The Song of the Explorer. Sign-ups Closed.

Started by Delthion, September 22, 2014, 10:54:48 PM

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Here's my idea: There would be a gathering of all kinds of creatures, gathered at the western shores of Salamandastron. All set on a solitary goal; the discovery of the land of Thairn, a land of myth and fable far to the west. There are other ships such as Merchants and Pirates. Mullaith is the fortress of legend at the center of Thairn. As for ships you may use either a Carrack, a Galley, or a Caravel.

If you make a ship, then you assume control of all of the ship, unless someone joins it, if you want to join a ship please PM the Captain of the ship that you want to join before posting your sheet. If you are fighting a player, then you should PM them before doing serious damage to them or their ship.

At Thairn there are said to be huge groups of primitive and mildly insane Flitchaye, attacking anything and everything that is not one of them.

You can be either a Pirate, merchant or explorer, if you are a pirate then you must at least once fight another vessel either a merchant or explorer.

 For those of you who do not know much about these ships (which would include me) here are blurbs from Wiki regarding each of them:

 Caravel: The caravel was a ship developed by the Portuguese and used from the 15th century on for oceanic exploration voyages. Unlike the longship and cog, it used a carvel method of construction. It could be either square rigged and lateen rigged (Caravela Redonda) or only lateen rigged (Caravela Latina).

Galley: Galleys had been in use for trade and warfare since at least the 8th century BC and remained in use throughout the Middle Ages. Rowing was the primary method of propulsion, which was well-suited for often fickle winds of the Mediterranean, where they were primarily used. The galley was also used in the waters of Northern Europe, but to a lesser extent since its low freeboard and lack of stability in rough seas made it vulnerable.

 Carrack :The carrack was a ship type invented in southern Europe in the 15th century and particularly developed in Portugal in the same century. It was a larger vessel than the caravel.

The more experienced role-players can have as many characters as they can handle, but if you're rather new to it please stick to one character.

Some characters will die, sometimes ships might sink, if this happens you may post a new character or not, it's your choice.

Any advice is welcome.

Character Sheet

Ship Class: (Merchant, Pirate or Explorer.)
Ship Type: (Carrack, Caravel or Galley.)
Ship Name:
Position: (Captain, First Mate etc.)
Extras: (Such as Earrings and Bracelets.)
Native Land:

My Characters
Species: Squirrel,
Name: Onoirath Sprucepaw,
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Ship Class: Explorer,
Ship Type: Caravel,
Ship Name: The Bonnie Prince Charlie (Or just The Prince.)
Position: Captain,
Appearance: Orange fur, emerald green eyes, and a scar running from his left ear to the corner of his mouth.
Clothes: Forest green, tunic and cap.
Weapons: Spear, and longbow.
Personality: Rather open, can be grave. Kindhearted toward his crew.
Extras: None.
Native Land: Far to the east of Redwall.
History: Used to be an Earl of the Sprucewoods, but then a noble family took over and he had fought against them for the royal family, the family that took over had sent assassins but they had all been foiled. He had always longed for the sea so he pounced on the opportunity to possibly discover Thrain.
Other: Has an Irish Wolfhound named Dilseth.

Species: Weasel
Name: Ceaite
Age: 49
Gender: Male
Ship Class: None.
Ship Type: None.
Ship Name: None.
Position: Leader of the Flitcheye
Appearance: A very raggedy weasel, patches of grey and brown fur appear it tangled tufts.
Clothes: He wears a ratty jacket which he procured from a dead sailor shipwrecked at Thairn
Weapons: A spear and a blowgun
Personality: Extremely insane and can very easily become irritated for no reason at all.
Extras: None.
Native Land: Thairn.
History: He was born into a low ranking Flitchaye family and fought hs way to become their leader, his favorite pastime is scavenging for useful things among the shipwrecks.

Han's Character
Species: Red Fox
Name: Sigith Helsing
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Ship Class: (Merchant, Pirate or Explorer.): Merchant
Ship Type: (Carrack, Caravel or Galley.) Carrack
Ship Name: Groom of the Sea Goddess
Position: (Captain, First Mate etc.) Captain
Appearance: This, and relatively short. Sigith's muzzle is beginning to Gray despite his youth, and so are the base of his ears, though the rest of his fur is a dark red, with streaks of silver and black in them.
Clothes: A dark purple jacket, and cloth trousers that go down to his ankles. He wears tall boots, and often has a cape draped over his shoulders. He wears a brown belt around his waist.
Weapons: A rapier kept in his belt, and several knives also in the belt.
Personality: Some would say Cold and Calculating, but Sigith prefers the term Logical and Calm. He will sacrifice in order to protect beasts he cares about, as long as they don't get in the way of his successful trade monopoly. He enjoys his luxuries, and has a ornately decorated cabin for himself. Despite his general frostiness, he is very charismatic, and a popular and appealing figure among crewbeasts.
Native Land: Mossflower County
History: Part of the reason he loves his monopoly is because of a dark past. Born into slavery on an infamous pirate ship, he worked to earn his freedom, getting on the captain's good side, until he was able to join the crew. One month later Sigith organized a rebellion, marooned the former captain, and spent the next five years raiding the coasts. The Fox became well known under the assumed name Captain Dread Roberts. After a time, he became bored of this raiding, and moved onto the straight and narrow, beginning a successful trade monopoly. Though officials have tried to attribute Captain Dread Roberts raids to Sigith several times, they were unsuccessful, as Sigith has most of the lands judges on a pay-roll.

Abbot Alf's Character
Species: Mouse
Name: Jacob Sparra
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Ship Class: Pirate
Ship Type: Carrack
Ship Name: The Black Abbey
Position: Captain
Appearance: Larger than average mouse, light brown fur, green eyes
Clothes: Black leather garbs covering his entire body, a large black widebrim hat w/ blue feather, large black boots
Weapons: Large Cutlass
Personality: Greedy, lustful, charming, flirtatious, swashbuckling
Extras: Earring on left ear, necklace with a rare jewel called the Shogun's Talisman
Native Land: The port city of Agutrot
History: decendant of the legendary corsair Barbossa and Elizabeth Sparra. LONG decendant of Michael the Knight, distant relative of Maximus the Ranger, born in the exotic land of Jima, but raised in the alleys of Argutrot.
Other: Recruiting any experienced seafarers to man the ancient sails of the Black Abbey! Other players feel free to join us and our cursed crew!

Rain's Character
Name:  Silonna Greenholm

Species:  Calico cat

Age:  27 seasons

Gender:  Female

Ship Class:  Explorer

Ship Type:  Caravel

Ship Name:  The Bonnie Prince Charlie

Position:  Cook

Appearance:  Silonna is a calico she-cat with bright, emerald green eyes.  Her fur is short and sleek, making her look thinner than normal, but she's very healthy.  Silonna's main fur colour is a bright ginger.  The other two colours are black and white, black being the more dominant of the two.

Clothes:  The she-cat wears a cream-coloured blouse with short sleeves and open shoulders.  Over top of that, she wears a black button-up vest that is almost always unbuttoned.  She has a dark forest green scarf that is wound loosely around her neck.  A sash of the same colour is tied around her waist, into which a rapier is tucked.  She also has a lute carried on her back, held on by a black leather strap which runs diagonally from her left shoulder to her right hip, with the body of the instrument at her shoulder.
 On her long legs, Silonna wears grey trousers with two pockets that she likes to shove her paws into.  She has black boots covering her footpaws.

Weapons:  The cat is the best with her rapier, and has it on her person at all times.  She prefers not to use it, but has it for emergencies.  She also carries a small knife in her boot, hidden away from sight.
 Another thing she claims is a weapon would be her lute.  She occasionally uses this to mock her opponents, singing annoying ditties whilst strumming her instrument.  She doesn't do it often, but when she does, she's rewarded with enraged, and rather clumsy, foes.

Personality:  Silonna is a shy, quiet cat, who prefers being alone to being in a crowd.  She loves to sing, but is afraid to show her talents to anybeast.  But, the calico does play her lute in public.
 One thing that the cat is is a kind creature.  She tries to do her best to not be cruel or rude, but to be polite and generous to everybeast, even her enemies.
 Lately, however, Silonna has turned from being shyly cheerful to depressed at all times, speaking only to a few and avoiding eye contact at all costs.  She won't talk to anybeast about what's troubling her, but can sometimes be found emerging from her bunk with tear-soaked fur and puffy eyelids.  Her mood is known to swing from sadness to anger, from a bit of happiness to truly not caring at all.

Extras:  The cat has two small, brass hoop earrings, one in the base of each ear.  She wraps a leather strap around her right wrist for no particular reason, but she claims that one day she'll need to use it for something.

