
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Overlord's Orders X

Started by Taggerung_of_Redwall, August 27, 2014, 03:22:11 PM

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OOC: Round will be closing tomorrow. Got about 24 hours for more posts
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


"Well, clearly you all had a nice spot of fun out in that quaint solar system. It's a shame that fun never even got remotely close to your task. But it's not surprising you did so poorly, given your propensity to goof off and not prepare. Don't you know Rockmonsters are dangerous? Well, no matter, most of you can be useful to me again."

The lights dimmed and became blue, adding a chilling feeling to the room. A crashed sounded out in the hall, and a book flew in from a previously unseen, hidden door. The book hit pluggfiretail square on the head, and he toppled over backwards, straight into a waiting shaft in the floor. The shaft went somewhere. At least, the Overlord thought it linked up to some brig or transport pod in the base.

A day later, the five remaining servants were arrayed before the Overlord, awaiting instructions.

"Remember Earth? Of course you do, you're all originally from there, at one point in time or another. Anyway, you're going back. You're not going to try and find someone again though. You're going to find yourselves, like you never have before and as is required on a daring mission where all you will have is your wits and each other to rely on. No, just kidding, that would get you all killed almost immediately. You'll have a powerful drone from my arsenal to accompany you as you track down a stolen blueprint. The drone's name is Dill and he is very capable. I need the blueprints for something none of you will ever have anything to do with, with any luck. You'll find the blueprints in the Quantum Hotel, twelfth floor, first room on the right from the elevator. There will be a safe marked 'Kitchen explosives'. I have it on mildly good authority that is a mislabel."


A day had past and the servants were once again before the Overlord. They were there for three hours before the Overlord finished with whatever it was he was doing on the panels in the chamber. It would have been a good guess it was supposed to give them time to reflect and gather their thoughts so as to have a more effective post-mission discussion. In reality, it was because the Ice Penguins' breathes had been growing hotter recently and the servants' feet weren't properly secured to the floor, though they didn't know that. The Overlord gave the penguins time to get chillier breathes, instead of, say, engaging a little artificial cool to supplement them with a push of a button.

"You should all be cooler now than when you first arrived, fresh from your newest glorious success. What's that? No blueprints? Explain yourselves!"
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away

rachel25 see sir its all TaM's fault. On the way to Earth he was throwing things at Dill. So wheb we reached earth, and headed for the hotel Dill was very angry. But then TaM throw a snowball at Dill, and Dill lost it. He began chasing TaM and blowing stuff up.


 I tried to stop Tam from throwing thins at Dill, but he refused to listen to me. I told the others that we should try to calm Dill down, but they absolutely refused to listen to me as well. Once we got on Earth and Dill began blowing stuff up, I was forced to grab his power cell and turn him off. (all the others were running around screaming of course)

Tam and Martin

Quote from: rachel25 on September 09, 2014, 12:30:01 PM see sir its all TaM's fault. On the way to Earth he was throwing things at Dill. So wheb we reached earth, and headed for the hotel Dill was very angry. But then TaM throw a snowball at Dill, and Dill lost it. He began chasing TaM and blowing stuff up.
OOC: I really didn't understand this post "But then TaM throw a snowball at Dill, and Dill lost it". Mind explaining?

BIC: The reason I was throwing stuff at Dill was because I saw several poisonous microscopic insects on him - Parasites that were using it as a host. The reason I couldn't just take them off was because Rachel had been telling Dill several lies about me like that I was treacherous and deceitful so Dill wouldn't allow me to get close to itself. Knowing that the insects would eventually eat up Dill, I had to throw things on him to protect it from being destroyed. Dill though, thanks to Rachel's nonsense, wasn't going to allow me to get close to him. That explains that.

When we got to the hotel, Dill was even madder at me because Izeroth told it "See? You can't trust him. He is trying to destroy you.". When Dill heard that he tried to chase me around the place. I couldn't help it. I had thrown a snowball at him before to try to rid it of the parasites when last time and that did it. He chased me even harder and I screamed for someone to help. James, Thankfully, came to the rescue and got Dill under control.

That explains it Lord.

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000

James Gryphon

OOC: "lose it", in this context, is "to get angry; to lose one's temper."
Tagg@: I know that Cornflower said she had to bow out, but since she did it mid-game, is she still available for blame/elimination?

Gryph, who had been watching Rachel, Izeroth and Tam, shook his head and sighed. "There y'all go again."

