cigarettes, wallet, keys
Under Their Bed/Pillow: Nothing
In their kitchen: Food, eating and cooking utensils, cleaning supplies, spices and such
On their nightstand/next to their bed: Whatever book he's currently reading
In their saddle bag: He does not own a horse

Other: (Though I highly doubt that you will need it)
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Kellei Clark
Name:  Kellei Maria Clark

Nickname:  Kells, Kellei, Clark

Titles:  None yet.

Gender:  Female

Age:  19

Race:  Human

Good, Evil or Neutral:  Good

Role:  Trainee hunter.

Weapon(s):  She's being taught how to fight with various handguns and knives, but currently the teen doesn't own any weapons of her own.

Appearance:  Shy and frail-looking, Kellei walks with her legs close together and her arms folded over her chest, trying to blend into her surroundings.  Her head is almost always ducked and her eyes squinted, her feet making an annoying shuffling noise as they scrape across the ground.

Height:  5'7"

Weight:  110-ish pounds.  Not severely underweight, but thin and slightly malnourished.

Build:  Kells is tall and thin, with fragile bones and a narrow face.  Her arms are thin and bony, her stomach is flat and her ribs are sort of showing, and her legs are long and thin, her thighs being a bit smaller than a normal girl her age.

Skin:  The girl is pale-skinned, with dry, cracked hands and chapped lips.  Freckles cover her face, and a dark, small mole is situated on the right side of her chin, just under her lip.

Color:  A mix of light and dirty blond hair.
Length:  Down to her chest.
Texture:  Wavy, rough, and dry, due to lack of regular cleaning.
Style:  As Kellei's hair is quite long and uncomfortable, it is usually found tied in a braid over her shoulder or pulled back in a ponytail.  Her bangs, however, decide to be less tamable, and fall into her right eye, covering half of her face.

Color:  Her right eye is dark sea blue, but her left is grey.
Shape:  Kells' eyes are oval-shaped and average-sized, but she usually squints and makes them look rather small.
Placement:  Not too far from her nose, but not too close; Kellei's eyes are situated in such a way that one might say they were perfectly placed.
Sight:  Kellei is blind.

Size:  An average size; not too big, but not exactly small, either.
Shape:  Wide at the base and narrow at the tip, Kells' nose is turned slightly upward, making it look a tiny bit like she's staring down her nose at you.
Placement:  Smack dab between the eyes and a couple inches down.  (About in the centre of her face.)
Smell:  She has a very keen sense of smell, as the girl lacks sight.

Placement:  Closer to her nose than her chin, but not enormously so.
Color:  Pale pink and cracked.
Shape:  Her lips are thin and her mouth isn't very large.

Teeth:  Kellei's teeth are straight, thanks to three years of braces, and are only slightly yellow.  She tries to take good care of them, as she's heard terrible stories of people with dozens of cavities and black teeth.

Shape:  The teen has the recessive ear gene, meaning that her ear lobes are attached to her head instead of hanging beside, and her ears stick out only a little from the side of her head.
Size:  A little on the large side, but not overly huge.
Placement:  At the same level as her eyes.
Piercings:  Kells has one piercing on each ear, where gold hoop earrings are usually found.  Although, sometimes she just wears blue studs.
Hearing:  Incredibly keen, as she has to make up for her lack of sight.

Clothes:  You can usually find Kellei wearing a comfortable T-shirt and dark jeans, with her faded brown hoodie covering the upper half of her body and brown work boots covering her feet.

Distinguishing marks:  A dark mole is placed on the right side of her chin, just below the lip, and a small scar runs through the right corner of her right eye.  Also, her eyes are different colours, so that could be a way to tell her apart from other blondes.

Personality:  Kellei is shy and quiet, keeping well inside of her shell and trying her hardest not to come out.  She doesn't like speaking to others and isn't very trusting at all, but if she removes her shell of insecurity, the teen is actually quite enjoyable for company.  Yes, without her shell, Kells is sassy, intelligent, and makes jokes about almost everything.  Her sense of humour is dry and slightly twisted, and her wit is quick, most of her jokes sailing right over the heads of those they're directed at.  However, the teen is also kind and compassionate, and is very good with children and animals, although she claims that she isn't.  But, of course, no one knows anything about the girl's true personality, as only a few people have seen it.

Extrovert/introvert:  Extreme introvert.

Voice:  Kellei's voice isn't high or low, but rather somewhere in the middle.  Not quite a soprano or an alto, but more of a mix between.  Some say that her American accent may be a bit sharp and she comes off rude with whatever she says, but others say she has the voice of an angel: smooth, soft, and kind.  This, of course, depends on the person, as the tone of the blonde's voice changes depending on who she's with.

Likes:  Food, drawing, music (including classical, opera, musical, pop, rock, and instrumental), audio books, cats, logic games, verbal games (meaning, guess the animal, 20 questions, and other such games), riddles, jokes, and wrestling.

