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Started by Ashleg, December 17, 2014, 04:16:50 AM

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Let's pick this up again!

Yes Sah!
...No thank you.^^

LT Sandpaw

Casta's eyes narrowed and he turned back to Roscoe, for a few seconds he considered tripping the creature and tossing him off the wall. Deciding against that course of action Casta turned back to the Abbot.
"We don't need to worry about their fumes just yet sir, I was able to ruin most of their stock already, however they will be able to make more quickly, so we must act quicker." He nodded to Arya, "I believe she had a plan, which is more then I have." He admitted.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Cornflower MM

Arya laughed. "It's not a fancy plan, nor the best one, but yes, I do have a plan." She admited.


Litho perked his ears.
"Yes? Please, go on," he murmured.

Roscoe snorted.
"Why're ya lookin' at me all funny-like?"


Asher snorted. "Since it happens to be that your same species is down there, trying to get in a fortress. And you have been following the Abbot all day, making him strain his hospitality to you." Asher had a thought. "I thought I saw another vermin, a stoat, hurry in. Gridjaw, was it?"

OOC: Is Izeroth posting at all? Here, I mean?
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Cornflower MM

Arya rolled her eyes at the weasel, then answered the Abbot: "Sir, I was thinking of I and a few other beasts drawing the Flitchaye out into the open (How I'm not entirely sure yet, I'll figure that out when I get there). Now, you see all the hard fruit and the oil? We dunk the fruit in the oil and get it burning, and throw it at the vermin, the creatures with me keep them in the open, and everyone else charges from the front. Then we have hte vermin confused and caught in a pincer movement!" she exclaimed, gesturing with her paws. The squirrel had a small grin on her face as she outlined her plan. Suddenly she yelled, "Duck!" And pushed the Abbot down - An arrow zipped through the air where he had been standsing a moment before. "My apologies, Father."

Lady Amber

Hearing the commotion outside, Arlane turned around. "Sounds like something's happening out there," she said. She went out the door. Overhearing Arya's plan, she asked, "Anything I can do to help?"


The Abbot stood back up, nodding curtly.
"It's alright. You're good, and the plan's excellent. I'll help," He paused, lowering his voice down to a whisper.
"And if you would be able to find this weasel a job or something of the sort, I'd appreciate it." He cast a glance at Casta. "I just don't have the heart to throw him off the side of the battlements."


 While the Redwallers were distracted by the siege, Gridjaw had decided to take a tour of the abbey. While heading to the kitchen with nefarious intent, the stoat suddenly forgot about his desire for food. For, displayed in a wooden case on the wall next to him, was the most beautiful sword he had ever seen. There was also a tapestry on the wall, but Gridjaw didn't care about tapestries. The only thing on his mind was the sword.

Hoping nobeast caught him in the act, he slid the wooden bars that protected the sword to the side, revealing the weapon in all its glory. The stoat began to take it out of the case, moving very cautiously and carefully to avoid attracting attention.


Asher needed more arrows. He had decided to join Arya in her part of the plan. As he entered Great Hall, he noticed the stoat by the tapestry. Feeling suspicious, he walked over and asked, "Hi! What are you doing."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Lady Ashenwyte

Ashenwyte saw the weasel trying to steal the sword. He crept up silently behind him and and tried to catch the weasel by his scruff.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


OOC: *smacks Ashenwyte* It's a stoat!
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Nononononononononono let him steal the sword!!!! It would be cool to track him down after we finish the Flitchaye!

BIC: Casta smiled at the abbot reassuringly, "No need to worry sir, I had no intention of tossing him over." Casta lied though his teeth, grinning all the while. Stopping Arya before she could exit the wall he stopped grinning, grimacing slightly. "
You said you needed some way to draw them out, well me you and Asher can draw them out by tree jumping, they wont be able to catch us and we could make them incredibly angry and they will follow us right into your trap."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Lady Ashenwyte

OOC: I tried to. He could escape. ;)
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


OOC: Alright. Let me join with Casta...

Asher hurried back out of the Abbey, dirk drawn. "Alright, Arya, just give the word."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Litho nodded.
"Good. So then, Roscoe, was it? If you see that door over there, no, behind you..." He gently grabbed the weasel's shoulders and turned him toward the door.
"There, in the corner by the west wall, you can wash the dishes in there-that should keep you busy and stop you from stepping all over my tail. It's a spare kitchen, and there will be a cake on the counter. Do not touch it. Off with you, now! Come back when you're done and I'll give you a scone...."
Roscoe's eyes lit up at the mention of food, and he scurried off toward the room with a snicker.
The Abbot raised his voice. "But remember, no touching that cake! It's for the Summer Eve Festival! If the Badgermum catches you, she'll tan your tail!"
He turned back to the goodbeasts and winked.
"That's what I always tell the dibbuns to keep them in line. Should work on him, too, he looked naive like a dibbun. Now, what could I do to help?"