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Started by Rusvul, July 13, 2014, 08:49:40 PM

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Hi. I'm sure many have heard of Dungeons and Dragons, equally sure that at least someone has played it. Lots of fun. Pretty complicated as well. I

'm in a campaign currently playing a sorcerer, though I'm considering making a Rogue/Sorc multiclass character with predominately melee but a few magical tricks. I think that would be fun.

I'm not really all that knowledgeable, but I know the basics of the game pretty well.


Gwen A. Mouse

Hello, Rus

I've played a couple of versions back when I was still a super-newbie. Now I'm part of a Pathfinder group, and learning quickly. Like you said, I know the basics. (Yes yes, Pathfinder is not quite the same as D&D, but it was based off of it, so they're pretty similar.)

In our current campaign, I'm playing a sorcerer for the first time ever. :P After learning a few hard lessons in one encounter, I've decided to stay in the back until I have a way higher AC.

That multiclass sounds like it would be fun, and really effective if you play it right.
"You need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up genocide. You'll see a little picture of me there and the caption'll read 'over my dead body'!" -The Doctor


Yeah, I'm in a 3.5 campaign, and from what I've heard, 3.5 and Pathfinder are really similar.

And yeah- As a sorc, I've got 5 hitpoints at first level. 5. 5! And 10 AC. There have been multiple times when we've fought enemies (Mainly these huge centipedes) that could have left me bleeding out on the floor in a single hit, whereas our Fighter could have been whacked three times without problem. Our party is pretty big, though, so I'm not too much in trouble when it comes to combat, though. Just stand back and spam Magic Missile and I tend to do pretty well.

The main thing my character's good at is social stuff. 18 CHA, +4 Bluff, I have huge bonuses when lying to people. I managed to tell everyone in the party that if they'd just shut up I'd give them chocolate- And that was a DC 24 bluff. Everybody shut up, and then I almost managed to convince our ranger that the giant dead centipede on the floor in front of us had chocolate viscera. Almost. Oh, how hilarious that would have been. Shame.

Do you know anything about multiclassing? As I said, I want a few magical tricks, but mostly melee. I'm not sure if I should go Rogue/Wizard or Rogue/Sorc, and I don't know how many levels to put in each. I'm also considering making my backup character the brother or something of my current one, and maybe when/if my current dies my backup will bind to his familiar? I think that would be interesting. I'd have to be an elf, though... Not the most ideal for a Rogue, and I would have liked to play something more fun. Totally would roll a Lycanthrope, but the +3 LA is reeeeeeeeeeaaaally nasty for a Rogue.

Gwen A. Mouse

Yep- that's what Pathfinder's base was.

Oh, man. I hear you. Same HP, and 13 AC- which still isn't very much. Zombies nommed on me in our first encounter, before I really knew that sorcerers are meant to use the rest of the party as a buffer zone. And unfortunately I can only use Magic Missile four times a day. :P I can cast Heavenly Fire x7/day though, and Ray of Frost an infinite number of times.

Oh my gosh- really? XD That's great! Charisma is my highest score, too, at 19... Hm. Maybe I should try something like that... You have given me ideas, Rus. Many somewhat evil ideas. ;D

No, not really. Other people in the party might, though. I'll talk to them for you if you'd like. (My opinion is that it should be predominantly rogue if you're looking to be a melée character, with just a few levels in sorcerer.) I thought elves made good rogues? Graceful, charismatic, and super stealthy. I always played a halfling as my rogue, though. They get nice bonuses for size, and they're naturally quiet. Plus, it's a preferred class for them.

...You can roll as a Lycanthrope? 0.0
"You need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up genocide. You'll see a little picture of me there and the caption'll read 'over my dead body'!" -The Doctor


Charisma is a Sorc's casting stat, so it's rather important. And yeah, I've only got four casts as well.

Wait, how do you have seven casts of anything? I've got five cantrips and four 1st-level spells per day. And what's Heavenly Fire? Ray of Frost sounds like Niac's Cold Ray, but with less copyright infringement... Apparently, in D&D, any spell that has a name in front of it was created by a caster in one of the original campaigns. And there were a lot of casters- I think that's the reason for the name Wizards of the Coast.

Elves aren't the best rogues, but not the worst. +2 Dex, -2 Con, Low-Light vision, +2 to Search, Listen, and Spot, and a couple proficiencies. I think that kinda pales in comparison to the human's bonus feat at 1st-level and the extra skill points. No bonuses to Hide, Move Silently, AC, or anything- Which means that Humans and Halflings generally are better for the job.

Yes, you can, if your DM will let you. It's in the Monster Manual. But if you play a Lycanthrope, your alignment is that of your animal- For a wolf, that's Chaotic Evil, which I'd really rather not be. You also get a +3 level adjustment, meaning that your level counts as three levels higher for the purposes of XP, which means you're always three levels behind your party- Which stings, especially for a Rogue.

Yeah, I'd appreciate it if you could ask your party any advice for a 3.5 core-only Rogue/Caster multiclass starting at level one. :)

Cornflower MM

I've heard of D&D...Never played it. That's the disadvantages of getting out once a week.  ::) Even though that means less headaches.....*Sigh*


D&D was the first RPG. Any game you see that has a typical fantasy setting? Elves, dwarves, different weapons, usually dragons, all that? All based off D&D.

Cornflower MM

Gwen A. Mouse

@ Corn: Ha- my group only meets once a week as well. For me though, staying home means more headaches. :)

@ Rus: I got Heavenly Fire because of my Bloodline (Celestial)- I can cast it 3+CHA modifier per day. Thus, x7. Zero-level spells can be cast an infinite number of times, but they're not very powerful at all. Ray of Frost is one; it just does 1d3 points of cold damage.

Really? Huh. I guess elves just struck me as the stealthy types. But yeah, halflings are generally the best (as long as you don't mind being a shorty ;)).

Ooh... Sounds great, as long as the level adjustment doesn't get in the way too much. But yeah, that would suck for a rogue.

Of course! I'll ask them tonight, then get back to you probably tomorrow. :)
"You need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up genocide. You'll see a little picture of me there and the caption'll read 'over my dead body'!" -The Doctor

Cornflower MM

Would either of you mind explaining (In great detail) about D&D? Y'all got me curious.

And, Gwen, the headache thing's hard to explain. Plus it can really freak people out....(And, if you think you know what I'm talking about, you may be wrong. ;))


Errr... What aspect of it? Combat? Character creation?

Cornflower MM

How about....Everything?


Everything. In D&D, that's a lot. I've got a 320 page book that details 1/3 of the information that's absolutely required to play the game. A friend of mine has a stack of books that come up to his waist on D&D, all completely valid rules for different things. I have no idea where I'd really begin, especially since D&D has no enforced setting and you can do literally anything you want in the game. I know someone who completely derailed their campaign and instead carried beer to a military encampment. In my campaign, we raided a cheese factory after graduating from the Adventurer's University. Yeah. No idea where to start.

Cornflower MM

Ummmmm....How about we start with character creation? That sounds much easier and simpler,.,...


@Rus: D&D may be the first fantasy rpg but almost nothing in it is original and I very much doubt that the other fantasy rpgs are copying D&D so much as they got the same idea but used the same elements as D&D did because the things D&D had were pretty much the staples of all fantasy in general
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan