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World Roleplay

Started by W0NWILL, October 28, 2014, 11:47:37 AM

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"I couldn't ask you to do that, sir." Hillary replied, rising from her seat, "We have plenty of victuals already. Oh, and you will want to hear about the purposes of this meeting," she gave him a quick overview, saying that they were just meeting here, and that they would be heading east in the morning, "So I shall see you near the docks come morning?"

Conrad the Painless

Conrad stood up suddenly, both meaning to leave and out of anger. In a irritated voice he responded; "Yes, then it is decided..." he could not help but glare at the other members of the party, "...I look forward to this voyage, thank you." Conrad bowed deeply, shoved his helmet upon his head, and strode briskly out the door into the cool night air. As he left, several Siberian Weasels slipped out of the shadows and rushed after their leader, each one grasping the hilt of their own Katana. Once his troops had gathered around him, he ordered those present to rejoin the main group, which consisted mostly of boars smaller than Conrad.   
"Our Lord and Savior.....The Easter Badger, shall pierce the darkness with his scepter and  guide us through the night...."


Hillary's brow creased in confusion and slight worry. He had sounded slightly angry. She dearly hoped that it wasn't because of her. It was far too early to be bickering.

She curtsied to the remaining members of the meeting, "I shall see you soon," and cast a disapproving glance at Ginko, who was still murdering the food like there was no tomorrow.


"Professional warrior is the exact opposite of a mercenary, at least where I come from, it means to belong to a professional army" Lexon corrected Hasitgeth. "although there is no dishonour if one does mercenary work, but if I were you, I would be careful when saying that, some beasts take great offense to that title"

Lexon had enough of gossiping about the boar, and went over to introduce himself to Conrad. "I am High Captain Lexon", He extended his paw to shake, while sizing him up.

Conrad the Painless

Conrad heard the wolverine approach him. He turned to return the greeting and laid his hoof in his paw. "High Captain," he said while smiling from under his helmet, "I'm guessing that's an important title from where you come from?"
"Our Lord and Savior.....The Easter Badger, shall pierce the darkness with his scepter and  guide us through the night...."


Responding to Lexon; "Professional means that you do something for money, so therefore a professional army would be an army fighting for pay." said Hastigeth, rising to bid the others farewell. He then left the inn and wandered about wondering what to do.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


Lexon smiled back, shaking the hoof firmly,"It's merely a rank I have recently acquired for the time being. It's been a very long time since Trexonian Rangers have patrolled the Mossflower region." Lexon hastly changed the subject. "Do tell me Cardon, is there an interesting story behind the "painless" part of your name?"

"Hillary, before we all retire for the night won't you tell us the details of this expedition first?" Lexon asked.


Lior blinked as the inn lulled with the swell and pull of animals stomping in and then promptly stomping out. It seemed to all go over his head a little.
"I've not much experience with warriors, professional or otherwise," He mumbled to no one in particular. He eyed his empty plate contemplatively, before looking to the few remaining crew members. He managed a wane if friendly smile.
"I suppose I shall bid you goodnight as well. Unless any beast would like a song before the night is truly done?" He rustled his pack into his lap, and began to take out the lute, fiddling with one of the pegs a little absent mindedly.


"I'm always for a Jig, if you know any." Kjettle grinned, lost in memories. "I used to play the Hardingfele back in Kulland. I could play a jig that would have creatures dancing for half the night," he frowned. "'Tis a pity I lost it when my ship was attacked."
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Conrad the Painless

Conrad nodded. "I see." He stared off into the night while Lexon asked another question. "Well, it's sort of a long story, but if you're willing to hear it, I shall start." Conrad did not bother to wait for Lexon's answer. "Let's see.....five seasons ago, I was part of a patrol guarding the edge of our territory," he said, "when suddenly, a large serpent launched out of the darkness, bigger than two adult boars!" Conrad shuddered a bit. "I was the closest to it, and the serpent had wrapped around my body and began biting me with it's impressive fangs." "I was a lot younger then, and not as strong, but I managed to endure multiple bites for a serpent who was, lucky for me, not poisonous." He took in a breath. "The rest of the patrol managed to kill the snake and pry me from it's grasp....that's how I got my name, I survived five strikes from a giant serpent." Conrad looked down the deserted a avenue, towards the docks where ships, including his own, were shrouded in darkness. 
"Our Lord and Savior.....The Easter Badger, shall pierce the darkness with his scepter and  guide us through the night...."

Conrad the Painless

"Our Lord and Savior.....The Easter Badger, shall pierce the darkness with his scepter and  guide us through the night...."


OOC: Was everyone waiting on me??

BIC: "Impressive story Conrad" responded Lexon. "What brings you and your troops to this expedition?" asked Lexon as he sat down on a docking crate and pulled out his scythe, sharpening it with a whetstone. The eerie ringing sound putting all the "locals" at unease. "Pirates Kjettle?" Lexon asked overhearing the two conversing. The wolverine also kept one ear open for the Stag Prince to play his lute. Lexon was also beginning to grow impatient with Hillary, for the mouse hadn't yet discussed a thing about the expedition.

Conrad the Painless

OOC: I thought I said something wrong! I guess no one felt like posting?

Conrad turned to look back at the wolverine. "The leader of my territory, Emperor Natsugi, has sent me on an expedition to bring back the latest news from other kingdoms" he said "and to....document new territories." Conrad studied Lexon's face for any sign of suspicion. He shuddered slightly from the high-pitched noise of the foreign weapon scraping upon the stones. In the back of his mind, Conrad was eager to set sail to find new lands for his glorious country, and for his own clan-beasts.   
"Our Lord and Savior.....The Easter Badger, shall pierce the darkness with his scepter and  guide us through the night...."


OOC: Welp the lore of my country has just been changed
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan
