
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Started by Faiyloe, February 05, 2015, 12:59:17 AM

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Having dinner with his family was one of Archel's favorite pastimes. One that he rarely got to enjoy due to his job. The past month had been a busy one tracking down an outlaw up the east coast, and he had only had a chance to visit his family briefly in that time. Now he was home after a long mission and he planed to make the most of his time here.

His house was a large mansion not to far from the royal palace. He grated the old gate keeper as he passed and walked up the well tended path. He walked with a little spring in his step and entered the house, a young mouse servant came and took his coat.

"Where is Martha?" he asked not even giving the maid a second glance.

"Out back in the garden sir with Marissa and Tomas," She said respectfully, before turning and hurrying away to tell the kitchen that the master was home. Archel hardly noticed, he was already on his way to the garden.

Archel found Martha sitting on a bench her small round spectacles perched on her nose and a book in her paws, while the nurse, and older stoat watched the children, baby Tomas a little white fluffy ball of a fox no older than a season and Marissa a full nine seasons and growing fast.

Marrisa was the first to see him standing in the door way and she jumped up and ran to him with an overjoyed shout.


"My big girl!" He said going to meet her scooping her up and spinning her around before setting her down and sitting next to Martha, giving her a kiss."I'm back Dear,"


"Alarie Illes! get back here this instant!" Miss Illes shouted from the door of their cottage. She leaned against the door frame and laid a paw on her stomach which was round with child. Alarie ran across the yard and up the single oak tree on the property, two honey roles in her possession, one in her paw and the other stuck in her mouth. "I really need to brake her of this stealing habit," she said to herself, "Get back down here and I'll tan your tail!" she shouted, but seeing no movement in the tree she sighed and went back in the house only to return with a basket of knitting. Two could play at this game.


Alarie watched her mother rocking in her chair out front knitting, it looked like she was making a blanket for her new little brother. She smiled it would be nice to have a little brothers, the wise woman said it was going to be a boy. Alaries stomach growled, she had eaten both the roles a while ago and she was now getting hungry. However her self preserving nature and her pride kept her in the tree. She looked around trying to find a way to get down without her mother noticing. If she could get away and avoid her long enough then it would blow over without to much fuss.  

She decided that the best way out was to make a dash for it. Her mother would never be able to catch her. In a flash she was down the tree across the yard and over the fence. Her mother was left shouting at the front gate and Alarie had disappeared over the hill.


Patrick, a mouse lad of 16 was plowing in his fathers filed when he heard some onecalling his name from over by the low stone wall at the edge of their property.

"Hey Patrick, over here,"  

He stopped his plowing and looked over to see Alarie crouched on the wall.

"Whats up," He said. She jumped off the wall and came over.

"Hey do you wan't to hang out at the fort tonight," she asked. The fort was a small play house the two of them had built in the woods between their family's properties. They would often go there together and hang out.

"What did you do this time?" Patrick asked reproachfully

"Nothing!... well I took some of mothers roles off the rack while they where cooling... and she seemed pretty mad about it,"

"That explains it,"

"I don't get it, I was going to eat them eventually anyway. Why dose she care when I eat it,"

"I think it is the stealing part that bothers her,"

"but it's not like I was really stealing, it's my house anyway,"

Patrick rolled his eyes and continued to plow.

"So... are you going to come to the fort or not?"

"Alright fine, after I finish this, oh and I'll bring some food," He said with a wink.

"Yes! thankyou," she said doing a cartwheel of triumph on the grass.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Canthedtum Pharnol leaned against a tree, panting heavily. He had been travelling South for days, hoping to escape a couple of rats he owed a debt to, but couldn't repay. Canny had finally thought he'd escaped them and set up camp, only to wake up with his tent on fire and smoke filling his lungs. The Fisher Cat had ran out the entrance, his fur sooty and singed, barely avoiding the Rats. He knew they were still following him, so he couldn't stop for long. Canny took a few steps away from the tree, hacking as he did so.

"An' where d'you tink yer goin'? Yeh haven' payed off yer debt yet, boy." Came a villainous voice. Canny turned, eyes wide, and saw the rats he had been fleeing from.

"Please! I don't have any money! I don't have anything!"

"Well, then yeh shouldn' 'ave borrowed our money, eh?" The rat swung his sword at him, but missed. He raised his sword again and swung, this time straight at Canny. The rat didn't notice the purple smoke that had started appearing. However, he did notice when his sword's blade melted. With eyes wide, the two rats turned and fled, but only made it a few steps before a huge tree branch fell on them. Behind them Canny stood, stricken. Odd things had happened around him before, always with the purple smoke, but he didn't understand it. He was scared. With a terrified last glance at the rats, one of whom was still alive, Canny turned and ran in the opposite direction.

Canny kept running until he reached a crudely made structure in the woods. Sighing with relief, he stepped inside, before passing out.

OOC: Canny's at the fort, if that's all right.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


 OOC: I controlled the maid. Is that alright?

Lieutenant Erich knocked on the front door of Captain Archel's house. When the mouse maid opened the door in answer, Erich gave her a half-hearted smile. "Is Captain Archel here? I really must speak with him."

"Yes, sir; he is," The maid replied. "If you wait a moment here, I will get him."

LT Sandpaw

Pulling the heavy pack of wares and small tools higher on his back, the hefty shrew Arron continued his long walk. With a slight smile, he remembered his fathers parting words warning of bandits and the danger of the open road.

Humming a old folk song he padded on, excited and terrified with his first long journey away from home. Planning on arriving in the city to sell and repair what he could, Arron hoped he would be able to impress his father when he made the long trip home.

Arron was contemplating choosing a spot for a campsite when a low moan sounded from the bushes. Jumping away Arron reached for the nearest item that came to paw, a stout forge hammer.

Arron's heart beat furiously as his fathers warning of dangerous bandits that preyed on travels. Terrible images rose in his head, he ground his teeth planning on going out with a fight.

Nothing happened, the road was still and a few crickets chirruped. Once again the moan sounded from the bushes, now it sounded less like a monster and more like a creature in distress.

Swallowing his fear Arron approached the bushes, pushing a few branches out of the way. Laying in a heap, a group of rats had all been crushed under a massive tree branch that had fallen away. Most were dead already yet one still lived, breathing shallowly and occasionally letting out a moan of pain.

Grimacing in disgust and trying not to gag Arron pulled the injured rat out from under the branch dragging him out onto the road. Once there Arron placed his pack under the rodents head and covered it with his blanket. Then he went back into the bushes to see what had happened.

Unable to make out how the tree branch and fallen or a sword had melted he left the sight and went back out onto the path. Folding up the blanket and replacing the pack Arron pulled the unconscious injured rat over his shoulder deciding to get as far away from this stop as possible.

Luckily the rat was small and light making him easy to carry. Still struggling to carry the rodent Arron finally had to halt carefully setting the rodent down and recovering it with the blanket.

Leaning against a tree Arron exhausted by his recent exertions he quickly fell asleep.

OOC: Ok real quick for locations, Arron still on the road I don't think he is near the fort.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

The Skarzs

Haenrok walked slowly up a hill, his step carefree but unhurried. He had been traveling inland for quite some time now, making stops here and there, and getting in, and out, of trouble when it came. The sea otter looked back from where he came, putting a paw to his already-shading brows to block the sun; he could no longer see the grove of trees he had spent the last few nights in, but it wasn't too concerning to him. It meant he had made progress.

Shrugging his pack into a more comfortable position, Haenrok turned back around to press forward. I wonder where I'll end up tonight, he mused. Always interesting.

A little further along his path the sea otter spied a few shapes in the distance. Stopping to think for a moment, Haenrok considered whether he should try to avoid company so soon, or try to be friendly. Deciding to take the latter, he set off again toward the forms. As he came closer, it became more obvious that they were in fact soldiers of some kind, bearing weapons and helmets that reflected the sun. Trusting to luck, Haenrok hailed them as he walked toward them.

OOC: I will continue this event in a later post.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


"Welcome home dear, how was your trip," Martha said taking his paw in hers.

"It was successful, and I have a little something for you," he said taking a small silver broach with a single pearl set in it from his  pocket and handing it to her.

"Oh, it's lovey," She said pinning it to her dress

"and you look lovely in it,"

"What's the occasion?"

"Does there have to be an occasion to give my lovely wife a gift. I haven't see you all in weeks and I wish my job didn't take me so far from home," He said picking up little Tomas and setting him on his lap "I swear, he has gotten heavier since last time. Fells like a cannon ball,"  Just then the mouse maid came out into the garden.

"Mr. Nerington, Lieutenant Erich is here to see you sir," she said. Archel handed Tomas to his wife and gave her a kiss on the forehead saying "I'll be right back dear," before returning to the house.

He entered the main entryway where he found the Lieutenant waiting. "What is it? this had better be important," He said.


