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The War for an Abbey's Ruins RP

Started by Eulaliaaa!, February 11, 2015, 01:38:04 AM

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Stashi backed up, tripping over Ridge and falling. She scrambled up, darting away from them and throwing herself at the door. She flapped her wings, making dents in the door. Within seconds she was bending it, pushing it outward by beating her massive wings against it. Before she finished, she glanced at the two men to see if they would attack.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


OOC: No prob, Wot! :)

BIC: Despite all the trauma that had occurred, Mystery couldn't keep herself from grinning at Spero's "sleepyhead" comment. "This snake is really dangerous. I think the best thing to do is kill it." She brandished her sword, then hesitated, seeing the heads whipping back and forth ominously. She had been thinking of cutting them off, but that was dangerous. With five heads to watch, she was prone to being bitten by venuemous fangs. Recalling something Stashi had done not too long ago, she said, "Why don't we drop it from a high altitude, and see if that kills it?"

OOC: Lord A, I know you said not to kill the snake though...Is it okay to do this? You can intervene if you want.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


As soon as Millards men landed, they saw the Refuge's shuttles being attacked by an armed horde of beasts.

LT Sandpaw

Ignoring Stashi completely Ridge and Calvin pushed past her and into the dust filled land. A few trees that were still standing had been badly burned and none of the bushes and shrubs had survived.

Rushing to Steve's still form they checked for any life still in him.

"He's dead sir, what should we do?" Calvin asked looking away from the charred body.

Ridge shook his head, unable to look at the mans body. "We need to leave, but the refuge is destroyed so we are forced to remain here. Lets find any survivors and get somewhere safe, I'm tired and hungry, and things only seem to be escalating." Turning too Stashi he glared at the winged fox.

"We need help, Can I ask you to fly out and find where any escape pods landed, I know you don't trust me but we need you desperately." He motioned at the ship still flying hovering in the atmosphere.

"I don't know who they are or what their here for but they shot down and killed hundreds of my kind and I doubt they will hesitate to destroy this planet we need to work together, at least for now."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Stashi narrowed her eyes, glaring at Ridge. For a second, it looked as if she would attack, but then she gave a quick nod and spread her wings. Flapping them, she rose up into the sky, one of her wings nearly hitting Ridge. She flew around, her keen eyes searching for survivors. She finally caught sight of three shuttles, two of them were open and creatures were attacking the survivors, and one was closed with the creatures trying to open the doors. Quickly, she flew back to Ridge and landed next to him.

"There are survivors, but not for long if they don't get help soon. Some creatures are attacking them, there's three shuttles, two of them are open. The other one won't last long, I think." She said, then hesitated, "What do I get out of helping you? You can't defeat them yourself, you need help. And if I do help, what'll I get?" She asked.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


 The soldiers opened fire upon the horde without hesitation. The three dropships circled around, prepare to offer air support if necessary.

Lady Ashenwyte

OOC: Ash is in Brockhall for now.

The beasts retreated after they were attacked by humans, but before they left, they gave the opposing soldiers three volleys of longbow fire and disappeared into the wilderness.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.

Wot, wot!

OOC: Sounds Good :)

BIC: Spero nodded at her friend," I think that would do the trick," She said, glancing down in horror at the trashing creature. "He's a nasty one. I've never seen anything like him before. Poor creature was probably a victim too," she sighed, flying higher into the sky.
"Get him! Grab that spy! I want his head!"
Basil chuckled. "What's the matter? Isn't your own head good enough? No, I don't suppose it is. Ugly-looking brute, aren't you?" -Basil to Cluny the Scourge (Redwall)

"The second you change "I can't" into "why not", you can do anything in the world."


Mystery nodded. "Okay," she said when they had flown very high, "Let him go."

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Wot, wot!

"Ok. Here it goes," Spero said, opening her talons slowly. The snake flopped wildly in the air, desperately searching for anything to cling to. Spero turned her head, unable to watch the snake's unfortunate fate. "I'm glad that's over," she sighed,"Are you ready, friend?"
"Get him! Grab that spy! I want his head!"
Basil chuckled. "What's the matter? Isn't your own head good enough? No, I don't suppose it is. Ugly-looking brute, aren't you?" -Basil to Cluny the Scourge (Redwall)

"The second you change "I can't" into "why not", you can do anything in the world."

Lady Ashenwyte

OOC:Who is that thrashing beast?
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


OOC: The adder, and it's actually "thrashing". We dropped it from the sky, but we can make it survive somehow (by landing among the trees) if you don't want it to be killed.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


As soon as the yacht was safely away, Natalia got out of the shuttle and brought the box of medical supplies.

Her brother was in the hibernation pod in his cabin, as they had told her. She started up the wake-up protocol and injected her brother with the cure.

When Alexander woke up, he was disoriented at first but he quickly got a grip on himself. He paced the cabin as Natalie explained all that had happened while he had been hibernating: how the disease had infected Earth, how their father was dead, how she had discovered a cure, and how a resurgent government was trying to arrest her for various crimes.

After she had finished, Alexander was silent and his expression hardened until he suddenly lashed out, grabbing his sister he shoved her up against the wall.

"You idiot!" he said, his hand around her throat. "How could you be so stupid."

"Wha--" Natalie was too stunned to react.

"You gave away the cure?" He roared angrily, "You wanted to be a hero, was that it? I bet this hurts doesn't it? Well you deserve every one of your scars. If you weren't my sister..."

He released her and she crumpled to the floor, tears rapidly flooding her eyes. This was not how she imagined things would go.

"Actually," He continued, "I'm ashamed that you are my sister. The disease was an opportunity. You were the only one in the world with the cure. You could have asked for anything, you could have easily ruled the world... and you gave it all away, and now my life is in danger because you gave up our fortune and our power."

He sat down in silence for a long time, and she didn't move. At length he calmed down:

"I guess I always knew you didn't understand these kinds of things, that's why father put me in charge. What you did was foolish. Power is everything, morals and ethics are nothing without power behind them. It doesn't matter how much good you do for people, they will hate you anyway."

He got up and knelt in front of her. Raising her chin with his fingers, he looked into her eyes. His voice took on a conciliatory quality.  

"We will find a way to get our power back, little sister, but from now on you listen to me."


Mystery watched the falling snake shrink and shrink from her view until it disappeared among the trees. "I feel bad for it, but I believe it was necessary. We don't watch the snake harming more beasts. Anyway, maybe we should -" She paused and pricked her ears when she faintly heard a call coming from the ground far below. "Someone's in trouble!" she yelled, already flying towards the frantic voice. It was coming from the ruins of Redwall.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

LT Sandpaw

Ridge thought about Stashi's offer to help and request.

"I don't have much to offer, yet I can promise you one thing, we'll leave. And we'll never come back, or else we'll die. Without help the latter is the most likely but if we do live though this somehow... Well I can't promise anything but we'll do our best to leave and never return. You have my word on that."

Nodding to Calvin the two rushed off into the brush heading in the direction Stashi had told them too go hoping to save some of the crash survivors.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro