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Heavily Plotted Duel: Agrena (Faiyloe) V.s Bella (Cornflower)

Started by Faiyloe, July 25, 2014, 01:25:29 AM

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It was early winter and the the snow floated lightly down from a pale gray sky and quickly melting when hit the queens road, a wide stone pathway leading threw the city and up to the tall stone castle standing on a hill towering up into the slowly darkening sky spires dispersing into the flurry of falling snow and brightly colored flags whipping around playfully in the wind. Cold bare trees lined the road which in spring would be covered in pink and white flowers which would loose there tiny petals to the wind to rain on those below, coating the ground in a carpet of pink for which the queen and king to place their royal feet. Yet the King and Queen had died not three years ago leaving there second daughter Bella Adrain the throne. 

A cloaked figure stood in the middle of the road looking up at the brightly lit windows of the castle as a feast went on inside and a hatred and contempt filled the onlookers heart. A paw touched a hilt and a silent promise was made as it had been many times before. Then It started purposefully towards the Castle.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Queen Bella was in the middle of eating her dinner, a pheasant, when she got word that someone was approaching the castle. She sighed, and stood up. The dining room was big, with floor length tapestries, a tiled floor with tiles of marble, the table was big and grand, the works. Bella half wondered if this person was coming to give news of her sister, but dismissed the idea. It was snowing ouside, but it was quite warm in the castle. Servants came and fussed, making sure the cat waspresentable.


OOC: Sorry I don't mean to be picky but could you at least make your first post a tad more detailed. Its way more fun that way. Just describe the setting from your point of view mainly. That way when the battle starts we already have the playing filed set up. I don't mean to be bossy or anything.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Out of characyer. Is that better? I was runn I n short oftime....


OOC: Yup thanks. That's better.  ;D

A young guard stood on the wall top watching the figure approach when a flurry of snow flew in his face temporarily blinding him when he looked up the figure was gone. He thoroughly scanned the landscape but could see no one threw the falling snow. Suddenly he was startled by a banging at the gate below and when he looked down he saw to his alarmed surprises the figure sanding there below a cloak concealing it's fetchers.

The Guard called down to it asking for identification but it said nothing instead taking its paw out from beneath its cloak and holding up a paw ring with the symbol of the secret service of the late king and queen. Most of which had gone missing. He looked at it in shock but gave the order for the gates to be opened and the stranger to be let in.

The figure passed threw the gate and started up the path to the double doors of the dining hall. The doors banged open and a gust of wind sent a flurry of snowflakes in threw the doorway and made the candles dance and flicker. The figure strode in and threw down the  Paw ring which skidded across the floor and stopped at the feet of the queen.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Bela was, to say the least,  shocked. She bent over and up he ring. 'Kedria?" She asked, looking at it, her v I certainly trembling.

Out of character. So, I was thinking, the duel could end with the two on good terms with each other.


OOC: Well see Bella would have to be pretty convincing to win her over. That's seven years of hatred.


The figure pushed back the hood of the cloak and undid the clasp in one swift motion, letting it fall to the floor, There stood a tall sturdy female cat. With eyes of gold and slim oval pupils that watched the queen with purpose. Her face and figure was hardened with hardship but beneath it all was a some what neglected beauty. She was dressed in a simple yet finely made tunic of deep crimson and gold fabric. Strapped to her back was a broadsword and at her side was a beautiful jewel encrusted dirk, made with black pearls and rubies, as well as a well polished dark gray mettle blade and a hilt adorned with silver. She drew this now and said coldly "I go by Agrena now,"     
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM


Bic Bella was startled. "Agrena, then. But, Agrena, why draw your sword?"


"Don't you remember the law. Kill on sight yet sight you have and I am still alive. It has been seven years, seven long hard years and now I have finally returned to take back what is rightfully mine." She said advancing smoothly The only sine of anger was her paw clenched tightly around the hilt of her dirk. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

"You want the throne? Take it! I never wanted it." Bella said truthfully, moving to stay by the table, casually. In truth, her weapons were hidden on the bottom of the table.


Agrena was slightly startled but did not let it show. However she did not believe her either. "You think you can fool me," She said stopping her advance when she was with in several paces of Bella. "For the past three years, ever since you ascended the throne, you have been sending your goons after me chasing me down, You where not content with me living my life in exile," 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Bella had her paws under the table, groping g or her we a pons. "I sent them to try and find you to bring you back, Agrena." She said calmly,  her paw closing around hand's of the mace.


"Yes so you could Kill me, You feared I was a threat and it seems you where right," She said. By now the servant's and one or two guarded had come and where starting towards Agrena to protect the queen. She spun around and pointed her dirk at them all "Say away any one who comes near me dies!" She was dead serious and they could tell she could and would keep her word.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

"What? No! That's not the way it was at all." Bella saod, hurt.


"You would say that wouldn't you, lies, lies all," And with that Agrena dove at her in an attempt to stab her with the Dirk keeping the weapon closer to her sisters left side then the right for in her other paw she held a dagger to use when Bella dodged. "This will be settled here!" 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?