Battles Of Redwall RP Series: Thanksgiving Spectaculaur!

Started by Blaggut, December 02, 2014, 06:51:08 AM

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LT Sandpaw

As warriors rushed to Virren's aid the two traders tried again and again to finish the downed rat but he evaded rolling and parrying with his shattered tomahawk. The third thrust again with his cutlass missing narrowly. jumping up Virren kicked the sword from the traders paw pulling an extra knife from his moccasin he thrust it deep into the traders eye. His warriors finally reaching him fell onto the last two gate guards leaving it free for Flintclaw's creatures to swarm the fortress.
Virren and his sixteen remaining warriors cheered loudly as the other tribes creatures flooded in yelling battle cries. Virren's creatures were tired and they gladly let the others go to finish the remaining army of traders, his creatures were more then content to gather the tails and scalps of their fallen enemies cutting their wrists and gouging out their eyes so they would feel pain in the after life. The more courageous of their enemy they left alone knowing they died honorably.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


 Though some would assume that the battle was over, Flintclaw knew it wasn't. It would seem that most of the traders were dead, but the weasel knew that there were probably plenty of traders hiding in the stores and barracks. The traders had barricaded themselves in, no doubt, and weren't going to go down without a fight.

Flintclaw heard a bumping noise from the inside of a building-- a barracks, probably. He silently motioned for two warriors to follow him, and then opened the door and charged inside.


OOC: Delthion, I was thinking that your character might be inside the building, with a few other traders.


OOC: Fine. What's with me constantly losing these battles? ;D

Hastigeth crouched in the dark storeroom and waited, he heard the thumping of pillaging vermin. He opened peeked out a crack in the door and saw that he still had a little bit of time, then one of his beasts went into a fit of sneezing and then fell over into a few clay pots. He then yelled; "Fire!" They all opened the windows for long enough to aim and fire into the mass of the vermin, then shut them again, he knew that they wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer, but he for one would fight to the death.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


 Flintclaw heard the command "Fire!" and realized that his fears had been correct. There were indeed traders in the building- at least 5, by the sound of it. They were all armed with guns, and could possibly even have a cannon.

The weasel, seeing that the traders were not on the first floor, decided to go up to the second. He ran up the stairs, followed by his men, and entered the upper room.

Muskets flashed, and Flintclaw saw a rat next to him fall. He took a pistol out of his pocket and fired, but not before another musket released its deadly cargo. He realized, quite suddenly, that there was a wound in his chest. He scarcely had time to think before he crumpled to the floor.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Looks like I'm back in the fight :P

Virren was leaning against the gate with his warriors and many of the other wounded tribes beasts. They were telling their tales of heroics and glory when a blast of musket fire rang from the fort's center. A few moments later a vole raced up bleeding from a leg wound.
"Chief Flintclaw is down we need you to lead the rest of the fight!" Virren stood up straight, the wound in his left shoulder twinging painfully.
"Alright, what happened to Flintclaw?" He asked as they walked quickly towards the back of the fort.
"We secured most of the weapons and goods however there's still one pocket of resistance left that Flintclaws was trying to crush when he was hit in the chest." The vole answered.
"Is he dead?" Asked Virren worriedly as they approached the building, it was surrounded by tribal warriors shooting arrows and musket shots into the wooden frame. Suddenly wooden trap doors were pulled open and there was a round of musket fire from the windows.  Virren threw himself to the ground avoiding the shots, the vole next to him wasn't so lucky taking a ball though the head.
Rolling to cover Virren began issuing orders quietly to nearby warriors.
"Hurry organize firing lines to shoot endlessly at the windows, don't let up. You get three others and start a fire behind that storage building, make it nice and smoky. Get everyone else behind cover, hurry!" The creatures scrambled to do his bidding yet again. Virren himself crawled towards the building itself, biting his lip as the pain in his shoulder increased. Pulling himself next to the downed Flintclaw he pressed his ear to the chiefs chest. A feint heartbeat issued forth.
"Hang in there chief I got you." He told him, dragging Flintclaw slowly back to the safety of another building.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Hastigeth followed the mass firing with a charge. He drew his sword and rushed into the fray, he slashed downward and brought a ferret down, he saw a fox fall to the ground and the vermin around him fall into chaos, he must have been a high-ranking vermin. Hastgeth organized a defense around the insect stores, a ring of glistening steel stood against the vermin that had invaded their homes. He grimly went through vermin like a hot knife through butter.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


 Flintclaw could feel his life draining away. The musketball had struck deep; he suspected that it had gotten his heart. He had only a few more minutes, if even that.

"Virren.." Flintclaw said weakly, "It.. It is too late for me. You must.. Must continue the fight without me."

Having said those words, Flintclaw went to the Dark Forest.

LT Sandpaw

Virren screamed in rage, the respected chief had just died. The traders inside the building had just broken out and charged into the tribal creatures. They had just made a horrible mistake. Pulling the tomahawk and the knife from Flintclaw's belt. Rushing into the fray ignoring the pain in his shoulder he killed a squirrel trader with two quick slashes.
"Rush them kill them all no mercy warriors Yreeeeeeh." With a blood curdling war cry he hurled himself upon the leader of the traders killing another as he passed. His wild charge had given the edge to the tribes beasts, They surrounded each trader and brought it down mercilessly. However they left the lead trader to Virren.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Hastigeth was standing amidst the weakening weakening vermin fray when their vigor was renewed. A surge of rushing vermin pushed the traders back, he sent a single squirrel to find any more traders and bring them to the storeroom, he saw a leading vermin hacking through his men. He strode forward knocking a knife from his hand, and pushed forward.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.

LT Sandpaw

Virren stumbled as he struggled to fight the Lynx traders. His warriors had managed to kill the last few traders and now stood watching the too leaders fight it out. Virren was not about to give up on this fight but the Lynx's sword and larger size was making it difficult, Virren only had a stone knife and a tomahawk. To make matter worse his left shoulder burned like fire, but still he fought on.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


OOC: Hastigeth has knocked the knife out of Virren's paw by the way.

Hastigeth still pressed his advantage driving him farther and farther back, intent on wearing him out, Hastigeth swung low at his enemy's legs hoping to hit a vein or muscle and allow him to turn attention elsewhere.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.

LT Sandpaw

Virren knew he was losing, the pain in his shoulder was increasing and the haft of his tomahawk was beginning to splinter, hacked again and again by the sharp sword. The trader suddenly stabbed down towards his legs, Virren desperately avoided jumping away from the seeking blade. A desperate thought thrust itself into his tired conscience, It would be risky but it might work, fighting fiercely Virren showed weakness and aloud his opponent to knock his tomahawk away. With lightning speed the trader thrust his sword deep into Virren's unprotected leg.
As the lynx smiled with pleasure at his success Virren responded with the same speed and determination, swinging his tomahawk for the traders neck!

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


OOC: Can you not make me smile please? Thanks!

Hastigeth had drawn blood as was his intention, he then leaped back instinctively, but also his hands raised unbidden, the tomahawk, slashed through his left wrist and his hand went flying across the room, he quickly thrust forward and switched quickly to swing downward at Virren's head.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.

LT Sandpaw

Virren his face twisted in pain collapsed flinging his paw out he caught the blade in his bare paw, he swung his tomahawk again screaming in pain as the blade cut his paw. Suddenly from the crowd of watching warriors a musket shot rang out. The trader dropped to the ground shot though the head, Virren fell as well bleeding horribly.
"Wh wh who shot that? He gasped in anger, he had been saved dishonorably in single combat. The creature who fired stepped forward. It was his best warrior a trusted friend, there was sorrow in his eyes.
"I'm sorry." He murmured, Then quietly Virren died his soul flying for the Dark gates.

OOC: Sorry about that Delthion but I wanted to end that fight, and this seemed reasonable way to end it to me.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro