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Dungeon Explorers

Started by Unimaginative, August 02, 2014, 02:37:38 PM

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A roleplay that will combine elements of both Redwall, and games like World of Warcraft.

One charismatic Mountain Pygmy Possum (MINE  >:(), has put together a crew in a small town, not to far from Redwall, which has been abandoned and is a dungeon itself. This crew is one of the first teams of Dungeon Explorers, who, of course, explore dungeons for fame and loot. It is an able group, and the Pygmy Possum has no doubts that they will be able to become well known for their exploits.

There will be an aspect of magic to this, as well as none living monsters. Your character can be a Caster or a Healer.

Here's the Signup Sheet:

Role: (Fighter, Archer, Etc)
Joined Because:

Here's my Character

Name: Jan Franco
Species: Mountain Pygmy Possum
Gender: Male
Age: 27 Seasons/Years
Weapon(s): Wit, and twin daggers.
Appearance: Tiny, of course. He has golden fur streaked with silver, and large round eyes. He is very thin and can easily fit into small spaces.
Clothes: A plain tunic and trousers, made out of green cloth.
Personality: Charismatic and Cheerful, as well as a born optimist.
Role: (Fighter, Archer, Etc) Theif. (Good at getting treasure away from monsters/enemies without being caught, good with traps, good with climbing.
Joined Because: Gold and Fame.

Jett's Characters
Name: Svek Varelse
Species: Sable
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Weapon(s): Two knives  but simpler
Appearance: Tall and thin for his species, he is lithe and agile but reasonably well muscled, he has a scar over his left eye
Clothes:  he also wears black leggings and boots
Personality: Svek is a strange case, seemingly bipolar his mood is either sullen, depressed and serious or jovial and carefree, no middle grounds. He makes attachments to very few and likes to keep his own counsel, no one truly knows him.
Role: Thief/Rogue
Joined Because: Riches
Other: N/A
Name: Selwyn Mabon
Species: Welsh polecat
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Weapon(s): Two swords resembling kampilans but not quite the same
Spoiler for Hiden:

Appearance: Selwyn is tall and well-muscled, he is also very agile and swift
Clothes:He wears a blue tunic and a piece of armour that covers his upper torso and shoulders
Spoiler for Hiden:

Personality: Selwyn is very stoic and rarely shows his emotions. He is incredibly honourable and if he likes you, he is incredibly loyal. He is quick to trust but is wary of Svek, he finds the sable incredibly sinister and disapproves of Alwyn's friendship with him. He is fiercely protective over his little brother.
Role: Fighter
Joined Because: To protect Alwyn
Other: He is Alwyn's older brother, in case that wasn't obvious
Name: Alwyn Mabon
Species: Welsh polecat
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Weapon(s): Xiphos sword

Appearance: Short and stocky, well muscled
Clothes: He wears a leather chestplate and shoulder plates, wrist guards and shin guards, also wears a  tattered hooded cloak made of a light brown material
Personality: Happy and carefree, he is also headstrong and reckless and rather enjoys the taste of battle even though someone his age should probably not have experienced it yet. He is fiercely loyal to those he considers his friends and is one of the few who is close to Svek.
Role: Fighter
Joined Because: Glory, wealth and a good opportunity to fight stuff

Rainshadow's Character
Name:  Suaren Beldur

Species:  Stoat

Gender:  Female

Age:  15

Weapon(s):  Suaren, or Ren, wields only a dagger, but isn't very skilled with it.  Her other weapon would be her fire magic, but she refuses to use that.  She doesn't say why, but unless there's no other choice, she won't use fire.

Appearance:  Short and thin, Ren is a rather small stoat, her black fur messy and scorched.  Her ears are pierced several times, each holding at least three or four brass rings and studs which match the colour of her eyes.  Said eyes are usually averted and are hidden by her hood, as they tend to startle other beasts.
 When angered, the defense mechanism inside the jill is triggered, forming flame-coloured tattoos along her body which stretch toward her paws, releasing fire.  This is something Ren hates, so she meditates often to keep from starting fires.

Clothes:  The stoat wears an oversized brown tunic with a hood and brown trousers, a black belt being fastened loosely around her hips and a blackened dagger hanging in an old, scorched scabbard on her left hip.

Personality:  Suaren is a quiet and reserved creature, unlike most of her kind, and will only speak when necessary.  She meditates daily, and when angered will often stop everything she's doing and start breathing deeply to keep from overheating.  She's shy and fearful, afraid of her own power, and tries to keep away from others at all costs.

Role:  Fire mage

Joined Because:  She won't give a reason why she's on the expedition.

Other:  Ren never speaks of her past.

Cornflower's Characters

Name:Arya Brushtail
Weapon(s):Bow and arrow, and a dagger. She keeps the dagger in it's sheath in her belt, and the bow and quiver is over her shoulders.
Appearance:Dark brown fur, her eyes change, so it;s impossible to pin down their exact color. One hour they'll be blue, the next brown.
Clothes:Blue tunic, plaited green belt, and green sandals.
Personality:Sweet, kind, and caring, not a very good leader, a very bad cook, and sassy. That would be Arya.
Role: (Fighter, Archer, Etc) Archer.
Joined Because: Why else? The fame and the booty.
Other:BLEEEEEEEP. (In other words, nothing.)

Name:Bryony Hazelstone.
Weapon(s):A hand-and-a-half sword, dagger.
Appearance: Hazel colored fur, and stormy grey eyes
Clothes: A dark grey shirt, with light grey pants.
Personality:Sweet, sassy, and feisty. A good leader, she has fifteen season's experience under her belt
Role: (Fighter, Archer, Etc) Healer. She has a pouch she uses to keep her herbs and such in.
Joined Because: Just because. It sounded like fun.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Cornflower MM

Can I have two characters? If not, I'll deal.


I think two characters should be alright.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Cornflower MM

Thanks, Hanny!

Name:Arya Brushtail
Weapon(s):Bow and arrow, and a dagger. She keeps the dagger in it's sheath in her belt, and the bow and quiver is over her shoulders.
Appearance:Dark brown fur, her eyes change, so it;s impossible to pin down their exact color. One hour they'll be blue, the next brown.
Clothes:Blue tunic, plaited green belt, and green sandals.
Personality:Sweet, kind, and caring, not a very good leader, a very bad cook, and sassy. That would be Arya.
Role: (Fighter, Archer, Etc) Archer.
Joined Because: Why else? The fame and the booty.
Other:BLEEEEEEEP. (In other words, nothing.)

Name:Bryony Hazelstone.
Weapon(s):A hand-and-a-half sword, dagger.
Appearance: Hazel colored fur, and stormy grey eyes
Clothes: A dark grey shirt, with light grey pants.
Personality:Sweet, sassy, and feisty. A good leader, she has fifteen season's experience under her belt
Role: (Fighter, Archer, Etc) Healer. She has a pouch she uses to keep her herbs and such in.
Joined Because: Just because. It sounded like fun.


Sounds good, I'd also like to make two characters, I'll do it when I have time
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


  Awesome idea, Han!  :D

Name:  Suaren Beldur

Species:  Mink

Gender:  Female

Age:  15

Weapon(s):  Suaren, or Ren, wields only a dagger, but isn't very skilled with it.  Her other weapon would be her fire magic, but she refuses to use that.  She doesn't say why, but unless there's no other choice, she won't use fire.

Appearance:  Short and thin, Ren is a rather small mink, her black fur messy and scorched.  Her ears are pierced several times, each holding at least three or four brass rings and studs which match the colour of her eyes.  Said eyes are usually averted and are hidden by her hood, as they tend to startle other beasts.
 When angered, the defense mechanism inside the sow is triggered, forming flame-coloured tattoos along her body which stretch toward her paws, releasing fire.  This is something Ren hates, so she meditates often to keep from starting fires.

Clothes:  The mink wears an oversized brown tunic with a hood and brown trousers, a black belt being fastened loosely around her hips and a blackened dagger hanging in an old, scorched scabbard on her left hip.

Personality:  Suaren is a quiet and reserved creature, unlike most of her kind, and will only speak when necessary.  She meditates daily, and when angered will often stop everything she's doing and start breathing deeply to keep from overheating.  She's shy and fearful, afraid of her own power, and tries to keep away from others at all costs.

Role:  Fire mage

Joined Because:  She won't give a reason why she's on the expedition.

Other:  Ren never speaks of her past.

Oversized tunic

 Just noticed that my character seems to be like Elsa from Frozen, only with fire instead of ice.  :P  I did NOT plan that, lol.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Quote from: Rainshadow on August 02, 2014, 07:38:02 PM
  Awesome idea, Han!  :D

Name:  Suaren Beldur

Species:  Stoat

Gender:  Female

Age:  15

Weapon(s):  Suaren, or Ren, wields only a dagger, but isn't very skilled with it.  Her other weapon would be her fire magic, but she refuses to use that.  She doesn't say why, but unless there's no other choice, she won't use fire.

Appearance:  Short and thin, Ren is a rather small stoat, her black fur messy and scorched.  Her ears are pierced several times, each holding at least three or four brass rings and studs which match the colour of her eyes.  Said eyes are usually averted and are hidden by her hood, as they tend to startle other beasts.
  When angered, the defense mechanism inside the jill is triggered, forming flame-coloured tattoos along her body which stretch toward her paws, releasing fire.  This is something Ren hates, so she meditates often to keep from starting fires.

Clothes:  The stoat wears an oversized brown tunic with a hood and brown trousers, a black belt being fastened loosely around her hips and a blackened dagger hanging in an old, scorched scabbard on her left hip.

Personality:  Suaren is a quiet and reserved creature, unlike most of her kind, and will only speak when necessary.  She meditates daily, and when angered will often stop everything she's doing and start breathing deeply to keep from overheating.  She's shy and fearful, afraid of her own power, and tries to keep away from others at all costs.

