Welcome, to our Abbey (STILL OPEN!)

Started by Ashleg, December 12, 2014, 04:06:27 AM

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I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Quote from: Soren the Warrior on January 14, 2015, 06:43:02 AM
Wow, this is still open? Can I join?
Nero Dakar
Age (dibbun, teen, adult...you get the idea)-
YA, 15.
Slightly small for a badger, he has darker and deeper black hair than the average badger. Large, dark eyes.
Personality (just the broad overview.  This kind of thing usually develops mid-rp)- a nice person, if a little out of touch with social protocol and issues.
What kind of weapon do they use if this applies?
Long sword, dark colored hilt. Given to him by his deceived grandfather.
History- (optional, because this also usually develops during the roleplay)
Fun Facts- Likes large boots.
Other- NA

Yep, still open! You're in.

Lady Ashenwyte

It probably should close soon. It could get confusing with a lot of new players abound.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.

LT Sandpaw

New people, well I suggest reading all the other characters just to know what and who everyone is.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Ok, I think we should wait until everyone is caught up to introduce our chariecters.

I'm retired from the forum



Scartooth said the charicter you submitted was accepted already.
Scartooth, could you let us know when and where to start?

I'm retired from the forum


Anytime and anywhere you want, as long as it doesn't seem too forced.  :)


Is there some secret enchrece that Nero can get in?

I'm retired from the forum


There's a door in the back leading into the spare kitchen...but be careful, Roscoe's in there eating the cake (like he was told not to do...) He'd freak out if he saw you! XD


I'm retired from the forum


Hey, Can I Join!

Name Venya Thleo
Age teen
Gender Female
Species- Squirrel
Appearance- Pure Black with a wicked scar down her face!
Personality Serious and deadly! Can be joyful and funny at times!
What kind of weapon: Two Katanas strapped to her back with a crossbow!
Fun Facts- She Likes Raspberry Cordial a little too much!
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.



A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

~welsh lass

I am new here, but my life has previously been on warriorcatsrpg.com so I am not that much of a newbie I hope! I have spelling difficulties, so if I spell a word wrong, it's either the dyslexia or autocorrect!

Name: Sarkine [sar- kyne] Trackscratch (Sar [saar] / Sarkin [sar-kin])

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Male

Species: Fox

Appearance: Sarkin is a black fox, like Farran the Poisoner. In fact, Sarkin is one of his descendents. With green eyes, he can blend in very easily at night, but during the day he is very exposed. Sarkin has a scar above his left eye, a knife caught him during a fight; the stoat was aiming at his neck, but failed. That was Sarkin's first kill.

Personality: A gentlemanly creature, Sarkin prefers not to fight, but when he gets into action he enjoys every second. A dangerous beast to have as an enemy, Sarkin is actually quite friendly, but most dare not get near him for fear.

Weapon: He has a whole range, a whole armoury hidden about his person. From daggers to rapiers to a small bottle of poison, when you name it, Sarkin probably has it.

History: Sarkin's parents abandoned him as a cub, and he was raised by a pack of wolf-like animals. He never found out what they were. (real foxes, orange instead of black). He has wandered ever since.

Fun Facts: He is a master of disguise, and his face-painting skills are just so... ;D


Name: Tarisa [taa-riss-ah] Berryleaf (Tarry [taa-rie] / Tariss [taa-riss])

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Female

Species: Mouse

Appearance: Tarry is a small, brown mousemaid. She has some white patches on her back, but is mostly a steady chestnut. Her eyes are greenish-blue, and she has constantly quivering ears - an inherited trait.

Personality: Tarry is an outgoing, friendly creature, kind and aware of others feelings. She can get very feisty when she feels threatened, but this is rare, and usually reserved for creatures she morally dislikes, such as vermin. Self-labelled as a helping hand, and labelled by others as a protector, Tarry is the one creature at Redwall Abbey you can tell anything to, and she will help you as need be.

Weapon: She usually won't fight, but if and when she does, Tarry uses a small silver dagger which belonged to her grandmother, Everrin Berryleaf, a fighting mouse.

History: Tarry was born into a loving family at Redwall. As a teen, her parents were killed in a tragic accident, but she seems to have got over the shock now.

Fun Facts: When Tarry is sad or needs to think, she goes as high as she can, either in the Abbey or just in a tree outside. In some regards, it makes her look like a squirrel in disguise!

Other: I hope these forms are ok!