The War for an Abbey's Ruins RP

Started by Eulaliaaa!, February 11, 2015, 01:38:04 AM

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Stashi flapped away slightly, "Don't hurt him, he needs to call off his men." She said, trying to get away from the tranquilizer while keeping Ridge from falling, "Look, we don't want to fight. Just leave us alone and I'll let you go, that's all I'm asking. Please, just leave." She said, still trembling with fear as she struggled to avoid the tranquilizer.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


"I would rather nobody got hurt, too," said Mystery, drawing her arm away and flying so there was a somewhat comfortable distance between her and Ridge. Still, she had her sword out in case. "Maybe we can somehow find a solution that fits everybody."

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

LT Sandpaw

"Ya that's a good plan!" Ridge yelled as they descended his arm felt like it was about to fall off. Seeing they were only a dozen feet off the ground he began struggling pulling himself from Stashi's grip and falling the rest of the way.

He landed with a sickening thud and lay still. Groaning the tranquilizer laying forgotten he touched his leg gingerly feeling it swell. His remain two men ran over they checked for a pulse.

"Commander, commander Ridge are you okay." Calvin said desperately.

Ridge shook his head biting back pain. "I think I broke my leg, keep watch I'm getting us out of here." While the other two scanned around checking even the sky Ridge pulled a emergency communicator from his pack switching it on.

**"This is Captain Ridge to orbital command we have two men dead and I'm wounded, we need emergency Evacuation immediately, I will send radio flares to pin my location"** The device heated up sending its fast signals to anyone that might be listening in orbit.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Xavier sent the reply

"Im afraid we have a situation up here. Military forces from earth have arrived and are trying to arrest Natalia and stop our operation. We are maneuvering and are unable to help at the moment."

Then he added
"Between me and you, Natalia is taking some huge risks.Honestly you are probably safer where you are. You better limp back to your shuttle because you may end up being down there for a long time."


The pilots of the Refuge and the yacht had been given orders that required all their skill and experience to complete. It was fortunate that both had been Kosova Corp pilots before the plague.

The Refuge quickly manuvered to place itself between the yacht and the Magnanimous, while the yacht headed towards the Refuge as quickly as it could.

Inside the refuge, Natalia and two of her crew hastily loaded box of supplies into a shuttle and prepared to launch.

If all went according to plan, Natalie would launch the shuttle just as the yacht approached the Refuge, making a short trip to its shuttle bay while the Refuge shielded them from view of the Magnanimous' sensors. Then the yacht, which was still fueled, would immediately enter warp.

In about a minute it would be over. The two ships reached the correct orientarion and Natalia launched the shuttle, racing towards the yacht.

Even though the yacht was obscured by the Refuge, the signature of the yachts warp-drive spooling up was unmistakable to the bridge crew of the Magnanimous.

LT Sandpaw

Ridge licked his lips worriedly, a situation up there and no help was going to arrive. They would be forced to stay in the woodlands with little equipment or food. Calvin had just finished splinting Ridge's leg with the few medical materials they had on them. Leaving them depressingly short on anything.

"Looks like were spending the night here boys, lets get inside base four, we'll be safer there." Ridge said allowing Calvin to help him up. With the last man Steve following they found the hidden entrance to the science base.

Punching in the computer passcode 1,2,3,4,5 into the command pad Ridge limped back watching the door slide open.

"If this base was under military protocol the drill sergeant would skin the fool who came up with that passcode." Ridge joked leading the way in.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


As Ridge and his men made their way inside, Stashi came out of hiding and slipped inside at the last second. She followed them silently, ducking behind any cover that would keep her hidden.

OOC: not sure what it looks like inside, you'll have to describe it so I know where Stashi is...
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


 Millard smiled as the Refuge turned, blocking the path to its shuttle bay. Did Natalia think some simple maneuvering could thwart him?


The Coalition shuttle attached itself to the side of the Refuge. While most shuttles required shuttle bays, this lamprey class shuttle did not.


Xavier had expected Millards shuttle to attempt to get around the Refuge and to the yacht beyond. He was surprised when it attached to the hull and began to breach an entrance. He breathed a sigh of relief, the misdirection had succeded.

Outside, Natalia's shuttle careened into the shuttle bay of her brothers yacht, clipping the parked shuttle of the salvage party, dammaging them both, but she was just glad she made it.

"I'm in." She radioed to the bridge of the yacht and the pilot activated the warp drive and the yacht jumped out of the Alterra system.

Xavier was now in command of the Refuge. It dawned on him that his troubles were just beginning. Quick action was nessisary, he put the ship on red alert and alerted the security forces to the hull breach. Then he engaged full thrust and pointed the Refuge right at Alterra.

Ridge needed help? He thought with a grin. Ill bring him the whole ship.


Mystery was a bit surprised (though pleased) by Ridge's complaisant reply. But when she landed on the ground near Ridge and Stashi, she started to get worried and suspicious. Why the sudden shift to a more agreeable attitude? Could she really trust Ridge's reply? It seemed like he was being credible, but she still found herself feelings thorns of doubt. She noticed Stashi following the men and tracked her down. To her shock, the winged fox sneaked behind them into some type of camp. Mystery lingered outside for a few moments, wondering what Stashi would want to do and whether she should allow her to do it. Finally, Mystery decided it may be best to leave it to her ally to make things better rather than get in the way and possibly exacerbate the situation.

Mystery walked back to the place Spero had left her; she could tell where it was by the merging scents of many different living things. She lied back down on the ground and was asleep a moment later.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


 The soldiers onboard the shuttle cut a circular hole in the hull of the Refuge. Once finished, they entered the breach with rifles drawn.


Back onboard the Magnanimous, artillery was being aimed. Millard had given the order that, should the Refuge attempt to escape, artillery crews were to fire upon its engines.

LT Sandpaw

Upon finding the electrical systems worked properly Ridge flicked on the lights. It was a large circular room mostly white with human sized glass tubes every few yards. Around the edge of the room were different doorways leading to offices a barracks a kitchen and a restroom With the last door leading to the exit.

Carefully they went though each room checking for anyone or anything that might be hiding in the shadows. Finding nothing Ridge joined the others back in the main room.

"All the systems functions seem to be working sir but there's no one here, its abandoned." Calvin said in frustration, "I wish we knew what happened, and maybe what these tubes are for."

"I have my suspicions but for now, Steve you guard the main door, Calvin get us something to eat, I'll be looking in the office's for anything that might give us what we need." Ridge ordered.

Ridge opened the door way to the offices, he had noticed the computers when he had first searched the area and now he sat down at the first. Firing it up he grinned in success when he saw it worked.

The main screen came on showing the need for a password. After several attempts Ridge had to admit defeat, this computer was far better protected. He grinned remembering a trick he rubbed behind the computers monitor. there was a small piece of paper tapped to the back. With a grin of success he read the passcode and typed it in. Now it was time to see just what went on down here.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Lady Ashenwyte

The adder tracked Mystery down and hissed, waiting for it's prey to wake up.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


The refuge began to shake as it entered the upper reaches of the Alterran atmosphere. Xavier looked for a place to land near Ridge. He saw the crumbled ruins of a stone structure and a large clearing arround it. He would land there.

Inside the ship, security forces gathered in the halls leading from the breech, weapons at the ready.


Stashi hid in the shadows, her throat dry with fear. Those giant tubes, those cages, it ment only one thing to her. Death. She had barely escaped the lab with her life, and this lab was reminding her of the nightmare she had left. She had always tried forgetting it all, shoving it to the back of her mind as she tried to pretend nothing ever happened. But she had been a normal Mossflower fox, no wings. She loved wings, she loved flying, but she remembered how she had gotten them. A quiet, strangled sob ripped itself from her throat and she shrank back into the shadows, almost paralyzed with fear.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.