Welcome, to the Barkhills

Started by The Skarzs, August 21, 2014, 10:25:49 PM

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Trillo, relieved that the massive creature in front of him was friendly, happily remarked:
"Trillo Thistledown, your lordship"
He wasn't overly fond of formalities, and shifted back and forth in the back of his group nervously, hoping that the dinner the great beast spoke of would not be far off.

The Skarzs

Drungren smiled."Very good. I open my home to you as friends, and hope you will be equally courteous." He waved a messenger and told him to give a message to the cooks of the newcomers. Karn sat down in the chair to the wolf's right.
"Come friends; dinner will be served shortly. You will be sitting with Lord Drungren tonight!"
Garan looked at the others, then hesitantly sat in a seat; surprisingly, it was very comfortable for being made of wood. "Lord Drungren," he said. "Thanks for your hospitality. Er, what kind of food do your cooks make?"
"Ah; for those of us who eat meat: anything you could imagine! And for those who do not eat meat. . ." He looked around. "Anything you could imagine! The cooks enjoy making a variety of dishes."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

Arya gingerly sat down, noticing the wood was rather comfortable, but preferring to hear what was on the menu.


Trillo sat down eagerly, his fears forgotten with the prospect of food. He hadn't eaten a thing since mid afternoon when he was still on the ship. Not even making a request for any specific type of food, he merely sat, a fork in his right hand and a knife in his left, and licked his lips. He calmly decided that he would devour whatever sort of food was set in front of him.

Cornflower MM

Arya waited, still, to hear the menu. 'Anything you could imagine!' seemed a bit like bragging.

The Skarzs

The cooks began bringing food in; savory pies, meatless and meat, potatoes (both baked and mashed), scones, pasties, fresh vegetables, steamed vegetables, sauces, gravies, light and hearty breads of numerous kinds, soups and stews, boiled cattail roots, berries and fruits, countless drinks, and some full meat dishes..
More creatures entered the room to eat, mostly council members and officers, but a dozen or more of the working creatures also joined them at table, including the master blacksmith, an ambassador from the mustelid clans, and agricultural leaders.
"Please, welcome our guests from a far away land," announced Drungren. "Now, let us eat!"
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Gwen A. Mouse

It had been a long time since Ginny had seen so much food in one place- and of a good quality, too. She found herself sitting across from Trillo, who looked quite eager to begin. Hiding a smile, she began to fill her own plate. The mouse facing her wasn't the only hungry beast there.
"You need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up genocide. You'll see a little picture of me there and the caption'll read 'over my dead body'!" -The Doctor

Cornflower MM

Arya filled her plate with food, carefully looking at what she served herself. She didn't want to eat any meat - Who knew what creature it was?


 Ashtail stared in wonder at the vast amount of food before him. Having spent most of his life eating wood pigeons and fish, virtually everything on the table was new to him. He had trouble deciding what to eat at first, but eventually chose a roast trout, some sort of chicken-like bird, and the leg of some large animal. He was aware of a few herbivores regarding him with disgust, but he didn't mind. He was a carnivore by nature, and no beast was going to tell him what he had to eat!

Cornflower MM

Arya noticed Ashtail putting meat on his plate, and wrinkled her nose resignedly. He was a 'vermin' (She did not use the phrase offensively. Just like she was termed woodlander, he was termed vermin. There was good vermin.), and being carnivorous was, sadly to her, his nature.

The Skarzs

Karn ate a variety of what was set on the table; nearly every kind of food. Drungren did in like manner, but with significantly much less food than Karn. "You're going to get fat eating so much," the wolf commented to his friend. The cougar swallowed. "I remember you eating more than this before, when you were with me on patrols." The wolf lord nodded. "Yes; sometimes I wish I still could."

OOC: I'm going to introduce the bad guy when they're done eating, alright?
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

OOC: Okay. I hope you don't mind me introducing Dain right now. Also, I'm thinking that Dain and Lord Drungren are semi-friends? At the least, they like each other's company? If not, I'm-a going to have to change this,.

BIC: At that moment, the doors opened and a coyote entered, bowed, and said, "Lord Drungren, I am so very sorry for being late." Dain apologized, shifting from paw to paw, waiting for Drungren to answer.

The Skarzs

"Ah, hello, Dain; how good of you to come." Drungren said, motioning toward an empty chair. "Come; eat."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

"Thanks, Lord." Dain said, smiling. He hurried to his seat, remarking: "I see we have guests. I am Dain Pendragon. It's nice to meet you all."


The door opened once again as soon as Dain had taken his seat. A slow witted grey rat entered the chamber with practiced carelessness. He looked around the room, as though bored, and his eyes settled on the newcomers. An angry looking sneer crossed his face for a split second before he allowed the door to slam close. Not bothering to apologize for his tardiness, Jackaw Chaintooth swaggered to an empty table and sat, spitting on the tiled floor on his way. He banged on the table, a signal that his food was to be brought. As the cooks retrieved what was left of dinner, he eyed the door, expecting his real chief to come through the door any minute now. His tail swished below the table in foul temper.

OOC: Hopefully that will be a good lead in for the real bad guy. ;) best I could do.