Native Land:  The cook won't say where she's from; the only thing beasts have been able to get out of her is that she used to live far across the sea.

History:  The calico doesn't talk to anybeast about herself, and if asked about her past, she usually only says a few things: she used to sail under a different flag, and that she was caught in the midst of a mutiny.  She was thrown overboard, and soon after, she came to the Bonnie Prince Charlie.  Now she sails as its cook.  Silonna doesn't say anything else.

Other:  The she-cat can become very cross when someone insults her cooking.  Also, her nickname was once Ginger, and some still call her this, but she claims she absolutely hates the nickname, and is prone to snapping at those who use it.

Wylder's Characters
Species: Fox
Name: Sir Leonas Drayton
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Ship Class: Explorer
Ship Type: Caravel
Ship Name: The Leah
Position: Captain
Appearance: Sir Drayton is a very gallant looking fox, with a brave smile and a twinke in his eye. He has a medium build, thick, lustrous red fur, and bright green eyes.
Clothes: He has an excellent sense of fashion, and usually wears a well cut uniform tunic with an explorer's vest and a sash, rounded off with a dashing red cloak and a feathered admiral's cap set at a jaunty angle.
Weapons: Rapier, Flintlock pistol
Personality: Sir Drayton is gentlemanly and gallant- at least until danger strikes. He is, above all, a coward. Otherwise, he is well-spoken and enthusiastic about his ideas- which can be problematic as he is not all that bright. He can endure the ship's food- though he eats far better than the crew- but loves fine wine and has a weakness for beautiful women.
Extras: A gold gorget and gold cuffs
Native Land: Southsward
History: Sir Drayton is a rich lord- he is actually a count, but thinks "Sir Leonas Drayton" sounds more dramatic. He read some (very romanticized) accounts of exploration at sea and promptly decided to turn sailor. His family was by no means disappointed, and helped him purchase a ship and crew so as to get the bufoon out of the house. He luckily was able to obtain the skilled, but young, sailor Jareth Skyreach as the mate, or no doubt a mutiny would have happened long ago, despite his only having been a sailor for about a month.

Species: Wildcat
Name: Jareth Skyreach
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Position: First Mate
Appearance: Jareth is a muscular blue tom with piercing blue eyes. He is quite tall.
Clothes: He wears a loose, sleeveless tunic and trousers so as to not interfere with his jumping and climbing. He has a leather belt with a couple pouches and a dagger hanging off it.
Weapons: Longsword, daggers
Personality: Jareth is a rather unusual sailor- he is quiet and temperate. He is introverted to the point of shyness, but friendly. He is thoughtful and intelligent, and pays careful attention to others. He is a courageous warrior and enjoys battle, but does give quarter if asked (He dumps them overboard).
Extras: Jareth does not like jewelry- he thinks it gaudy and unattractive.
Native Land: Salamandastron
History: An orphan brought up in the dock wards of Salamandastron, Jareth has been sailing nearly as long as he has been walking. While many orphans turned to crime to support themselves, Jareth was lucky. He fell in with a group of otter and squirrel sailors who "adopted" him, and sailed on many voyages with them until he became old enough to set out on his own. He was able to sign on quickly as first mate when Sir Leonas Drayton came looking rather cluelessly around for a ship and crew, and managed to secure a good crew, mainly ex-navy hares, otters, and some squirrels. As it is, he truly runs the ship, Sir Drayton mostly hangs around giving useless orders.
Other: Jareth is particularly adept at jumping and is an excellent climber, as good as many squirrels. His signature moves in battle involve pouncing on or over his enemies, and he can easily jump up and scale a mast. He also has developed a taste for hotroot.

Trexonian's Character
Species: Black Squirrel

Name: Raddex the Stern

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Ship Class: Pirate.

Ship Type: Carrack.

Ship Name: The Black Abbey.

Position: First Mate

Appearance: Ash black, average height, medium muscular build.

Clothes: Typical 1700's Officer's uniform. Black and silver in colour. He wears a teal sash. it is ALWAYS kept in pristine condition. If he is a pirate, he will have a sickly dead white left eye.

Weapons: He will often carry a boarding axe, and a few throwing knives.

Personality: As his name implies, Raddex is a very strict officer. Not overly cruel, he follows the ship's/ Captain's regulations to the letter, and he expects the crew to do no less and no more then that. A very educated and proper officer of the sea, his loyalty is unquestionable, and he has seen his fare share of battle, As his professional life, his personal life is very regimented, He does not abide in alcohol, or other "feeble things" as he calls it, and spends his spare time either sharpening his skills, maintaining his uniform. He is very observant and very reserve in his speech.

Raddex has a strong like for violence, Before the heat of a battle, He likes to pick out a "death grudge" Some beast who has what seems to be trivial things, but irritating flaws in his eye, And will pursue with hatred and cruelty until he or she is dead.

Native Land: The Land of Ice and Snow

History: Unknown (He refuse's disclose)

LT's Character

Species: Gray Squirrel.

Name: Captain Ivan Vasten.

Age: 29 seasons.

Gender: Male.

Ship Class: Merchant.

Ship Type: Caravel.

Ship Name: Surf Rider.

Position: Captain.

Appearance: He is tall for a squirrel with the normal brown/gray fur of his kind, he has the look of a born fighter about him and an air of confidence.

Clothes: He wears a simple Brown tunic and gray pantaloons, with a fine sword belt.

Weapons: He carries a good cutlass and a large longbow.

Personality: Ivan Is a confident quiet squirrel with a knack for drawing and navigating. He is brave and never lets a challenge pass. Ivan will accept nearly any challenge given to him and will complete them to the best of his ability.

Extras: Ivan does not believe in finery or decoration.

Native Land: The Southern edge of Mossflower.

History: Ivan is from a long line of warrior merchants, trained to out fight and out deal any beast who would try to best them. The ship Surf Fighter has been passed from father to son for generations giving it improvements over the long seasons of sailing. Ivan now old enough to take his fathers place at the tiller of the Vasten vessel sails the seas close to Mossflower carrying many different types of cargo and passengers. Ivan has taken to exploring over trading though he will still carry for the right employer.

Other: Because of the small size of the Surf Rider it can only carry at max twenty creatures, it's normal crew size averaging around a good dozen.
Scartooth's Character
Pine marten
Soran Damu
Ship Class: (Merchant, Pirate or Explorer.)
Ship Type: (Carrack, Caravel or Galley.)
Ship Name:
The GoldenFangs
Position: (Captain, First Mate etc.)
Soran is skinny and relatively tall, and he has brown fur with cream-colored fur on his chest and belly like most of his species. He has blue eyes, and, well, two sharp golden fangs, hence the name of his ship.
Soran Damu wears a long blue tunic brimmed in gold, and sometimes a captain's hat. He also dons three earrings on his right ear, each of a slightly different color.
He normally uses a cutlass, but his two special teeth also count as a weapon.
Soran's very easy to irritate, sadistic, and isn't very kind to his crew, not that that was expected.
He secretly enjoys messing with Woodlanders (squirrels and mice in particular).
Extras: (Such as Earrings and Bracelets.)
Earrings stated above. Wink
But, he's got three golden bracelets on his left wrist, which always tend to fall off.
Native Land:
Soran came from a high ranking family of corsairs who had eventually left him under the care of a female rat called Caldera due to thinking he was too much of a pain as a dibbun.
Over time, he had fought his way up to the top, where he then renamed the ship and took over as captain.
He, having lost his two canine teeth as a young teen, had a crewmember make him sharp, golden ones as replacements, which he can use as a weapon if need be.
Soran hated the golden fangs due to the fact that he constantly bit his tongue with them, but kept them because they added to his fearsome image.
Mask's Character
Species: Squirrel
Name: Mya Brushtail
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Appearance: Mya is a tall black squirrel. She has bright green eyes and is somewhat gaunt. She has a tattoo of a purple lily on her left forearm.
Clothes: A ragged, once elaborate blue tunic.
Weapons: a makeshift spear, a dagger. She is skilled with a bow, but doesn't have one.
Personality: Mya is a naturally talkative, jolly beast, but after a long time without company, she has learned the virtue of silence. She is creative and pays attention to her instincts. She can keep her head in a dangerous situation. She is observant, but often jumps to conclusions without having all the information. She couldn't keep a secret to save her life.
Extras: Mya wears several gold earrings that she stole off of a dead searat. She also has a tail ring, given to her by her father.
Native Land: Southsward
History: When she was 22 her brother, Foran Brushtail, took her on a sea voyage with him. They travelled to the land of Mossflower to visit Salamandastron in order to pick up weapons and armor that Foran had commissioned the Badger Lord to make. They detoured to visit Redwall on their way home. Altogether they were in Mossflower for one season, due to Foran's urge to explore. When they finally started the voyage back to Southsward it was storm season on the ocean. They were tossed by a powerful gale much farther out to sea than they had intended. When the storms finally ceased they had no idea where they were. They tried to get back on track, but when they stopped on an isle inhabited by savage vermin they were attacked and taken hostage. The vermin ate most of the crew, but Mya and a young mouse were able to escape. They took the ship's boat and left the isle. Before they could learn to fish the mouse starved to death. Mya was 24 seasons. She has been on her own, stopping on isles, avoiding pirates, and looking for a friendly ship ever since.
Ready for people to submit character sheets!
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.

Wylder Treejumper

"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.


Sorry, but it was made too late, I tried to make them so that they wouldn't be outside of the Middle Ages.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.

Cornflower MM

I'll put my sheet up soon, but today is going to be more focusing on my tournament sheet. ;)


Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.

Cornflower MM

No probl;em! Now, personality. . . . . . . . . . . Argh, these things are so hard!


I added one that I forgot; Ship name.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


This really reminds me of The High Seas. 'Tis a pity that I was so busy I never started it.

I added a Age to the app, is that alright.

Species: Red Fox
Name: Sigith Helsing
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Ship Class: (Merchant, Pirate or Explorer.): Merchant
Ship Type: (Carrack, Caravel or Galley.) Carrack
Ship Name: Groom of the Sea Goddess
Position: (Captain, First Mate etc.) Captain
Appearance: This, and relatively short. Sigith's muzzle is beginning to Gray despite his youth, and so are the base of his ears, though the rest of his fur is a dark red, with streaks of silver and black in them.
Clothes: A dark purple jacket, and cloth trousers that go down to his ankles. He wears tall boots, and often has a cape draped over his shoulders. He wears a brown belt around his waist.
Weapons: A rapier kept in his belt, and several knives also in the belt.
Personality: Some would say Cold and Calculating, but Sigith prefers the term Logical and Calm. He will sacrifice in order to protect beasts he cares about, as long as they don't get in the way of his successful trade monopoly. He enjoys his luxuries, and has a ornately decorated cabin for himself. Despite his general frostiness, he is very charismatic, and a popular and appealing figure among crewbeasts.
Native Land: Mossflower County
History: Part of the reason he loves his monopoly is because of a dark past. Born into slavery on an infamous pirate ship, he worked to earn his freedom, getting on the captain's good side, until he was able to join the crew. One month later Sigith organized a rebellion, marooned the former captain, and spent the next five years raiding the coasts. The Fox became well known under the assumed name Captain Dread Roberts. After a time, he became bored of this raiding, and moved onto the straight and narrow, beginning a successful trade monopoly. Though officials have tried to attribute Captain Dread Roberts raids to Sigith several times, they were unsuccessful, as Sigith has most of the lands judges on a pay-roll.

"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Thanks! And yeah that's fine, probably should add that to the sheet. Could you make Thairn not his native land? Otherwise it's less mysterious and unknown.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


Species: Mouse
Name: Jacob Sparra
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Ship Class: Pirate
Ship Type: Carrack
Ship Name: The Black Abbey
Position: Captain
Appearance: Larger than average mouse, light brown fur, green eyes
Clothes: Black leather garbs covering his entire body, a large black widebrim hat w/ blue feather, large black boots
Weapons: Large Cutlass
Personality: Greedy, lustful, charming, flirtatious, swashbuckling
Extras: Earring on left ear, necklace with a rare jewel called the Shogun's Talisman
Native Land: The port city of Agutrot
History: decendant of the legendary corsair Barbossa and Elizabeth Sparra. LONG decendant of Michael the Knight, distant relative of Maximus the Ranger, born in the exotic land of Jima, but raised in the alleys of Argutrot.
Other: Recruiting any experienced seafarers to man the ancient sails of the Black Abbey! Other players feel free to join us and our cursed crew! ;)


Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.

Cornflower MM

Name:Rosemary Carnbrush
Ship Class: (Merchant, Pirate or Explorer.)Explorer.
Ship Type: (Carrack, Caravel or Galley.)Carrack
Ship Name: The Melody of the Sea (Melody for short)
Position: (Captain, First Mate etc.) Captain
Extras: (Such as Earrings and Bracelets.)
Native Land:


Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.