Alarie ran on ahead and then stopped waiting for Patrick to catch up. She would then come back to walk with him and then run on ahead again. "Hurry up!" She said stopping to wait for him.

"You slow down! You have to much energy,"

"Not a chance,"

"and tell me again why you are in such a hurry, it's not like there is anything exciting waiting for us there," He said but Alarie was no longer listening, she had already run on ahead and over the hill. Over this hill and around the tree and there was the fort. She darted around and ducked in threw the front entrance. She let out a startled gasp and drew back hitting her head on the top of the door frame, sparks flying from her fingers. She hurriedly clasped her paws together, her heart beat hard. She had been more startled by the sparks then finding a limp figure in her fort.

"are you O- who's that?" he asked poking his head in.

"I don't know," She whispered not knowing why. Alarie crept over and peered at the fisher cat while Patrick crawled in and set their food down, he had it tied up in a napkin.  "Is he ok?" She said still whispering.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


 "It is of the utmost importance, sir," Erich said. "Some scouts reported seeing magic-users in the nearby woods, and the Crown has ordered an immediate investigation. I volunteered to lead the search group, but the King said he wants you to do it. I understand that your family is important to you, but we can't afford to waste time."

Erich paused for a moment, and then added, "And bring your finest weapons. You and I both know what they are capable of."


Canny groaned as he lay on the floor, in a state between unconsciousness and consciousness. He could hear what was happening, but was still deep enough asleep that he couldn't respond. However, he did respond when he smelled fire. His eyes opened wide and he flailed wildly, taking a moment to figure out why he was scared and where he was. "F-fire..." he said, panic evident in his voice. "Who...Where's the fire?..." Canny asked, noticing Alarie and Patrick for the first time.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


"Magic users, so close to the city," Archel said knitting his brow. "what is this coming to... Don't worry friend, I know better than anyone what they are capable of," he said laying a paw on the hilt of his saber. "What did the report say? what should we be looking out for?" He asked.

((OOC: If you want it to be one of the players I would say the best bet would be Hans character. he already said that things like that had happened before. if you would prefer it to be a NPC then you can do something like a sheet of ice covering the ground  or fog when there should not be, anything really unnatural.))


Alarie jumped back startled but this time without the sparks. "There's no fire! it's ok," She said rubbing her paws together nervously.

"I'm Patrick Longtail and this is Alarie Illes. What's your name? are you OK?" he asked.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


 "The scouts say they saw purple smoke," Erich said. "There were also two dead rats under a nearby tree branch, but I don't know if that's connected to the smoke. I've yet to see any magic that can command the trees."

Dannflower Reguba

       Saurrel Featherbrush was on his way home. He had just finished up some deliveries out in one of the expansive farming sectors, and was quite enjoying the scenery at this point. Just as he was stopping to admire a patch of daisy's along the road, his ears started picking up a conversation from a location he couldn't identify.

"I'm Patrick Longtail and this is Alarie Illes. What's your name? are you OK?"

       Judging from past experiences, he wasn't particularly far away, but the landscape sure did a good job of masking the whereabouts of the beasts conversing. All that aside, at least he could listen, Saurrel always took an opportunity to try and grasp control of his gift, and this seemed like it would be the easiest to manipulate. He had found many unexpected jobs this way, as well as overheard threats, or demands that he always found himself in the middle of.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Canny looked nervously at the Mouse and Squirrel who were standing over him.

"Canthedtum Pharnol," said the Fisher Cat. "I think I'm fine..." Canny tried to stand up, but went back to the ground as he started coughing violently.

OOC: I'm too tired to post with Rangi right now, I'll do it later. Skarz, is it alright if he meets up with Haenrok?
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


"Never underestimate magic Lieutenant, I have seen them do things that, five years ago I would have thought impossible,"  Archel chided. "I just returned from a patrol up the east cost, the entire coast near a fishing village had frozen over, all the ships where locked in the dock. If a beast can do something like that..." He trailed off with a meaningful look at Erich before donning his gray coat. "We better go we have no time to lose," He said heading out the door.


"Alright, by my tail," Alarie said crouching down next to him and punting a paw on his shoulder. "here," Patrick said handing Canny a canteen of water.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


 Running ahead of The Captain, Erich headed toward the palace. If the garrison had been roused as promised, two dozen soldiers were already waiting there for him.


Canny took the canteen gratefully, downing several gulps before talking again. "Have y'seen any rats hanging around?" he asked.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth