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I dare you... to hit paste in the replies.

Started by SilentSam, December 02, 2014, 09:55:37 PM

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Quotedigging my nails into skin till I draw blood

:P :-\
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Edited out the second question since it has to do with holidays.

I'm retired from the forum

Russa Nodrey



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;D~~~~Silent~~~~Sam~~~~Squirrel~~~ ;D

Cicha sam jest najlepszym redwall znaków!


What song do you play when you're:
Doing school or other work?

I'm retired from the forum


;D~~~~Silent~~~~Sam~~~~Squirrel~~~ ;D

Cicha sam jest najlepszym redwall znaków!

James Gryphon

Cluny plucked the blazing torch from Killconey's grasp. He flung it at the face of the oncoming warrior. Matthias deflected it with his shield in a cascade of sparks and went after the horde leader. To gain a brief respite, Cluny pushed Killconey into Matthias. The ferret grappled vainly but was cloven in two with one swift stroke. Matthias stepped over the slain ferret, whirling his sword expertly as he pursued Cluny.
The thick tail of the Warlord flicked out venomously at Matthias's face. He covered swiftly with his shield as the poisoned metal barb clanged harmlessly off it. Cluny tried again, this time whipping the tail speedily at the young mouse's unprotected legs. Matthias leaped nimbly to one side and swung the sword in a flashing arc. Cluny roared with pain as it severed the tip of his tail. The bloodied stub lay on the grass with the barb still attached. Hurling the Abbot's chair at his adversary, the rat seized an iron spike. Metal clashed on metal as the Warrior Mouse parried Cluny's thrusts.
« Subject to editing »


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


I'm retired from the forum

Cornflower MM

Well, if two members claim the same board, they will have to settle it down by themselves. The idea is having one of you guarding each of the sections (that's why there's five Junior Owslas).

Huh, didn't know I copied that.

James Gryphon

« Subject to editing »

Lady Ashenwyte

Nicknames (if any):
Age (Dibbun, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Middle-aged, Senior):
Side (Long Patrol, Corsair, Neutral):
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.

Gonff the Mousethief

Ok, sorry it took me so long, but here it finally is. It might not be as satisfying as it was meant to be, but I hope my point is made in some fashion or another.

I added tags since this is being entered into the RAFF Contest.

                                                           For If the Light   
   A war is not something one forgets, nor do they want to forget, for in it, character is built, for better or for worse. Death is the only smell. It reeks and fills the heart and brain of those who have the justice of good inside of them. Blood is the paint which walls and bodies bear. Screams are the equivalent of bird song to those who have the heart of a lion and the mind of a hawk. They do not fight for us, themselves, or any other. They fight to defeat evil, and let the good prevail, for it will not go away, only fade. For a light with oil, no matter how much, will always burn.
   From the wall I saw it happen. Our leader, who had led our small army of 200 against the side forces of the Fivedetey's, was hostage. All of our men were slain, except Lord Gilaphad and me. I was sorely wounded, taking two arrow shots to my right knee and one to my left shoulder. Everything had gone black when I was hit, but now I was awake, and in excruciating pain. My mouth was sealed, for if I cried out, my fate would be sealed. So, while my pain unfolded, my attention was on my Commander. How sorrowful and dead he looked. No life sprang from his eyes. No more joy was in his smile, or justice in his expression. All that was left was, well, nothing. He had no were to go, no more time left to live or anything left to live for. His decision to take on this army was a mistake, leading his men to a doom that was un-escapable. We were the meat at the Butcher's hands. But now, with a sword pointed to his neck, the great Captain and Leader was just a simple hostage, only good for information.
"Tell us of the plans which the Royal House Navy possesses Oh Great "Gilaphad"," sneared a voice which sounded like a loon.
A dark, solitary mumble came from the broken mouse. "Rylit, I swore to nev-"
"Oh yes, you swore this, and you swore that, I know, I know, but either you tell me, or I take your life!"
Upon saying this, the enthusiastic general yelled, creating an echo in the small outer area of the fort's grounds.
"Take it then. My duty is my duty."
"Fine with me! Any last words, Oh Mighty General?"
Gilaphad looked up into his enemy's soulless, dark eyes with his own.
"The Light which stands for all good and right in this world will never go out. The Darkness which consumes you Rylit, is evil and cunning, tearing away at your soul. It will go out. All Darkness is, is the absence of Light; and when that Light shines, all of the Darkness will wither away. Just. Like. You."

Hot blood sprayed on the crazed fox as the thump of a body and sword falling to the ground sounded. His eyes looked down at his victim. He pulled his sword out of the Valiant Man's neck and licked the sticky substance off.
"Ok men, head to Sertuyn! We will out breach the walls, just like this dump." And with that, he walked out of the small Fort's walls and down the gravel path, still shaken by what his foe had uttered to him.

Many years later, the battle plans and war logic found in General Gilaphad's notes where used, and the great Fivedetey was defeated. Today, a statue of him is set at the remains of the Fort. A small plaque under it reads: Darkness is the Absence of Light, and no matter how much oil, the Light will always burn.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.