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Where were you on 9/11/01?

Started by White One6193, September 09, 2011, 02:21:43 AM

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I haven't seen it, but I'm sure that it's done in a respectful manner.

Along those lines, I still get chills when I hear "Let's roll" in the context of 9/11.


I know Im going to get hammered for this but I don't think Bin Laden was evil. Sure he did very evil things, but...
Taht being said, in religion, we watched a documentary on 9-11 with actual footage.
It was the scariest movie ive ever seen in my life.
I saw two people hold hands and jump from the 189 floor.
I saw a mother let go of her child's hand and run away in the streets.
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse

Taggerung The Otter

i was in sixth grade when my teacher got a call about it
For GOD so loved the world he gave his only begotton SON so that whoever belived in him would not parish but live eternal life.

Oh yeah...buitiful verse... :D


I was in my 8th grade English class with Mr. Tasch. A teacher in an adjacent classroom, Mrs. Rosentrator, came in and said "They're burning. Both of them." We turned on the TV. There I saw the two tall towers of The World Trade Center with smoke billowing from them for the first time. I will never forget it. I will never forget watching people jump from the upper floors of the buildings, their bodies twisting and turning as they fell to a death more appealing than burning alive. I will never forget watching the buildings collapse, sending clouds of noxious smoke into the streets of New York, the news cameras blacking out with the thickness of the stuff. I will never forget the ramifications of the events, and how it changed the United States, and the world, forever.

Quote from: Muse on November 11, 2011, 04:30:27 PM
I know Im going to get hammered for this but I don't think Bin Laden was evil. Sure he did very evil things, but...

He was just as evil as the folks in Guatanamo who torture other human beings. He was just as evil as those in the US government who sign away the lives of thousands of young men and women to fight in foreign "wars" without a Congressional declaration of war or any specific purpose as to why we ought to be fighting in foreign countries. He was just as evil as you and I who live our lives in luxury at the expense of 99% of the human population worldwide.
People celebrated when Bin Laden was killed, just as the "terrorists" celebrated when those towers collapsed and the Pentagon burned. How many of the "enemies" have been killed by US, British, Australian and other citizens who are fighting in the so-called war? How many innocent civilians have been killed, some with laughter from soldiers in helicopters as they mow down mothers, fathers and children? Far more than 3,000.
So, ask the question, if we say Osama Bin Laden was evil, must we not turn the mirror to ourselves?
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Relatively, he was evil. We all commit offenses, but very few as bad as his work.
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


Yes, that was wonderful.  ;)

Yeah, are we much better? "Holier than thou," but we see starving, homeless people outside all the time. And do we help as much as we could?
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse


Is there any relative when it comes to good and evil? The gray areas are hard to work with, and one could go back and forth all day as to what makes one evil. All in all, it seems there is potential for good and evil in all of us. What Bin Laden did, he did because he thought it was right. Many atrocities have been committed throughout history because of people doing what they think is right.
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The only evil person I can think of was Hitler.
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse


i was in 1st grade. 6 yrs old. i remember heading to school. it was on the news. we went to the school parking lot, and my mom heard it on the news. me and my sister were to young to know wut wus going on. but my mom freaked. she droped us at school and went to my grandsmas house to watch it on the news. we dont have a TV xD
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


In proportion to danger. The idea behind justice is for the strong to safeguard the weaker or less powerful or main body of people from harm from others.
In the case of 9/11, a man ordered the death of 3000 "innocent" (in the crime at hand or such an atrocity) people to death.
If at the end of the day, one of those 3000 had to die, or Bin Laden, who should it be?
That decision shouldn't have to be in someone's hands, or carried out, nor is it truly anyone's authority, you could say, to do or decide on, but if that decision had to be made, justice would be claiming Bin Laden.
A dangerous man, whether he thinks he's right or wrong, capable of the acts he perpatrated directly or indirectly, is of more evil to the world, or rather those who live on it, than many others.
No one is any better than someone else, but others are still of more threat or harm to others.

Am I making any sense?
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away