
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Marvel (Comics, Movies, TV Shows)

Started by Søren, December 19, 2014, 03:37:33 PM

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Quote from: Soren the Warrior on January 30, 2015, 05:01:35 AM
Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on January 29, 2015, 01:56:38 PM
I can't see it...  :(
Try this link:

Thanks Soren  :)

I honestly don't really like ant man, I'm not too sure what exactly his power can do other an shrinking to the size of an ant, but it doesn't seem like he can do much.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

Lady Ashenwyte

My opinion on this matter. I don't like superheroes. Except if they save my life.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


I've only ever read three comics which were Infinity War, Age of Ultron and DC's Batman: Death of the Family. I really want to read more but it's a hard thing to get into. I'm thinking of asking for Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe (The whole series). Marvel doesn't really have a convenient place to start, DC has the New 52 which helps
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

The Skarzs

Quote from: rusvulthesaber on January 30, 2015, 05:12:19 AM
   I think superheros are an interesting case of maybe-sexism. On one hand, females tend to be drawn somewhat... immodestly... But on the other hand, males often wear tight things too, which provides some measure of equality. The other thing is, though, I wouldn't say that superhero(ine)-ness is really objectification, because what powers do these 'objectified' characters have? Super ones, they're more powerful than normal people. Usually they're there to do more than look pretty.
Which is kind of why I tend to like Marvel more. Most, not all, wear relatively realistic attire for what they do: Iron Man's armor is in no way revealing to his actual body, and it's protective. Hulk wears no shirt, and it's not really a problem. Captain America is borderline because his suit is semi-skin-tight, but not all that unbelievable. However, there are many Mavel characters that just need some padding on their bodies for our sake. :P
And I really don't understand DC liking their heroes to wear underwear on the outside of their one-piece. :P

Oh, that reminds me of a joke: Chuck Norris and Superman had a fight once. The loser had to wear their underwear on the outside of their pants.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on January 30, 2015, 01:38:43 PM
Quote from: Soren the Warrior on January 30, 2015, 05:01:35 AM
Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on January 29, 2015, 01:56:38 PM
I can't see it...  :(
Try this link:

Thanks Soren  :)

I honestly don't really like ant man, I'm not too sure what exactly his power can do other an shrinking to the size of an ant, but it doesn't seem like he can do much.
Wait until he flies up your nose, then your see how dangerous he is. ;D

I'm retired from the forum


@Eul there are some ridiculous superpowers people have made up. With that said, given the amount of toast I've burned I can see the usefulness of being able to unblacken it ;D.

Quote from: The Skarzs on January 30, 2015, 06:25:04 PM
And I really don't understand DC liking their heroes to wear underwear on the outside of their one-piece. :P

Oh, that reminds me of a joke: Chuck Norris and Superman had a fight once. The loser had to wear their underwear on the outside of their pants.
You have no idea how many times I've heard these ::).

The Skarzs

When Alexander G. Bell invented the telephone, he had two missed calls from Chuck Norris.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Wheaties are the breakfast of champions. Champions are the breakfast of Chuck Norris.

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


I'm trying to find the appropriate LotR thread to put "Chuck Norris simply walks into Mordor" in...

Anyhow, I am looking forward to Antman. The trailer looks promising.

The Skarzs

Quote from: Mhera on January 30, 2015, 06:45:29 PM
I'm trying to find the appropriate LotR thread to put "Chuck Norris simply walks into Mordor" in...
In "Funny Lotr Pictures" they have that there. :P
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


I'm looking forward to the Black Panther, I'm just hoping it doesn't involve magic and has more of a technological side of it.

I'm retired from the forum

James Gryphon

As far as the issue of modesty goes, I suspect you'd have to go back to the 50s and early 60s to get comics (except of course for characters like Wonder Woman, who were always portrayed that way) that show women in at least relatively modest clothing.

I don't know anything about Marvel, but the DC of that time could still be decent about it. Now, my knowledge mostly extends to Superman & friends, but here it is: the original Supergirl wore basically the same thing as Superman, except with a short/mid-length skirt instead of the pants. Also, the Legion of Superheroes' first female characters were very modestly garbed; Saturn Girl and Phantom Girl's outfits completely covered them from neck to feet (an unheard of concept today, I know).  Triplicate Girl and Shrinking Violet's skirts weren't so short as to be exactly immodest, either. Maybe in real life, but in a comic book they looked okay.

That didn't last very long, though; before long, there were underwear-clad heroines like Light Lass and Princess Projectra, and it was pretty much downhill from there. A Legion fan site I used to frequent didn't even consider Legion stories after a certain issue canon, and that seemed to pretty accurately coincide with the time when DC went completely off the deep end. By the mid-70s, you'd be hard pressed to find a female super-powered character who wasn't dressed like they were on the beach.

I'd like to see a superhero comic that has Golden or Silver-Age comic aesthetics -- squeaky clean -- but if it ever happens, it'll be made by a single author; maybe a webcomic. I don't know of any comic book printing company that does that style any more.
« Subject to editing »


Okay so I saw Age of Ultron today. Best MARVEL film yet.

The Vision was so well handled, the perfect Yang to Ultron's Yin. And while I was not expecting to like that Tony made Ultron, that aspect was actually handled well. Ultron is hilarious though, he's got this sick, sadistic, twisted humour which I love. I wasn't a fan of Scarlet Witch or Quicksilver but out of the two I definitely preferred Witch. And that end credit scene, just that scene

"Well then, I guess I'll have to do it myself"~Someone

Also, liked the chemistry between the characters. Not a fan of Natasha and Bruce being a thing but Hawkeye was given some much needed depth. Thor's spirit quest was a bit weird but I guess they needed some way to bring the main plot of the series to the attention of the Avengers.

What I want to know is where the Time and Soul gems are. In case you didn't know
Tesseract-Space gem-In the possession of Asgard and Loki
Aether-Reality gem-In possession of the Collector, possibly lost
Purple stone in GotG-Power gem-In possession of the Nova corps
Loki's staff-Mind gem-In possession of a character from Age of Ultron

Ultron's intro was a bit rushed but it's only a short movie, there's not a lot of time. Just gonna tell you, his first scene made my blood boil (I mean before he gets physical form)

I want Nova in the next GotG film. Rich Rider or Sam Alexander, I don't care which, just give me Nova.

Also, Adam Warlock. If he isn't in the MCU I don't know what I'll do
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


It doesn't come out here for nearly another week!!  It's online already, but I'm waiting to see it opening night in theatres.  So excited!  It's been a long wait, but what's 5 more days?