
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Started by Skyblade, January 01, 2015, 06:01:41 AM

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Russa Nodrey

Quote from: Søren on February 15, 2016, 05:56:20 PM
* Søren gives Tam coffee, in a green apron.
Quote from: Lord Daskar on February 15, 2016, 09:35:16 PM
* Lord Daskar wonders why the coffee is wearing an apron.
Quote from: Søren on February 15, 2016, 10:40:11 PM
Because style. No one should look stupid.

Cornflower MM

Quote from: Jukka the Sling on February 15, 2016, 09:58:29 PM

[Today at 09:13:17 pm] danflorreguba: What am I witnessing here? o.O

[Today at 09:13:26 pm] danflorreguba: It's scary

[Today at 09:13:33 pm] danflorreguba: Groddil, hold me

And then:

[Today at 09:15:26 pm] Groddil: @Dan: not on your life, Reguba

*dies laughing*

:D Glad someone other than me liked it. :P


Quote from: Lord Daskar on February 10, 2016, 09:49:17 PM
* Lord Daskar beats Groddil up.
Quote from: Groddil on February 10, 2016, 09:50:24 PM
"Oww! What the heck man?"

* Groddil punches Dilu.
Quote from: Lord Daskar on February 10, 2016, 09:51:56 PM
I decided to pick on you for no reason.

* Lord Daskar punches back.
Quote from: Groddil on February 10, 2016, 09:52:33 PM
* Groddil kicks Dilu in an uncomfortable place.
Quote from: Lord Daskar on February 10, 2016, 09:54:50 PM
* Lord Daskar wears armor.
* Lord Daskar beats Groddil to a pulp.
Quote from: Groddil on February 10, 2016, 10:15:23 PM
* Groddil Unloads an AK-47 point-blank into Dilu's face.
Quote from: Lord Daskar on February 10, 2016, 10:16:03 PM
* Lord Daskar snaps it with inhuman strength.
Quote from: Groddil on February 10, 2016, 10:22:23 PM
* Groddil forces an atomic bomb down Dilu's throat.
Quote from: Lord Daskar on February 10, 2016, 10:22:59 PM
* Lord Daskar throws up in Groddil's face.
Quote from: Groddil on February 10, 2016, 10:25:30 PM
* Groddil sics Ungatt Trunn on Dilu
Quote from: Lord Daskar on February 10, 2016, 10:26:01 PM
* Lord Daskar kills Ungatt.
Quote from: Groddil on February 10, 2016, 10:27:52 PM
"Sorry, but you're lord DASKAR not lord BROCKTREE."

*Dilu is eaten by spider crabs.*
Quote from: Lord Daskar on February 10, 2016, 10:29:16 PM
I'm better than Brock could imagine.
* Lord Daskar survives.
Quote from: Groddil on February 10, 2016, 10:31:48 PM
Wait, I know your greatest weakness!

* Lord Daskar  Appears on the Goreleach. Luke and Ranguvar are there.
Quote from: Lord Daskar on February 10, 2016, 10:34:22 PM
That's Vilu -I.