Dislikes:  People, animals, babies, backstabbers, being treated like a handicapped child, musicals whose songs don't tell the plot, badly sung songs, several different instruments, people with no sense of humour, and many other things.

Strengths:  Keen smell, hearing, taste, and touch, as well as being rather intelligent and quick-thinking.  Kellei's also stronger than she appears, and is able to withstand a lot of pain.

Weaknesses:  Well, she's blind, for one thing, and Kells doesn't trust others well, making her rather hard to work with.  She's not a very good team player, and doesn't really listen to orders.  Her stamina is almost nonexistent, and swimming is pretty much out of the question.

Magic:  Although she's blind, Kellei is able to sense where people are, and can see a sort of flickering orb of light where someone is.  Also, she has the ability to read minds, but doesn't know how to turn it on or off, so sometimes it will be quiet, and other times it will sound like she's standing in the middle of a crowd at a rock concert inside of Disney World.

Habits:  When nervous, Kells tends to either jiggle her leg or chew on her fingers, and she talks to herself when no one is around.  She also likes to peek at the thoughts of those she's talking to, and can sometimes forget that she's speaking to them instead of swimming through their memories.

Hobbies:  Drawing, listening to music, and learning various instruments.  (Piano and violin are what she currently knows how to play, but Kellei desperately wants to learn guitar.)

Favorite food:  Anything, so long as it's not overly disgusting.  Although, she is allergic to peanuts, so nothing with peanuts.  Or milk.  She hates milk.

Time of day:  Early in the morning.

Season:  Winter.

Year:  1987.

Month:  December.  (December 12th, to be exact.)

Origin:  She doesn't know.  All she knows is that she was found on the doorstep of some house in Colorado.

Where:  On the road.

Home:  Kellei's never had a home.  Not a permanent one, at least.  She hopes that one day she might be able to settle down and lead a normal life, but if that ever happens, it probably won't be for a long time.

Room:  Mostly cheap motel rooms or the back of a car.

Family:  Kellei Clark knows no family, but instead chooses to count extremely close friends as family.  This means that her only family is Amelia Immens, one of the few foster parents that she actually liked.

Friends:  Amelia Immens, Jeffrey Neal, and two men she met recently, Sam and Dean Winchester.

Loyalties:  Kellei is loyal to no one, as she knows almost no one.  She doesn't trust very many people, and is unfamiliar with the concept of loyalty.

History:  Kells doesn't say much to anyone about her past, other than that she was a foster child for all of her life, and that she ran away several times.  She won't go into detail on why she would run away, only saying that she didn't feel safe with the families.

What is something they never go without:  Her jewelry.  More specifically, a silver charm bracelet on her left wrist, a fake emerald ring on her right ring finger, and a brown leather necklace that carries an old bronze key.  She doesn't explain where they came from, but will never take them off.

What is something that they would never do:  Betray her friends.  She would rather die than do that.

What is something that they would never do again:  Fall in love.  In Kellei's view, love is a stupid concept.  You grow to know someone and you lose them.  That sucks.

What is their greatest fear:  Losing the ones she cares about.

Preferred mode of travel:  Being driven, riding a bike, walking... anything but public transit.

Actual mode of travel:  Being driven and walking.

What they keep in their:
Traveling pack:  Clothing, EpiPens, and toiletry.
Pockets:  Candy, candy wrappers, money, a wallet, lint...
Under Their Bed/Pillow:  Uh... her hand.
In their kitchen:  What kitchen?  You mean the tiny little kitchenette in motels?  Do those even serve a purpose?
On their nightstand/next to their bed:  Her iPod and an artist's journal.

 Finally finished this after, what, three hours?  :P  Well, there you go, a fully done description for a fanfic character of mine that I've grown fond of.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Cornflower MM

Very nioce, Rainy! Err, Rain! *Claps*


Quote from: Cornflower MM on July 11, 2014, 06:04:52 PM
Very nioce, Rainy! Err, Rain! *Claps*

  Thank you, thank you!  *Bows dramatically*  Haha, I've had this character swimming around in my brain for almost a year, so I kinda have her description worked out.  (Seriously, though, it took me 3 hours to write this out.  I kept being interrupted to help with the deck and such, so I just had it open.  I didn't realize it could take that long to do one of these sheets!  :P)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Cornflower MM

IKR? I'm trying to do one for a duel with Faiy.......Ay yi yi!


  Just thought I'd revive this topic, seeing as it's rather awesome.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Yes, indeed! I like this. It has thought in it. I'm sure it could also be used for characters outside the Redwall world.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


I did make another one better suited for fantasy non Redwall characters and posted up here somewhere. I beleave it is on the first post. I might make a Si-Fi and a modern one if I find the time and motivation.  ;D :P
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ah, I see it now :) This is cool. I'll probably use these.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


I'm using this for some fantasy characters of mine :) Reviving because it's cool!

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


"Hair" of the long patrol  :P :P :P
~Just a soft space boi~