Seas of Red, or In Which Vermin Fleets Are Sunk, or Vermin Seas (and coasts!)

Started by Blaggut, April 18, 2015, 05:52:34 AM

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What you guys have

Boats: 7
1 (50%)
Soldiers: 260
1 (50%)
Rowers: 230
0 (0%)
Workers/Operators: 100
0 (0%)
Rations: 5 Months
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 2


Backstory is on the proposal topic, and I'm to lazy to re write it :P

Here are the fleet's boats:

Tammo's Pride: Soldier Boat, 4 scores of soldiers, score and ten rowers, ram on prow

Golden Glory: Storage Boat, Rations and materials, 2 scores of defenders, score and ten rowers.

Salamandestron's Flame: War boat, 5 mounted ballistae/ballistas, (1 at the prow, 2 on the deck, 2 in the hull) 1 small trebuchet (on the deck) and 2 mounted catapults (on the deck), 2 score operators, 2 score defenders, 4 score rowers (Very very fast), ram on prow

The Gilded Crate: Storage Boat, rations and materials, 2 scores of soldiers, score 'n' ten rowers

The Double Edged Blade: Soldier Boat, 4 scores of soldiers, 1 score and ten rowers, ram on prow.

The Badger's Right Paw: Worker Boat, Kitchens, certain materials and rations, tools, 3 score workers, eating hall, 10 soldiers, 2 score rowers

The Vermin's Fate: Extra Boat, 10 soldiers, score of rowers.

To sum this up, that's 7 boats, 260 soldiers, 230 rowers, and 100 operators/workers.

Also guys, quick note, that's BARE MINIMUM rowers, so if some die, make sure to capture and enslave some vermin to row down there (Just make sure to have them guarded and tied!)

Also, when you sign up, you should take position as a leader of one of the boats. I will play other boat leaders until other people sign up. When all boat positions are filled, I'll be looking for people to help play horde leaders and vermin town leaders, though I will be playing them permanantley.


Species: (Most likely a hare, obviously, or atleast a badger WITHOUT  or RARELY bloodwrath. No PG guys...)
Strategic Style:
Preffered Battle Setting (Water or Land)
Skills 'n' Such:
Favorite Crayon Color: (This is the most important step!!!)

Signups are now (and will be until further notice) open!

~Just a soft space boi~


(Oh, and I'll make the topic when atleast three people make their apps. Also, one leader per boat. And also, I have to get that map done so I can keep track of things. Also ill be keeping a list of what you'll guys have, such as soldiers, workers, rations, and rowers in the form a poll, which will change regularly. No need to vote on ito f course.)
~Just a soft space boi~

Lady Ashenwyte

Name: Rhonaer Redtail.
Age: 30.
Gender: Male.
Species: Fox.
Description: He is a red fox who wears a set of scale armour. His eyes are two colours, with one eye being a deep blue and the other eye is black. He is deaf in one ear.
Strategic Style: Prefers to observe the battle from a distance, and to attack the enemy when the time is right.
Preffered Battle Setting: Water.
Ship: Salamandastron's Flame.
Skills 'n' Such: A good archer and a rather good strategist.
Other: He was adopted when he was a baby by two Long Patrol hares who were slain by corsairs in a battle. He went into a rage and killed all of the corsairs on the boat, and was instantly promoted. He, having achieved many victories against searats, was given Salamandastron's Flame.
Favorite Crayon Color:  Black.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.



Glad you have a backstory for having  a long patrol vermin  ;)
~Just a soft space boi~


Name: Aaron Mistpaw
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Species: Hare
Description: A norrmal hare, except for interesting pale footpaws. He wears chain mail gauntlets as his only armor.
Strategic Style: Aaron likes to command from the front. He is an expert of the Internal Affairs of battle, and is perfect at keeping soldier morale up and ready.
Preferred battle setting: Land
Ship: Vermin's fate
Skill's: An excellent fencer and a good shot with a sling.
Other: Born to a familly of wandering hares, Aaron was known for his prowess in stealth fighting. declining an offer to command a large regiment, Aaron instead took control of a small squad and is considered the Special Ops team.
Favorite Crayon Color: Green
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Name: Kili Fastfoot
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Species: (Most likely a hare, obviously, or atleast a badger WITHOUT  or RARELY bloodwrath. No PG guys...) Hare.
Description: Kili has reddish brown fur and wears a large red hat with a blue feather sticking out of it.
Strategic Style: She is more likely to capture her enemies then try to kill them, but she loves to be the first to rush in to battle.
Preffered Battle Setting (Water or Land) Land.
Ship: Tammo's Pride
Skills 'n' Such: Good with a bow and knows quite a bit about healing.
Other: She was born and raised in Salamandastron.
Favorite Crayon Color: (This is the most important step!!!) Gold! :3


Accepted and accepted!

Gemme a day or two to get the map and such sorted out and the roleplay topic will be opened!
~Just a soft space boi~


Yay!  ;D
If it's okay with you, I'd be more then happy to have a vermin leader as well as Kili.


~Just a soft space boi~


Name: Davidari the Knight
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Species: Mouse (Some Fox blood on his mother's side)
Description: Larger than a normal mouse, light brown fur, strange lookin tatoo on left arm, wears a green tunic with chainmail underneath, also wears a forest green cloak
Strategic Style: Davidari prefers to strategize by ear, he leads his men by analyzing the battlefield up close and personal even if that means jumping into the fray himself.
Preferred battle setting: Land
Ship: Hylia's Jewl
Skill's: Outstanding broadswordsman and experienced battlefield general
Other: Born to lead a tribe of mice in the northlands and ruled them for several years, he went on several campaigns over the years and after returning from one he discovered his whole family and tribe gone, missing, vanished. A beast who knows no master and no family to return to Davidari has had his fair share of adventures with almost any kind of beast imaginable. (Cough cough the super long THoR series)
Favorite Crayon Color: Green


OOC: Good app, but ye must choose to be a captain of one of the existing boats. I can still allow you to have officer or second in command to one of the other captains if the other battle/aggressive boats have all been taken up with captains.
~Just a soft space boi~


Since we're attacking the fortress now, could I make a random rat or weasel or something? XD


Name: Gladys.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Species: Hare
Description: A strong, light brown hare with a red coat (with several badges) with a golden trim and a large shield strapped across her back. It is made out of smooth, shining wood.
Strategic Style: Assess her opponents briefly and then run in with her shield up, stunning the enemy. Find safe ground, take a breather, and repeat. She also prefers unarmed combat if the time is right, and usually stands in a ready position and flanks.
Preffered Battle Setting: Land
Ship: The Double Edged Blade (Captain)
Skills 'n' Such: She can block well and is an experienced captain. She can also fare well unarmed.
Other:Metal fisticuffs.
Favorite Crayon Color: Crimson