He paused for dramatic effect, then continued. "Like I repeatedly tried to tell everyone, to no avail, this entire incident could have been avoided with just a little bit of due caution. Tiria warned us, when we first saw Dill on the ship, that his model of combat drone is extremely gullible and will believe anything that their allies tell them. But Rachel disagreed with her, and said she was going to "prove Tiria was wrong". Then she ran up to Dill and told him, "Okay, everyone here are your friends, except that guy", pointing to Tam. "He's a dangerous prisoner. We need to make sure he doesn't escape."

"Well, he powered up his weapons, and kept them trained on Tam. Rachel laughed, said "Isn't that funny!", and then went into the bathroom, "to do her hair". I tried to talk Dill out of believing what Rachel told him, as he insisted on guarding Tam in the brig, and wouldn't think of letting Tam fly the ship. However, I heard the computer say over the intercom "Self-destruct sequence activated", so I left them to go to the control room to see what was wrong."

"As it turned out, Izeroth was there, pressing the destruct button over and over again. I got him out of the way, cancelled the destruct sequence, and took the controls, but because he insisted on 'helping' me, I didn't have any more time to try to rescue Tam, and had to stay there for the rest of our flight to make sure our voyage was safe. Izeroth passed the time by imitating our fellow servants. He did say "Ooh, we should try to calm Dill down, he might hurt me", while he was mimicking Tam's voice. Obviously, while I thought that Dill did need calming, I didn't take Izeroth's statement as an indication that he was inclined to help do anything about it."

"When we landed outside the hotel, and were getting ready to leave the ship, I noticed Tiria slip a canister into her purse. When I asked her about it, she said, "Oh, that holds my venomous microscopic bugs. They can eat anything. I keep them for emergencies.""

"Anyway, we got the blueprints without any difficulty, and gave them to Tam, figuring that he should be safe enough, with Dill guarding him. It seemed like we would get away without any trouble, but then Tam threw the snowball, Izeroth said what he did (albeit, while making fun of Rachel), and Dill's self-preservation routines kicked in, causing him to try to exterminate Tam. It was very loud due to the plasgun fire, and we were all screaming conflicting orders at Dill. I was able to convince him to hold his fire at first, but then Tiria screamed, "Don't listen to anyone else, they don't know what they're talking about." Then she said, "Shoot anything around the prisoner." So Dill started blowing up everything next to Tam, including the blueprints Tam was holding. With Dill's attention focused on his target, Izeroth took his power cell out, and Dill disintegrated, which, incidentally, also destroyed the photographic copy of the blueprints he had in his memory banks."

"So, that is why we had to come back empty-handed. I trust that your Majesty can tell who is to blame for this debacle."
« Subject to editing »


OOC: No, she's out of the game
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


It is true that I told Dill TaM was our prisoner, but only because I thought Dill would protect him. Because then we could give him the blueprints. And when I went to the bathroom to do my hair, I found Izeroth in there playing with a grenade. So I took the grenade off him, and chased him out, and told him to go, and sit in the control room.

Later, when Dill's power cell had been taken out, Izeroth began playing with grenades again. He blew the power cell up, and the entire hotel. And whilst that was happening Tiria was skipping around throwing her bugs everywhere!


 I was pressing the destruct button because Tam had sprayed me in the eyes with mace and destruct looked like "change settings" to me. I was trying to change Dill's settings to make him less angry, you see. 

I went to the bathroom to find some soap to wash my hands, but found that some fool had left an active grenade in there. I, being the explosives expert I am, managed to pull out the fuss before it could detonate, but then Rachel came in and started screaming that I was trying to kill us! She took the grenade off me and threw me in the control room.

I was making sarcastic remarks because Tiria thought it would be funny to use the sarcasm-gas spray can on me. She just sat there laughing while I succumbed to its effects.

Later, when Dill was shooting, I attempted to grab Dill's power switch and turn him off. Rachel then came out and said "catch!", throwing the very same activated grenade at me. I grabbed it and tried to fix it, but it was so messed up that there was no repairing it. It exploded and destroyed Dill, of course.

