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Rebuilding Mossflower Country Steampunk Roleplay

Started by Thomas Barkshield, September 20, 2014, 07:37:14 PM

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The chipmunk nodded as he flew off, ruffling the fur of the nearby beasts. However, this vaguely dramatic scene was ruined by the twirling and yelping other chipmunk and his aero-bird.
~Just a soft space boi~


Vicky grinned at Arya. "Nope! It's worth a shot, though."
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


   The silhouette dove, and the cloud parted to reveal an aeroplane. They were not entirely unheard of, but extremely rarely used due to their limited cargo capacity and extreme fragility. They were usually not more than prototypes, but this one seemed to be fully functional... And aggressive.
   In a flash of wood and brass, canvas and fur, it dove, spiraling towards the aero-birds. As it dove it released short bursts of Gatling gun fire directly at the aero-birds, before twisting and diving below the hull of the airship with the brass-plated balloon.


Ooc: Chose to shoot at me a bit? We'll see bout that! :D

Bic: One of the birds spiraled downwards, too which two chipmunks fell after after releasing a meager burst of gunfire. Their parachutes deployed in blooms of white canvas, and they drifted towards the ground. A large latch in the hull of the ship opened halfway, releasing two small fly-mechs and war balloon. The balloon slowly drifted towards the plane, firing three cannonballs. The flies released bursts of gunfire as the flapped towards the plane. On the deck, a squad of creatures fired rifles, but from this distance they were very inaccurate. On one of the flies, a squirrel bearing stylish goggles, one of the new fads, began arming himself with bomb-stoppers.
~Just a soft space boi~


   The plane did an aileron roll, neatly moving out of the line of fire of the cannons. It spun towards the war balloon, releasing more fire at its airbag. A few shots pierced the wings and body f the craft, but it hummed diligently towards Hadrian's ship. Firing bursts of bullets at the airship's balloon, the plane dove down behind Hadrian's ship.

OOC: Not a barrel roll, an aileron roll is what you likely think a barrel roll is, they're entirely different things. Also, how the heck does a WAR BALLOON fit inside an airship? Unless the balloon was deflated (Taking several minutes to inflate), or your ship is three or four times the size of a normal airship (And the balloon burns fuel constantly?), that makes no sense whatsoever.

Oh, and the reason I'm doing a bunch of stuff in one post is because the plane is actually quite fast- ~145 MPH, airships and any bird like flapping maching would be much slower. Also... The pilot has pretty good reflexes. If it seems like I'm GM'ing a little, maybe as of now I am, but I don't want this character to die just yet ;)


Ooc: It's fine.  And there is an actual ting called a war balloon? I just thought it sounded cooler then "Balloon with cannons on it"  :P

Bic: The balloon begin too deflate slowly but diligently, and receded towards the ground, along with the screams of some poor beast. The bullets flying towards the ship were lodged in the baloons' plating, and one nearly punctured after making it through the plating, but luckily had lost its power. The flies continued to fire bullets at the plane, and the squirrel tossed the the bomb-stoppers (Using impact mode) at the plane, and the shot off on a straight course towards where it would be in the coming moments, without otherwise moving.
~Just a soft space boi~


Seconds before the plane would be struck, the creature in the pilot seat threw a few switches and was thrown out of the cockpit... Moments afterward, a contraption unfolded from its back and it was gliding down into the deadly forests below, on wings of canvas and with a gleaming propulsion pack spewing copper-tinted fire.

OOC: I had assumed you meant 'manned hot air balloon with guns on it' which would require similar proportions to that of a real hot air balloon to hold itself up- If anything, it would actually require a bigger balloon due to the hundreds (if not thousands) of pounds of cast iron- Thus making it far too big to fit in the hull of an airship, again, unless your ship is four times as large as anything else.

Was that an incorrect assumption?

Then again, we are flying airships, which are (unfortunately) some of the most illogical modes of transport ever (never) devised... Zeppelins make sense, but airships would require a far larger balloon and much more hydrogen/helium... And that's what they'd have to run off of, not heat.

Cornflower MM

Arya wrinkled her noes. "Okay." She muttered, wondering if the Quarry was worth all this as she went to clean something. She wasn't sure what, but she was going to clean something.


 Hadrian watched the attack with interest. These airplanes were of an interesting design; he would have to recover one for later study. He felt a small amount of pity towards the bronze ship, but not enough to want to help it. He wasn't going to waste his equipment and crew to help a beast he had just met.


As the beasts aboard the Bronze Queen watched their attacker glide down to the entrapping weed, they took a few meager shots at it, and one of the flies puttered down toward it.

Ooc: My ship is a cargo, so u guess its pretty large. It may have been deflated and then blown up as the battle was happening to prepare for attack. Is that PP?
~Just a soft space boi~

Cornflower MM

OOC: Well, it depends. Did you state the balloon was being defl;ated and blown up earlier? If not, then I'd have to say yes, it is PP. But unless it's some sort of huge, RP-changing deal, I wouldn't worry about it too terribly much, since you asked. Of course, I may be wrong.


 Seeing that the attacker was now gliding to the ground, Hadrian ordered his crew to lower the altitude of steel fist. He hoped he might capture the enemy and, if nothing else, get some information out of him. Surely, a beast with such advanced technology would have interesting things to say.


Ooc: Ok Corn.

Bic: The Bronze Queen suddenly released smaller fly like beasts: just big enough to take a beast lying inside it, plus controls and mechanisms, making it perhaps twice as large as, well, a beast lying down. The quadruplet of mini-flies quickly flapped their way toward the aero-plane, pushed by the bellows seen earlier on the back of the ship. The released a few short bursts of gunfire, but held back until the got closer to conserve ammo.
~Just a soft space boi~


EDIT: Oops, that didn't happen. I'm stupid.


OOC: Wait, didn't your airplane just get destroyed?