Shoutbox Shenanigans with James, Ashleg, and yours truly, with a Søren cameo
[Today at 03:53:56 am] Groddil: @Ashleg Where should I start the timeskip?
[Today at 03:54:03 am] Groddil: Back at Redwall chaining up Rapshade?
[Today at 03:58:50 am] Groddil: ASHLEG...
[Today at 04:01:14 am] Ashleg: @James For the pain from my braces :P
[Today at 04:01:27 am] Ashleg: @Groddil Sure.
[Today at 04:01:53 am] Ashleg: Mum said I should feel better in...Twenty minutes. Ugh.
[Today at 04:03:39 am] Groddil: Kay, posting now
[Today at 04:03:55 am] Ashleg: Yay! c:
[Today at 04:04:42 am] Ashleg: ...That moment when you're hungry but can't eat anything. Because BRACES.
[Today at 04:05:04 am] Ashleg: RIP Ashleg
[Today at 04:19:39 am] Søren: I hated braces. I had them for almost four years. Sucked.
[Today at 04:21:12 am] Ashleg: They keep saying they're gonna take them off soon, and then pushing it off. "Oh, well we just need to adjust one more thing first". It's so annoying.
[Today at 04:21:38 am] Ashleg: You're lucky to have them off.
[Today at 04:23:32 am] Ashleg: *sigh* GRODDIL.
[Today at 04:34:26 am] James Gryphon: ELECTORAL VOTES
[Today at 04:37:43 am] Ashleg: WHEN
[Today at 04:38:10 am] Ashleg: Also, Grododile lied to me
[Today at 04:39:27 am] James Gryphon: WHAT!?!?!
[Today at 04:40:05 am] Ashleg: Said he was posting. BUT HOW CAN YOU DO THAT WHEN YOU'RE OFFLINE? XD
[Today at 04:41:01 am] James Gryphon: Good point. Lying is very very bad, and should be forbidden.
[Today at 04:41:05 am] Groddil: I'm still here
[Today at 04:41:10 am] Groddil: But class is really busy
[Today at 04:41:10 am] James Gryphon: I'll delete his account. That'll show him!
[Today at 04:41:12 am] Ashleg: I AM DISAPPOINT
[Today at 04:41:22 am] Groddil: I'll get it done soon,
[Today at 04:41:29 am] Groddil: I;m very close
[Today at 04:41:32 am] Ashleg: Oh hey Groddil XDD
[Today at 04:41:33 am] James Gryphon: And all of his posts, too.
[Today at 04:42:01 am] Ashleg: *pounces on James* Noooooo
[Today at 04:42:23 am] James Gryphon: What?
[Today at 04:43:03 am] Ashleg: *hands James a snickers*
[Today at 04:43:05 am] James Gryphon: Well, it's too late now. I have to do it.
[Today at 04:43:28 am] Ashleg: You're not you when you're hungry.
[Today at 04:44:01 am] Ashleg: EAT. THE. SNICKERS!!
[Today at 04:44:26 am] James Gryphon: I said I would delete his account, and you said that nobody should ever go back on their word.
[Today at 04:44:32 am] Groddil: Posted
[Today at 04:44:50 am] Ashleg: When did I say that?
[Today at 04:45:08 am] Ashleg: *hugs Groddil* >:0
[Today at 04:45:34 am] James Gryphon: It was strongly implied.
[Today at 04:46:25 am] Groddil: Finally
[Today at 04:46:41 am] Groddil: James, if you delete me, you will make an enemy
[Today at 04:46:50 am] Groddil: An enemy that has plans to become an administrator in 20 yeras
[Today at 04:47:13 am] James Gryphon: Ashleg was very upset about it; he said that you lied to him.
[Today at 04:47:15 am] Ashleg: Yeras?
[Today at 04:47:22 am] James Gryphon: We can all agree that lying is a terrible thing.
[Today at 04:47:31 am] James Gryphon: So, it's for the greater good. I'm sure you can understand that?
[Today at 04:48:03 am] Groddil: . . .
[Today at 04:48:06 am] Groddil: I didn't
[Today at 04:48:08 am] Ashleg: Groddil will sue you
[Today at 04:48:14 am] Groddil: I still posted, just not as soon as he hoped
[Today at 04:48:23 am] Groddil: I never gave an exact measurement of time
[Today at 04:48:43 am] Groddil: How would you feel if I bugged you about not doing something because college is interfering with YOUR life?
[Today at 04:48:46 am] Groddil: EXACTLY!
[Today at 04:49:26 am] James Gryphon: But he said you did!
[Today at 04:49:34 am] James Gryphon: Are you saying that he lied?
[Today at 04:49:42 am] Groddil: . . .
[Today at 04:49:44 am] Groddil: err...
[Today at 04:49:48 am] Groddil: I don't understand
[Today at 04:50:02 am] James Gryphon: Clearly, there's no way to decide who is in the right on this.
[Today at 04:50:07 am] James Gryphon: So I have to delete you both.
[Today at 04:50:07 am] Groddil: i SAID I would post, and I did
[Today at 04:50:26 am] Groddil: Well, I'll get Matthias to demote you to member!
[Today at 04:50:42 am] Ashleg: If you delete me, I will come back
[Today at 04:50:45 am] Groddil: For picking on us poor widdle members!
[Today at 04:50:55 am] Groddil: actually no, I'll get him to demote you to GUEST
[Today at 04:50:57 am] Groddil: HA!
[Today at 04:51:15 am] Ashleg: Oooooh.
[Today at 04:51:20 am] Ashleg: Burn.
[Today at 04:52:09 am] Ashleg: ;)
[Today at 04:52:13 am] Groddil: rekt
[Today at 04:52:30 am] James Gryphon: Back.
[Today at 04:52:52 am] James Gryphon: Matthias understands that we have to make tough choices sometimes.
[Today at 04:53:07 am] Matthias720: It's true!
[Today at 04:53:32 am] Ashleg: -.-
[Today at 04:53:35 am] Groddil: hah hah
[Today at 04:53:40 am] Groddil: Change your name, James
[Today at 04:53:43 am] Ashleg: Very funny.
[Today at 04:53:45 am] Groddil: the link still links to your profile
[Today at 04:53:51 am] Groddil: Matthias isn't even on
[Today at 04:54:00 am] James Gryphon: When I delete y'all, I'll only be doing my duty, and what more can a staff member do but that?
[Today at 04:54:01 am] Groddil: You dissapoint me
[Today at 04:54:06 am] Groddil: Pfft
[Today at 04:54:21 am] Groddil: Your duty as an evil overlord who has evil plants to take over the forum and make it evil
[Today at 04:54:23 am] Ashleg: I am DISSAPOINT,
[Today at 04:54:29 am] Groddil: Oh gosh, I said evil plants
[Today at 04:54:30 am] Groddil: Why
[Today at 04:54:38 am] Groddil: THE GERANIUMS ARE EVIL!
[Today at 04:54:47 am] Ashleg: GRODDIL
[Today at 04:54:53 am] Groddil: THEY WILL STRAGLE YOU WITH THEIR ROOTS!
[Today at 04:55:03 am] Ashleg: YOU MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD XDDD


Wylder Treejumper

How did nobody put my rebellion against James on here?
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.

LT Sandpaw

I think only you, me, and Vilu actually though that was funny. Sorry man people have strange ideas of humor sometimes.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


I still have no idea what Wylder's been talking about.

I'm retired from the forum

Lord Daskar

I think slightly amused would be a better choice of words. And you misspelled my name again.
When work gets overwhelming, remember that you are going to die. -A Coffee Cup

Be silent, or let thy words be more than silence.

Main Entry:   cheer·ful
Function: Adjective.
1 a : full of good spirits <a cheerful outlook> <cheerful obedience>

Ares saves not the brave man but the coward.

LT Sandpaw

Your name is rather easy to misspell. Sorry I just can't seem to get it right Dulu, Dat'scar.  :-\

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Lord Daskar

Yes, very easy. It's very easy to press a T instead of a S and a C instead of a K.
When work gets overwhelming, remember that you are going to die. -A Coffee Cup

Be silent, or let thy words be more than silence.

Main Entry:   cheer·ful
Function: Adjective.
1 a : full of good spirits <a cheerful outlook> <cheerful obedience>

Ares saves not the brave man but the coward.


Quote from: LT Sandpaw on February 17, 2016, 07:17:54 PM

I think only you, me, and Vilu actually though that was funny. Sorry man people have strange ideas of humor sometimes.

I thought it was awesome...I just didn't see any of it until to late... :'( ;D
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


Attack of the evil plants!
Starring Groddil, Ashleg (me), and Russa

[Today at 10:13:17 pm] Groddil: @Ashleg : you know too much
[Today at 10:13:29 pm]  * Groddil unleashes killer plants on Ashleg
[Today at 10:13:37 pm] Ashleg: Groddil, I defeated your evil plants.
[Today at 10:13:46 pm] Ashleg: OH NO, HE HAS MORE!!
[Today at 10:13:50 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Hides in a corner*
[Today at 10:13:53 pm] Groddil: mwahahahaa!
[Today at 10:13:54 pm]  * Ashleg screams
[Today at 10:14:16 pm] Ashleg: I HATE SUNFLOWERS!!!
[Today at 10:14:18 pm]  * Groddil stabs Ashleg with a sharpenned cucumber
[Today at 10:14:18 pm]  * Groddil sends evil geraniums to strangle Ashleg with roots
[Today at 10:14:19 pm] Groddil: MWAHAHAHAAHA!
[Today at 10:14:19 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Still hiding in the corner*
[Today at 10:14:35 pm] Ashleg: AAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!
[Today at 10:14:40 pm] Groddil: EVIL!!!
[Today at 10:14:40 pm]  * Groddil draws a sunflower on Ashleg's face
[Today at 10:14:53 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Sprays weed killer on the plants*
[Today at 10:14:56 pm]  * Ashleg sobs
[Today at 10:15:13 pm] Ashleg: MERCY!! N-NOT THE SUNFLOWER DRAWING!!
[Today at 10:15:16 pm]  * Groddil 's cucumber plants absorb weed killer
[Today at 10:15:29 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Hides*
[Today at 10:15:37 pm]  * Groddil 's cucumber plants send back the weed killer at Russa as repurposed human killer
[Today at 10:15:39 pm]  * Ashleg rolls around crying
[Today at 10:16:07 pm] Ashleg: RUSSA'S A SQUIRREL
[Today at 10:16:08 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Is hidden under a cardboard box*
[Today at 10:16:16 pm] Ashleg: >:3
[Today at 10:16:24 pm] Groddil: Shut up, you.
[Today at 10:16:26 pm] Russa Nodrey: @Ash:Yeah.
[Today at 10:16:41 pm]  * Groddil sends evil maple trees to attack Ashleg
[Today at 10:16:52 pm]  * Groddil 's evil maple trees spray poisonous maple syrup all over Ashleg
[Today at 10:17:04 pm] Ashleg: N-NOT THE MAPLE SYRUP!
[Today at 10:17:04 pm]  * Groddil 's cucumbers shrug, and send squirrel killer after Russa
[Today at 10:17:11 pm]  * Ashleg drowns
[Today at 10:17:19 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Still hidden under a cardboard box* *Whimpers*
[Today at 10:17:45 pm]  * Groddil 's evil tulips grow on the cardboard box
[Today at 10:17:54 pm]  * Groddil 's evil tulips explode, destroying the cardboard box
[Today at 10:17:56 pm]  * Groddil cackles
[Today at 10:18:05 pm]  * Groddil throws evil chrysanthemums at Russa
[Today at 10:18:16 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Hides under another cardboard box*
[Today at 10:18:22 pm]  * Ashleg sends a Hot Cocoa and Jigsaw Puzzle army after Groddil's weak plants
[Today at 10:18:49 pm] Groddil: yum!
[Today at 10:18:53 pm] Ashleg: HOT COCOA IS LIKE A NATURAL WEED KILLER! ;D
[Today at 10:18:54 pm]  * Groddil drinks hot cocoa
[Today at 10:19:01 pm]  * Groddil tries to put together jigsaw puzzles
[Today at 10:19:03 pm]  * Groddil fails
[Today at 10:19:12 pm]  * Groddil burns jigsaw puzzles with blowtorch
[Today at 10:19:14 pm] Groddil: or worse...
[Today at 10:19:19 pm]  * Groddil googles the answers!!!
[Today at 10:19:22 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Comes out from under mt box and starts hacking at the plants with an axe*
[Today at 10:19:39 pm] Russa Nodrey: *my