Tiria Wildlough

'Overlord, when I shouted at Dill not to listen and to shoot everyone, I was simply so frustrated at everyone that I yelled, and it came out louder than I thought. I tend to lose my temper when people don't cooperate, but it was certainly not my fault in this case. In between other frustrating acts, Tam had been constantly poking me during our trip. He seemed to think it was funny, but it triggered my nervous condition. So you cannot blame me for being at my wits' end by the time I yelled at Dill.
I did think it would be funny to use the sarcasm-spray gun on Izeroth, because I was extremely stressed and needed a laugh. It worked--I felt immediately better. I was not aware that it would cause trouble.
I wasn't actually throwing my microscopic bugs around. Rachel must have been mistaken. They are, after all, microscopic. I was actually trying to dodge the bombs, while feeling in my purse to see if the bugs were okay. It may have looked like I was throwing something, but I wasn't.'
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


OOC: Round will be closing tomorrow. Last chance for more defenses. Really happy how things are shaping up this round.
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


My lord, I did not mean to throw the grenade at Izeroth. I reached into my satchel and picked it up, thinking it was a power cell reseter-thing. But instead it was the grenade, which I had given to Tiria, but she then gave it back to me, disguised as a cupcake. She thought it would be funny to see me eat an explosive, and see me blow up. It was only because I was busy, that I didn't eat it

Tiria Wildlough

'I actually disguised it as a cupcake so that no one would see it was a grenade and throw it around. I did mean to disable it, but I'm not sure if it worked.'
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.

Tam and Martin

Well, My Lord, it appears I need to explain.

First off, I had sprayed Izeroth with the mace spray (BIC:I do not know what that is but I will guess. If my description isn't right just tell me) because he was looking really tired, like he was going to fall asleep. On the back of the can it said "Can be used to keep tired people awake." So I figured I would use it. Izeroth got all mad at me though because he said he wasn't tired at all even though he had several rings around his eyes.

Now, Why I had been poking Tiria is a different story. Remember earlier how I was saying that there were microscopic bugs on Dill? Well I thought I might have seen one on Tiria - Scurrying around on her. I tried poking it off. After awhile, she got really mad with me and I said to her "Just one more poke and it will be off." So I poked her once more and killed the bug. Then I laughed with victory because I had finally succeeded with killing it. Also, it wasn't me that triggered her nervous system. That was the bug. As soon as I got the bug off, her nervous condition ended - So did my finger which is why she thought it was my finger that caused her nervous system to react. That was the end of that. She never understood why I was doing it though because then Rachel came up and yelled in our ears a bunch of strange words like
"Must go to the sore and drive our doughnut to the cheesy smiley"

Why she said that, I am not sure.

I hope that sheds some more light on the subject.

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


A light flashed, and complete silence fell over the room. One of the computer screens in the large chamber powered up and an image of a giant eye surrounded by two wheels flickered on it briefly, and then a small explosion sounded from one of the adjacent corridors. The screen went dark and turned off, thanks to some fast button-pressing from the Overlord. He was genuinely surprised by the intrusion via one of the overhanging monitors but decided to ignore it for now.
"I am greatly displeased by the failure to acquire those blueprints. But honestly, it is immensely clear to me how this mission failed as spectacularly as it managed to. Lying to Dill? And getting him destroyed. I liked that drone. This couldn't have gone worse, you should all know."
The Overlord pressed three buttons in rapid succession, all of them big and blue. The doors opened and two drones rode in, on a straight course to rachel25 and sucked her into a tubular vault they carried between them. They proceeded to cruise out of the room and away to their small transport ship.
"I'm told the drone-makers of Rigel Zero are in need of making their drones more people-friendly. They've requested volunteers to serve as consultants on how humans behave and communicate. I'm sure a human who served an Overlord will be an excellent addition to the lineup."

A day later, the four servants were before the Overlord to receive new orders.
"It just so happens, a time-travelling horologist I meet once was able to break a prisoner out of jail one time. He did this by bribing the guard of the prison and getting a cupcake into the facility. If it wasn't for the prisoner actually eating the cupcake after removing the hidden key from it and quite literally leaving a trail of breadcrumbs, he wouldn't have had any trouble getting out and escaping. Anyway, I need a cake. Not a cupcake mind you, it needs to be much larger. I will need a very specifically shaped cake in all dimensions."

The Overlord held up quite a large bronze key and continued. "Make sure you follow the directions meticulously. It is imperative the cake meet the exact dimensions and composition as is written in the cookbook. Head to the base's kitchens and get to work. Report back in three hours."


There was not a cake in the Overlord's chamber. However, there were four flour-covered servants in the room with bits of paper, frosting and eggshells coating them.

"I see no cake, and yet somehow you lot have enough cake supplies on you to bake a few extra. Why is there no cake here?"
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away