Role:  Fire mage

Joined Because:  She won't give a reason why she's on the expedition.

Other:  Ren never speaks of her past.

Oversized tunic

  Just noticed that my character seems to be like Elsa from Frozen, only with fire instead of ice.  :P  I did NOT plan that, lol.

Looks more like a Little Black Mink (subspecies of the American Mink) than a Stoat Rain

Name: Svek Varelse
Species: Sable
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Weapon(s): Two knives

but simpler
Appearance: Tall and thin for his species, he is lithe and agile but reasonably well muscled, he has a scar over his left eye

he also wears black leggings and boots
Personality: Svek is a strange case, seemingly bipolar his mood is either sullen, depressed and serious or jovial and carefree, no middle grounds. He makes attachments to very few and likes to keep his own counsel, no one truly knows him.
Role: Thief/Rogue
Joined Because: Riches
Other: N/A

Name: Alwyn Mabon
Species: Welsh polecat
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Weapon(s): Xiphos sword

Appearance: Short and stocky, well muscled
Clothes: He wears a leather chestplate and shoulder plates, wrist guards and shin guards, also wears a  tattered hooded cloak made of a light brown material
Personality: Happy and carefree, he is also headstrong and reckless and rather enjoys the taste of battle even though someone his age should probably not have experienced it yet. He is fiercely loyal to those he considers his friends and is one of the few who is close to Svek.
Role: Fighter
Joined Because: Glory, wealth and a good opportunity to fight stuff

"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Quote from: Jetthebinturong on August 02, 2014, 09:00:17 PM
Quote from: Rainshadow on August 02, 2014, 07:38:02 PM
  Awesome idea, Han!  :D

Name:  Suaren Beldur

Species:  Stoat

Gender:  Female

Age:  15

Weapon(s):  Suaren, or Ren, wields only a dagger, but isn't very skilled with it.  Her other weapon would be her fire magic, but she refuses to use that.  She doesn't say why, but unless there's no other choice, she won't use fire.

Appearance:  Short and thin, Ren is a rather small stoat, her black fur messy and scorched.  Her ears are pierced several times, each holding at least three or four brass rings and studs which match the colour of her eyes.  Said eyes are usually averted and are hidden by her hood, as they tend to startle other beasts.
  When angered, the defense mechanism inside the jill is triggered, forming flame-coloured tattoos along her body which stretch toward her paws, releasing fire.  This is something Ren hates, so she meditates often to keep from starting fires.

Clothes:  The stoat wears an oversized brown tunic with a hood and brown trousers, a black belt being fastened loosely around her hips and a blackened dagger hanging in an old, scorched scabbard on her left hip.

Personality:  Suaren is a quiet and reserved creature, unlike most of her kind, and will only speak when necessary.  She meditates daily, and when angered will often stop everything she's doing and start breathing deeply to keep from overheating.  She's shy and fearful, afraid of her own power, and tries to keep away from others at all costs.

Role:  Fire mage

Joined Because:  She won't give a reason why she's on the expedition.

Other:  Ren never speaks of her past.

Oversized tunic

  Just noticed that my character seems to be like Elsa from Frozen, only with fire instead of ice.  :P  I did NOT plan that, lol.

Looks more like a Little Black Mink (subspecies of the American Mink) than a Stoat Rain

  Hrm, well, I typed in "black stoat" and that's what it came up with.  Odd.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Try "melanistic" instead of "black" no guarantee it'll work but if it does at least it'll actually be a stoat. (There aren't any stoats that are commonly black, melanism is the closest it will get to that)
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Alright, all accepted, except for Jett's unfinished character.

Also: Hanny? Really?  ;)
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Cornflower MM

Yes, Hanny. You are to be called Hanny.


Quote from: Jetthebinturong on August 02, 2014, 09:24:21 PM
Try "melanistic" instead of "black" no guarantee it'll work but if it does at least it'll actually be a stoat. (There aren't any stoats that are commonly black, melanism is the closest it will get to that)

  Yeah, I just decided to change her to a mink 'cause I couldn't find any pictures of a black stoat.  Oh well.  ::)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I'm gonna give signups two more days before starting the roleplay.

Signups will not be closed, however, anyone joining after the roleplay begins will need to wait until it makes sense for someone new to join the team.

For example, while the group is traveling and stops in a town: Good time.

When the group is in the middle of a Dungeon: Not so good time.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Finished my guys.

Could I have a third character?
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


 I love these kind of RP's!

Name: Kremnick Iceheart
Species: Otter
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Weapon(s): Large staff with a white crystal on the top.
Appearance: His eyes are the color of ice. His fur is silver with a white streak on his forhead. When he uses his magic, his eyes glow whiter. 
Clothes: Wears a white hooded robe with a blue belt.
Personality: Has to be very calm to control his powers.
Role: (Fighter, Archer, Etc) Ice Mage
Joined Because: He wanted loot and adventure.
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)