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Heavily plotted duel while I wait for Wilder to get back.

Started by Faiyloe, June 18, 2014, 02:25:34 PM

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And Wilder I am not replacing you Just doing another one while I wait for you.

Ok so I was thinking that since Wilder will be gone for a good bit that I could do another one of these while I wait. so whose up for the challenge. I would like some one who can post fairly often and with detail.

So I have two ideas but if you have another one feel free to share it.

I was thinking something about a bounty hunter working for a king or lord, or perhaps an assassination attempt on some high ranking person. 

What would be even cooler is if they are siblings. (Adopted sibling even)
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Well, guess I'll do it! How about your second idea? *Sits and waits patiently for Faiy to get back on Monday....And I'm not telling any observers where she went!!!!!!*


I be back! and no I did not get abducted to any observers I just asked Corn not to disclose my location just in case some creepy stalker was reading the boards.  ;D

Sound great so do you want to be the assassin or the target? I don't care either way.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Hmm.....How I about I play the spoiled rotten high ranking person? ;D


 ;) Great. I'll be the jellos sibling. Oh! maybe my character got banished or something.  ;D
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM


WHAT!!!!  :D You can't just say that and not tell me what it is!
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Okay! Here it is!: So, your person's the older one (And supposed to get the throne), and then the king/queen switches them, saying Oh, I changed my mind._____ is going to get the throne now. So, yours is out for revenge.

Yes? No?


YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome love it.... Oh! how about my character tried to kill its perants to get to the throne fast but was caught and banish and now its back to get its sibling.  ;D
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

YEEESSSS!!! Haha! *Grabs Fiay's paws and starts dancing around room*


*Dances around with corn!* ya!...  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ok so we got that far now... What gender is your character going to be? also the characters should probably be vermin but not rats. Other than that most anything is fine (Weasel, ferret, stoat, ermine, fox, pine marten, wildcat,). Since they both have to be the same thing because they are siblings.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

How about cats? I've been wanting to play a kitty character.


Sure.  ;) I'll start working on my character

Name: Kedria (Her first name which she forsook after her banishment) Agrena (Her middle name and the name she took as her first name after the banishment, it was feminine adaptation of her uncles name on her mothers side who she admired for reasons that her parents disapproved) Shavrast (She changed her last name to Shavrast after her banishment forsaking the family name) Forcentry (The last name of her family which she forsook after her banishment)

Nickname: Kediy (When she was a child though she no longer goes by that pet name) Agriy (She was call that by one or two friends she mad after her banishment)

Titles: Daughter of Shadows ( A self given title), The Lier's Kiss, (What the people called her in some of the places she went after her banishment),  The disowned one (What the people back home are told to call her),  Heir of Ereffa (Before she was banished. (she even kept the title afterwards but none in Ereffa would call her by that name)

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Species: Wildcat

Good, Evil or Neutral: Bad

Role: The previous heir to the throne but was banish after a failed assassination attempt and striped of her birthright which passed to her younger sister.

Weapon(s): Jewel encrusted dirk, black pearls and rubies, with a well polished dark gray mettle blade and adorned silver on the hilt.  Two simple matching daggers with a black leather grips. A broadsword strapped to her back.

Appearance: She is tall lithe and well built. She moves with a combination of grace skill and precision. Her first impression is one of authority and not to be trifled with. 

Fur: See the above picture for fur pattern and coloration.

Eyes: Perfect golden eyes with slim diamond pulps.     

Cloths: Dark grey cloak with an enveloping hood, Short sleeved dark crimson and gold colored tunic,Black long sleeved shirt worn underneath the tunic, black trousers, brown strips of cloth tied round her ankles, and a brown belt over top of the tunic worn over her shoulder and another one round her middle.     

Distinguishing marks: When she was very young as tradition decreed she received a tattoo of the family crest on the back of her right paw as every heir to the throne did at that age but after she was banished it had been forcefully removed leaving a nasty scare.

Personality: When around others she can be commanding, in control and manipulative putting on a calm controlled demeanor  but when alone a hate festers inside her eating away at her soul making her I'll tempered and disagreeable, She will go from feeling extreme pity for herself to anger at others for what they have done. If she was to ever to get the throne she would become a ruthless tyrant.   

Extrovert/introvert: Extrovert

Voice:  She always speaks with a level even tone, never raising her voice, especially when she is angry. (It can get quite frightful)



Strengths: Quick, tactical, clear thinking, Strong, skilled from years of living all over the place learning from the best.

Weaknesses: Her pride anger resentment and need for revenge can sometimes cloud her judgment. Not exactly good at fighting against or with big heavy weapons like axes and clubs.

Favorite food: Roast partridge, with good red wine. 

Season: early Summer

Origin: (Where they where born) Ereffa

Where: (Where they live now) Anywhere except Ereffa She was however last spotted in Nathat but that was two years ago.

Home: The castle in Ereffa, then after the banishment she left and travailed around for several years.

Room: When she was little her room in the castle at Ereffa was large and spacious with a large queen sized four poster bed in the middle. Ceiling to floor windows on the left wall with a small sitting aria to the right of the bed (Where they sleep. Describe it if it is a constant)

Family: Her mother and father where the king and queen of Ereffa and now her younger sister Bella Adrain is the Queen.

Friends: Her uncle Agren,

History: Her name was Kedria Agrena Forcentry. She was born and raised as the fist born child of the king and queen, and heir of Ereffa. When she turned 6 she received the tattoo of the family crest on the back of her right paw as tradition decreed. She was the favored child of her father. He made sure that she was taught all that was needed to become the next ruler of Ereffa. Reading, writing, prose, public speaking, fighting, self defense, battle tactics, diplomacy, history and much more. However when she turned 10 her Uncle Agren started to visit the castle. He was a fierce fighter and had been in many battles. She admired him greatly and he taught her many things that the king and queen would not. Soon he became the captain of the Ereffian army. Threw the influence of his sister the queen. He was ruthless fierce and very intelligent. Soon Kedria began to look up to him and grow close to his ways. She disagreed with many of the decisions that her parents made on how they ruled there kingdom. She and Agren both.

One night there was a commotion Kedria and her little sister where taken into a guarded room to be kept safe while out side they could hear the sounds of a chase. The next morning the word was out. There had been an assassination attempt. What the people did not know was that It had been by Agren himself. He had failed however and was stowed in the dungeon till a verdict could be reached. The Queen pleaded for his life but the king would not give. "He tried to kill you and me both he deserves death," and that was his final say on the matter. There was to be a secret execution the next morning but that night there was a jailbrake and Agren escaped along with five other prisoners. He was not seen in Ereffa again but there where rumors of a sighting in Nathat; The kingdom along the border of the desert. This all happened when she was 14.

The years passed and she became more and more indifferent of her parents she was the rebel child. Not paying head to what they said. She thought they where weak. That they could not hold the kingdom together.  One night soon after her 19th birthday on the day after coming of age party she tried to do what Agren could not. No one spoke of what happened that night but Kedria was caught, but unlike Agren she was not sentenced to execution.  She was banished her right to the throne revoked and passed to her sister. Her role in the assassination attempt was made known to the public they where told not to help her under pain of death. The tattoo was removed from her paw and she was released. She was given 5 days to leave the land after that if she returned she was to be killed on sight. She fled  and changed her name to Agrena Shevrast.

The king and queen however did not leave her alone. They had her watched and reports of her movements where kept track of. She spent two years with the northern Ker-kre Tribes. She learned guerrilla warfare and how to fight with stealth and skill. After that she diapered off the radar for over 3 years. The king and Queen died during this time however and passed the throne onto her sister. Two years ago there was again a roomer that she was spotted in Nathat but there has been no word since.

What is something they never go without:

what they keep in their...

Traveling pack:



Under Their Bed/Pillow:

Other: (Though I highly doubt that you will need it)
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Oh, boy...Faiy, are you trying to kill me, or do you just want to wait for Wylder to get back? :D This is going to take me DAYS!!!

Just a thought: How about they both be gals, because if mine is a guy, then the throne would go to him anyways?

My sheet that will be edited several times.....

Name: (Their full name) Bella Adrain Forcentry

Nickname: (The name they go by if it is different from what you put above. How did they get it?) Bella

Titles: (If any) Dark-seeker

Gender: Female

Age: (How old are they. The human equivalent. if they are as mature as an 11 year old put them down as 11. They never really say how old people are exactly.) (The other option is to put down an general age for example. infant, dibbun, child, tween, young teen, middle aged teen, older teen, young adult, adult, middle aged, etc...) Um.......24?

Species: Wildcat

Good, Evil or Neutral: Neutral, with a slight tendency to bad.

Role: New heir to the throne, after older sister tried an assassination attempt that failed.

Weapon(s): An axe, and a mace and chain.

Appearance: (An overall summary of what they look like. What is their first impression? How do the walk?) Tall, slim, and strong-looking. Bella walks with grace, and the general first impression is of power, authority, and deadly grace.

Fur:Brown fur mottled with light brown and tan

Eyes: Yellow eyes with oval slits for pupils..    

Cloths: (favorite/usual) Tight fitting brown tunic.

Distinguishing marks: (Tattoos, scars, strange fur coloration) Family crest newly tattooed on the back on her right paw.

Personality: (How do they act when they are around people or when they are alone) Around other beasts, she acts slightly spoiled, demanding, whiny, and a tad bratty. Very official.

Extrovert/introvert: ??

Voice: (How do they talk? Do they have an accent? Are they loud or quiet?) A quiet voice, but with a slight Southern accent.



Strengths:Fast, agile, and skilled.

Weaknesses:Although she looks strong, her power is more in pulling than pushing. Which means she isn't the best with her axe.

Favorite food:

Season: (The season they were born in)

Origin: (Where they where born)

Where: (Where they live now)

Home: (What their home is like)

Room: (Where they sleep. Describe it if it is a constant)



History:Bella was born two seasons after her sister, Kediy, as she fondly called her. She was happy with her role as second born, and was secretly glad she didn't have to rule, as it looked quite complicated. She knew that her father favoured Kediy more, and that hurt a little bit, as her mother cooed and fussed over her more than Bella. Bella was taught her letters and numbers, with a little bit of self defense and fighting strung in there, but not much else. When she was 8, her uncle started visiting and while little Bella did not much like him, she put up with him merely because Kedria seemed to adore him. Bella really didn't like the things he said about their parent's decisions, and started nodding him.

One night when Bella was twelve, there was commotion, and she went with Kediy to a room that was guarded. She was quite frightened, and stayed close to her sister, and in the morning, she quietly smirked in her head. She hadn't been deceived by Agren, oh no! She knew now better why she'd never liked him. When there was news of a jailbreak, she wondered about it, but let it go, as it seemed of no more importance.

When Bella was seventeen, and Kedria nineteen, there was again a scuffle, and she was herded off to the room where she and Kediy had gone five years before. Again, there were sounds of a chase, and Bella was filled with a horrible suspicion. She was quite horrified when she was told by her parents soon after being let out of the room that since Kedria had tried to assassinate them, Bella was to have the throne. She had always adored her sister, and this was a terrible shock. Plus, she didn't exactly want the throne.

She did try to contact her sister when the King and Queen passed, but was not successful, since she didn't know that Kedria had changed her name, She knew that her parents had had her sister watched, but did not continue the practice after their death. When she had heard the rumor, she had immediately gotten dispatchers dispatched, to find Kedria and bring her back, but they either didn't return, or came back without her. The title of Dark-seeker she got by seeking out Kedria - The Dark, as she had been nicknamed secretly - for some time after being crowned Queen.

What is something they never go without:

what they keep in their...

Traveling pack:



Under Their Bed/Pillow:

Other: (Though I highly doubt that you will need it)


Lol That ok you don't have to fill the whole thing in just what ever you want to. You don't even have to use that sheet if you don't want to I just wanted to do it for mine.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?