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Monopoly Deal

Started by James Gryphon, April 14, 2015, 06:23:39 PM

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James Gryphon

Any of y'all ever play this? I got a set a while ago, and it was a pretty fun light card game. I actually made graphics for a unique set of cards, so that my family could play Monopoly Deal based around our city (with streets we're familiar with, instead of Boardwalk, etc.) We never did print that up, though.
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~Just a soft space boi~


Sorry, no, I'm not familiar with it.  I think it's awesome that you designed your own set of cards, though.  You ought to print them up.

I felt badly that no one was posting in your topic so I went ahead and said something.

James Gryphon

Right now I'm spending my time trying to fix computer trouble (on both OSes -- isn't it great how technology makes our lives easier and more convenient ). If you like, though, I can post a side-by side comparison of some of the cards later. I spent a pretty fair amount of time on most of them, and for the most part, with perhaps one or two exceptions, I was pleased with how the project turned out.
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Technology makes everything simpler, doesn't it?  (I'm so incompetent with it, I'm sure I missed my cue to be born and entered the world decades after I should have.)

I'd be interested in seeing the cards you designed, and thought to ask, but I wasn't sure if it would be too personal.  There is satisfaction is sharing things on which you spend time and effort.


What kind of trouble are you having with your computer, James? Maybe I can help you out :)

Also, I'm fascinated at the fact that you created your own set of cards. That's so cool.
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James Gryphon

QuoteWhat kind of trouble are you having with your computer James? Maybe I can help you out

It's an iMac (a few years old now), which dual-boots OS X 10.10 "Yosemite" and Windows 7.

The trouble with Windows 7 (which I'm running right now, due to the problems with OS X) is pretty simple; I can't get the sound to work properly. With RealTek drivers, it plays (low-quality) sound out of the speakers, but doesn't recognize that there are such things as headphones or that there's a pair of those plugged in the back of my computer. With Microsoft drivers, it recognizes both the internal speakers and the headphones, but it doesn't actually play any sound.

As far as OS X goes... it constantly crashes. Every 10-15 minutes and the whole thing will freeze up, except for the clock and the mouse. Can't click on anything or make it do something, though. I've had to shut the computer down with the power button probably 10 times by now. My next step in diagnosing the trouble: I'm going to log in as a different user and see if the trouble is still there. That way I'll know if the problem has to do with my account, or if it's system-wide.

QuoteAlso, I'm fascinated at the fact that you created your own set of cards. That's so cool.
I thought so too. The finished product was very impressive, especially the property cards. I spent hours on the property cards in particular, making them look just right, and for the most part they do -- with the right card stock they would look about as good as the originals. The others were done a little more quickly, but I'm not displeased with them.

The only cards I'd like to do over would be the money card.  I would have liked to make my own money cards from scratch, but I couldn't get a good design for the guilloche, so I used a copy of regular Monopoly money as a basis for my image editing. When I was done it didn't look appealing at all (or at least, not on the full screen). Maybe it would look better printed out, I don't know.
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QuoteThe trouble with Windows 7 (which I'm running right now, due to the problems with OS X) is pretty simple; I can't get the sound to work properly. With RealTek drivers, it plays (low-quality) sound out of the speakers, but doesn't recognize that there are such things as headphones or that there's a pair of those plugged in the back of my computer. With Microsoft drivers, it recognizes both the internal speakers and the headphones, but it doesn't actually play any sound.

I don't know anything about Mac computers, so I'm probably going to talk nonsense here, but maybe the problem is in the soundcard itself? I had one that did the exact same thing back in the Windows 98 era and I had to throw it away because it was driving me nuts with its constant "troubles" to identify peripherals.  

Although I will still recommend you to update your drivers to the latest versions, who knows? Maybe you are lucky and it is just a conflict in between the two (I don't want to give you unsure advise here, but maybe you are going to have to disable at least one of them and see what happens... careful, though... the Control Panel on Windows 7 is famous for screwing things up in that department... that's how I got my mic broken).

Also, it is probably that both the headphones and the speakers are using the same channels and thus, cancelling each other out (with two sound drivers installed and running, that's far from a long shot).
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James Gryphon

All right, here's a preview I made that shows off what the cards look like. None of the property cards (which are all named after places near where I live) are included, but the property wildcards are, so you can see what they look like.

Here's a page showing pictures of the originals, for comparison.

The action cards (like Deal Breaker) look completely different, and all lack the guilloche characteristic of the original deck. The change of the brown properties to purple was a stylistic decision I made, with the idea of making my Deal set resemble the old Monopoly boards that I was accustomed to. Also, both purple and blue territories have white text instead of black here, another cue taken from the standard Monopoly board game. The use of Futura for the font was necessitated by my inability to find an exact match for the Deal card font -- this worked out to be just as well, though, since Futura was used by the board game's cards, and it fits with the slight retro thing I wanted to do.

On the whole, there's a notable resemblance between my cards and the original Deal cards, and I'm very pleased with how they turned out.

(I did want to note that the design of the action card is not original to me -- they're based on a chance card someone designed at Boardgamegeek. That said, these went through a good amount of tinkering to get to where they are now.)
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My #1 Apple advice:
No Yosemite on a Mac older then 2009.
#2: Wait for the Apple Watch 2.

I actually think I have heard of Monoply Deal, just never tried it.

I'm retired from the forum


Your cards certainly look professional, and I like the retro look of them.  I especially like the minimalist look of your Deal card.  I understand your not posting your property cards; it would be fun and interesting to play with streets and areas I'm familiar with, though the original Monopoly Deal doesn't even have an avenue named after my state.