[Today at 10:19:43 pm]  * Ashleg hits Groddil repeatedly...with a newspaper
[Today at 10:19:45 pm]  * Groddil throws mangoes at Russa
[Today at 10:20:09 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Eats the mangoes*
[Today at 10:20:23 pm]  * Groddil snatches newspaper and uses it to line plant pots
[Today at 10:20:25 pm] Ashleg: This newspaper was once a tree! NOW IT'S DEAD, LIKE EVERY PLANT EVER
[Today at 10:20:33 pm]  * Groddil throws poison ivy at Russa
[Today at 10:20:33 pm] Russa Nodrey: Or is it spelled "mangos"?
[Today at 10:20:40 pm]  * Ashleg smashes plant pots
[Today at 10:20:49 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Eats the poisen ivy*
[Today at 10:20:59 pm] Ashleg: I haz no idea.
[Today at 10:21:16 pm] Groddil:
* Russa Nodrey's insides are scratched to pieces
[Today at 10:21:18 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Pukes*
[Today at 10:21:23 pm] Groddil:
* Russa Nodrey dies
[Today at 10:21:43 pm] Ashleg: 
[Today at 10:21:44 pm] Russa Nodrey: That was my hologram. ;D
[Today at 10:22:03 pm]  * Groddil traps Russa inside a Titan Aram
[Today at 10:22:16 pm] Groddil:
* Russa Nodrey is dissolved by the Titan Aram
[Today at 10:22:21 pm] Groddil: MY PLANTS WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!!1
[Today at 10:22:24 pm] Russa Nodrey: That's my cardboard cutout. ;D
[Today at 10:22:37 pm] Ashleg: Ooo
[Today at 10:22:44 pm] Ashleg: Roasted!
[Today at 10:22:57 pm]  * Groddil invents a Russa-Killing Plant powered by the sun
[Today at 10:22:59 pm] Russa Nodrey: Tote
[Today at 10:23:11 pm]  * Groddil 's Russa-Killing Plant jumps on Russa and explodes
[Today at 10:23:17 pm] Russa Nodrey: *An eclipse happpens*
[Today at 10:23:26 pm] Ashleg: Brilliant.
[Today at 10:23:41 pm]  * Groddil turns Russa into a zombie and traps her inside Plants VS Zombies land
[Today at 10:23:52 pm] Groddil: me plants a million cob cannons
[Today at 10:24:15 pm] Groddil: @Ash attempting to post now
[Today at 10:24:26 pm] Ashleg: :0
[Today at 10:24:31 pm] Groddil: Dunno if I have enough time
[Today at 10:24:32 pm] Ashleg: Awesome
[Today at 10:24:37 pm] Groddil: Probably
[Today at 10:24:38 pm] Ashleg: Aw
[Today at 10:24:39 pm] Russa Nodrey: Dude, you just turned my doppleganger into a zombie!
[Today at 10:24:56 pm] Russa Nodrey: y u so cruel?
[Today at 10:24:56 pm] Ashleg: *high fives Russa*
[Today at 10:25:06 pm] Groddil: . . .
[Today at 10:25:12 pm] Ashleg: Your Doppelgänger was out to get you
[Today at 10:25:22 pm] Russa Nodrey: *High fives Ash*
[Today at 10:25:23 pm]  * Groddil destroys everything that looks like Russa but actually isn't
[Today at 10:25:31 pm] Ashleg: So he did you a big favor! ;D
[Today at 10:25:40 pm]  * Groddil sends Gregor Mendel to destroy Russda
[Today at 10:25:43 pm] Groddil: *Russa
[Today at 10:25:54 pm] Russa Nodrey: Actually, my doppleganger is very friendly.
[Today at 10:26:04 pm]  * Ashleg sits on the sidelines, eating popcorn
[Today at 10:26:18 pm] Ashleg: You have two doppelgängers
[Today at 10:26:19 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Climbs a tree to get away from Gregor*
[Today at 10:26:26 pm] Groddil:
* Gregor Mendel attempts to include Russa in his experiments
[Today at 10:26:28 pm] Ashleg: He killed the evil one
[Today at 10:26:36 pm] Russa Nodrey: 'Bye! I have to go now!
[Today at 10:26:37 pm] Groddil:
* Russa Nodrey turns into a pea plant
[Today at 10:26:50 pm] Groddil:
* Plant Russa is experimented upon and dies
RIP Russa Nodrey


Quote from: Ashleg on February 18, 2016, 10:33:17 PM
Attack of the evil plants!
Starring Groddil, Ashleg (me), and Russa

[Today at 10:13:17 pm] Groddil: @Ashleg : you know too much
[Today at 10:13:29 pm]  * Groddil unleashes killer plants on Ashleg
[Today at 10:13:37 pm] Ashleg: Groddil, I defeated your evil plants.
[Today at 10:13:46 pm] Ashleg: OH NO, HE HAS MORE!!
[Today at 10:13:50 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Hides in a corner*
[Today at 10:13:53 pm] Groddil: mwahahahaa!
[Today at 10:13:54 pm]  * Ashleg screams
[Today at 10:14:16 pm] Ashleg: I HATE SUNFLOWERS!!!
[Today at 10:14:18 pm]  * Groddil stabs Ashleg with a sharpenned cucumber
[Today at 10:14:18 pm]  * Groddil sends evil geraniums to strangle Ashleg with roots
[Today at 10:14:19 pm] Groddil: MWAHAHAHAAHA!
[Today at 10:14:19 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Still hiding in the corner*
[Today at 10:14:35 pm] Ashleg: AAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!
[Today at 10:14:40 pm] Groddil: EVIL!!!
[Today at 10:14:40 pm]  * Groddil draws a sunflower on Ashleg's face
[Today at 10:14:53 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Sprays weed killer on the plants*
[Today at 10:14:56 pm]  * Ashleg sobs
[Today at 10:15:13 pm] Ashleg: MERCY!! N-NOT THE SUNFLOWER DRAWING!!
[Today at 10:15:16 pm]  * Groddil 's cucumber plants absorb weed killer
[Today at 10:15:29 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Hides*
[Today at 10:15:37 pm]  * Groddil 's cucumber plants send back the weed killer at Russa as repurposed human killer
[Today at 10:15:39 pm]  * Ashleg rolls around crying
[Today at 10:16:07 pm] Ashleg: RUSSA'S A SQUIRREL
[Today at 10:16:08 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Is hidden under a cardboard box*
[Today at 10:16:16 pm] Ashleg: >:3
[Today at 10:16:24 pm] Groddil: Shut up, you.
[Today at 10:16:26 pm] Russa Nodrey: @Ash:Yeah.
[Today at 10:16:41 pm]  * Groddil sends evil maple trees to attack Ashleg
[Today at 10:16:52 pm]  * Groddil 's evil maple trees spray poisonous maple syrup all over Ashleg
[Today at 10:17:04 pm] Ashleg: N-NOT THE MAPLE SYRUP!
[Today at 10:17:04 pm]  * Groddil 's cucumbers shrug, and send squirrel killer after Russa
[Today at 10:17:11 pm]  * Ashleg drowns
[Today at 10:17:19 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Still hidden under a cardboard box* *Whimpers*
[Today at 10:17:45 pm]  * Groddil 's evil tulips grow on the cardboard box
[Today at 10:17:54 pm]  * Groddil 's evil tulips explode, destroying the cardboard box
[Today at 10:17:56 pm]  * Groddil cackles
[Today at 10:18:05 pm]  * Groddil throws evil chrysanthemums at Russa
[Today at 10:18:16 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Hides under another cardboard box*
[Today at 10:18:22 pm]  * Ashleg sends a Hot Cocoa and Jigsaw Puzzle army after Groddil's weak plants
[Today at 10:18:49 pm] Groddil: yum!
[Today at 10:18:53 pm] Ashleg: HOT COCOA IS LIKE A NATURAL WEED KILLER! ;D
[Today at 10:18:54 pm]  * Groddil drinks hot cocoa
[Today at 10:19:01 pm]  * Groddil tries to put together jigsaw puzzles
[Today at 10:19:03 pm]  * Groddil fails
[Today at 10:19:12 pm]  * Groddil burns jigsaw puzzles with blowtorch
[Today at 10:19:14 pm] Groddil: or worse...
[Today at 10:19:19 pm]  * Groddil googles the answers!!!
[Today at 10:19:22 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Comes out from under mt box and starts hacking at the plants with an axe*
[Today at 10:19:39 pm] Russa Nodrey: *my
[Today at 10:19:43 pm]  * Ashleg hits Groddil repeatedly...with a newspaper
[Today at 10:19:45 pm]  * Groddil throws mangoes at Russa
[Today at 10:20:09 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Eats the mangoes*
[Today at 10:20:23 pm]  * Groddil snatches newspaper and uses it to line plant pots
[Today at 10:20:25 pm] Ashleg: This newspaper was once a tree! NOW IT'S DEAD, LIKE EVERY PLANT EVER
[Today at 10:20:33 pm]  * Groddil throws poison ivy at Russa
[Today at 10:20:33 pm] Russa Nodrey: Or is it spelled "mangos"?
[Today at 10:20:40 pm]  * Ashleg smashes plant pots
[Today at 10:20:49 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Eats the poisen ivy*
[Today at 10:20:59 pm] Ashleg: I haz no idea.
[Today at 10:21:16 pm] Groddil:
* Russa Nodrey's insides are scratched to pieces
[Today at 10:21:18 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Pukes*
[Today at 10:21:23 pm] Groddil:
* Russa Nodrey dies
[Today at 10:21:43 pm] Ashleg: 
[Today at 10:21:44 pm] Russa Nodrey: That was my hologram. ;D
[Today at 10:22:03 pm]  * Groddil traps Russa inside a Titan Aram
[Today at 10:22:16 pm] Groddil:
* Russa Nodrey is dissolved by the Titan Aram
[Today at 10:22:21 pm] Groddil: MY PLANTS WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!!1
[Today at 10:22:24 pm] Russa Nodrey: That's my cardboard cutout. ;D
[Today at 10:22:37 pm] Ashleg: Ooo
[Today at 10:22:44 pm] Ashleg: Roasted!
[Today at 10:22:57 pm]  * Groddil invents a Russa-Killing Plant powered by the sun
[Today at 10:22:59 pm] Russa Nodrey: Tote
[Today at 10:23:11 pm]  * Groddil 's Russa-Killing Plant jumps on Russa and explodes
[Today at 10:23:17 pm] Russa Nodrey: *An eclipse happpens*
[Today at 10:23:26 pm] Ashleg: Brilliant.
[Today at 10:23:41 pm]  * Groddil turns Russa into a zombie and traps her inside Plants VS Zombies land
[Today at 10:23:52 pm] Groddil: me plants a million cob cannons
[Today at 10:24:15 pm] Groddil: @Ash attempting to post now
[Today at 10:24:26 pm] Ashleg: :0
[Today at 10:24:31 pm] Groddil: Dunno if I have enough time
[Today at 10:24:32 pm] Ashleg: Awesome
[Today at 10:24:37 pm] Groddil: Probably
[Today at 10:24:38 pm] Ashleg: Aw
[Today at 10:24:39 pm] Russa Nodrey: Dude, you just turned my doppleganger into a zombie!
[Today at 10:24:56 pm] Russa Nodrey: y u so cruel?
[Today at 10:24:56 pm] Ashleg: *high fives Russa*
[Today at 10:25:06 pm] Groddil: . . .
[Today at 10:25:12 pm] Ashleg: Your Doppelgänger was out to get you
[Today at 10:25:22 pm] Russa Nodrey: *High fives Ash*
[Today at 10:25:23 pm]  * Groddil destroys everything that looks like Russa but actually isn't
[Today at 10:25:31 pm] Ashleg: So he did you a big favor! ;D
[Today at 10:25:40 pm]  * Groddil sends Gregor Mendel to destroy Russda
[Today at 10:25:43 pm] Groddil: *Russa
[Today at 10:25:54 pm] Russa Nodrey: Actually, my doppleganger is very friendly.
[Today at 10:26:04 pm]  * Ashleg sits on the sidelines, eating popcorn
[Today at 10:26:18 pm] Ashleg: You have two doppelgängers
[Today at 10:26:19 pm] Russa Nodrey: *Climbs a tree to get away from Gregor*
[Today at 10:26:26 pm] Groddil:
* Gregor Mendel attempts to include Russa in his experiments
[Today at 10:26:28 pm] Ashleg: He killed the evil one
[Today at 10:26:36 pm] Russa Nodrey: 'Bye! I have to go now!
[Today at 10:26:37 pm] Groddil:
* Russa Nodrey turns into a pea plant
[Today at 10:26:50 pm] Groddil:
* Plant Russa is experimented upon and dies
RIP Russa Nodrey

For reference, see my post above. Ashleg was contemplating me being a secret agent.


You are...But you do not possess the skills required to preform UNKNOWN ACTION.  ;D