What if...(Redwall Animated Series)

Started by KerianH, December 15, 2014, 06:06:39 AM

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First of all, I'd like to say hello.  This is my first post, and I'm kind of upset I haven't joined this forum sooner.  As a big Redwall fan and having read all but the last book, it seems only fitting that I join the halls of the mighty and legendary Redwall Abbey Forum.

Second of all, I thought that I'd ask a question with this post.  Most of us have probably seen the Redwall Animated series; that awesome and very underrated piece of filmography that only lasted for three short seasons, covering three of the books in an otherwise 22 book saga.  While the first and last season wasn't as true to the books they represented, the second definitely was, and with great voice talent like Tim Curry as the lead villain it managed to hit me dear to my heart and remind me of why Mattimeo is, thus far, my favorite book in the Redwall series.  But I feel like we could have gotten a bit more, and with Redwall's iconic creator and mastermind sadly gone from us, there's a chance we might not see anything like Redwall ever again.

Well I thought I'd ask a very special "What if" question.  What if someone decided to get the money and team together to create another Redwall Animated series?  I mean, one that's close to the book, without the extra invented guff or trying to cut through things like film studios are known to do (we look at HBO, for example, with what they are currently doing with the Song of Ice and Fire storyline).  It would be one that was taken to with very special care and attention, to ensure that it follows to the book exactly; one made by fans for fans and for anyone else willing to give the amazing series a try but need that special sort of encouragement first.  What if someone tried to bring Redwall to the television screen again?

Now before you speak with me of your doubts, I'm well aware that such a feat could be monumentally difficult and expensive without taking shortcuts.  But I'm sure that it is something that could very well be accomplished if given the right manpower.  I personally would like to see a North American or maybe European animation studio in charge, preferably one from the British Isles where the books were made (though for personal reasons I would like an American studio myself, something to remind the very slow and very lax studios like Disney who have grown too big for their britches some sense and a reminder that they aren't all that powerful).  It would have to be classic pen and paper animation or digital, but 2D; nothing CGI like Tangled or Shrek.  And each episode would either keep in time to each chapter and be roughly 20+ minutes in length each, or the show would be about 14-15 episodes of 45 minute lengths, without filler; specifically only things included in the first book.  The only parts that would be taken into consideration are things that are no longer considered canon in the main story, such as a horse driven cart or Methuselah's description of certain barnyard animals who told of Cluny's coming (to quote, "A litter of pigs, eaten alive by rats!" Since pigs aren't considered canon beasts in the story, that part might be revised to prevent confusion).

In any case, if there ever was to be another animated series for Redwall, true to the books, who would you think would be good voice actors for the show?  This is all hypothetical, of course; we can all dream of things that may or may not come true one day.  But who do you think would make a good voice actor for some of the characters and why?  Would you want someone from the original books on tape to voice act for the show, or some more professional VAs like Vic Micnogna or Scott Mcneil, maybe even Crispin Freeman or one of the great, really old actors like Christopher Lee or John Hurt?  I'm interested in your opinions.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to ask, and I hope that I can make a good addition to Redwall Abbey.  Be seeing you soon!


The Skarzs

Greetings, Kirian, and welcome to the forum! If you post in the Introduction Topic in the Front Lawns, you shall get a more proper greeting.

As to the topic, there have already been discussions on this, and the points made in those similar topics will probably be repeated here by other members.
First off, I would really love to see more of the books animated: This is one of my favorite series, and it's a shame that only three books were made into films. I know that it would be possible if given the right amount of workforce and funds, because a Redwall series will be so much preferable to the crude, rude, horribly animated, frankly quite ugly abominations they call "children shows". I don't know who the best voices would be for characters; I'm not good at that sort of thing.
Unfortunately, Nelvena Studios is no longer doing Redwall for whatever reason, which is unfortunate because their style is kind of a stereotype for many Redwall fans nowadays. Another thing that causes a drawback is that any film maker/animator that wants to do a Redwall series has to get permission from the people who own copyright to Redwall: This might prove most difficult because the creator is no longer around, and their decisions are hesitant at best.
In summary, I would love to see more animated Redwall series, as would many many other people, but it may not happen despite one's best efforts.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Quote from: The Skarzs on December 15, 2014, 03:05:21 PM
Greetings, Kirian, and welcome to the forum! If you post in the Introduction Topic in the Front Lawns, you shall get a more proper greeting.

As to the topic, there have already been discussions on this, and the points made in those similar topics will probably be repeated here by other members.
First off, I would really love to see more of the books animated: This is one of my favorite series, and it's a shame that only three books were made into films. I know that it would be possible if given the right amount of workforce and funds, because a Redwall series will be so much preferable to the crude, rude, horribly animated, frankly quite ugly abominations they call "children shows". I don't know who the best voices would be for characters; I'm not good at that sort of thing.
Unfortunately, Nelvena Studios is no longer doing Redwall for whatever reason, which is unfortunate because their style is kind of a stereotype for many Redwall fans nowadays. Another thing that causes a drawback is that any film maker/animator that wants to do a Redwall series has to get permission from the people who own copyright to Redwall: This might prove most difficult because the creator is no longer around, and their decisions are hesitant at best.
In summary, I would love to see more animated Redwall series, as would many many other people, but it may not happen despite one's best efforts.

Thanks, I'll get right on that!

And yeah, I'm pretty well aware that it would be a problem.  Personally, I feel like Brian's family maaaaybe a bit open to the idea (there is going to be a Redwall game after all, and Brian beforehand was very against video games from the get go), but at the same time it would be difficult, and if the new Jurassic World movie and the Hobbit films will prove anything to families of authors who have passed away it's that they will want to keep close guard on their beloved treasures, especially since there are people in Hollywood who would love to milk the story into a franchise if they wanted to, or otherwise get as much money as they can from box office and leave it high and dry (*cough*cough* Eragon *cough*).

We can only hope I guess...


 I hate to think what Hollywood might do to Redwall. Maybe they'll have Rose survive, have Ungatt Trunn survive death and come back for revenge (*cough* Azog *cough*), and get rid of all the secondary villains.

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


With a animated franchise, change is always a possibility. But I would appreciate an animated show. It would be refreshing, and if they do mess it up, the books aren't going anywhere.

I'm retired from the forum


A company already has the rights for a Redwall movie. The only way another animated series will be made is if they relinquish those rights, which is highly unlikely.

Classic pen and paper animation is unheard of in 2014, and celebrity voice casting for a simple animated series doesn't happen too often either. The acquisition of Tim Curry at the time was nothing short of a coup.

Provided a movie ever does happen, we very well might see some celebrities become involved. But if somehow another animated series occurs, I highly doubt it would feature celebrity voices; the expense isn't worth it for a regular TV show. That's just not how the industry works at all.

I further doubt that a Redwall movie is going to be 2-D either. Producers would likely mimic Guardians of Ga'Hoole.