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Gotta Get Along (Sign-Ups and OOC! OPEN!!)

Started by Ashleg, April 28, 2015, 03:29:26 AM

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In this roleplay, you will get to be any of the characters you always wished you could roleplay! They can be living or dead, good or bad, it honestly doesn't matter. They don't have to be from the same generation--we can pretend! It just has to be a character that was indeed in the Redwall series at some point and not a fan-character. We can each have up to four characters max (if you can handle that many.)
If your character died in the story, just imagine she/he got injured badly but survived the ordeal.
Treat 'em like your own character.
Now... On to the plot! ;D
Our characters have been the lucky (or unlucky) "chosen" few of one of Redwall's infamous riddles, and they must all go on a quest to Salamandastron to find out what exactly the mysterious red gem that a certain ferret found on the ground is capable of. There once was a stone that was fabled to be powerful enough to give anybeast the same strength and determination in battle as a badger lord in Bloodwrath--and if this is said gem, they must make sure it doesn't get into the wrong paws!
For the vermin, it is more a quest for redemption then anything else. The woodlanders going on the quest should keep an eye on them, for perhaps it wouldn't be good if they got ahold of the gem. The characters must learn to work together if they want to succeed!
You can have whoever you're roleplaying develop and/or change, but maintain the same personality they had in the story, unless they realistically change during the roleplay. Also, if it's a character that has a tribal accent/accent in general when he/she talks, keep it at least in the beginning. He/she may grow out of it if they're surrounded by other creatures that don't use a similar form of speech, but they also might not.
Only two of the four that you have can take part in the quest, and please full out a forum for each one! :D

Now you can use any character from the books. They don't have to be minor.
Everything from Cluny to Auma is allowed now!!

Forum ^w^

Character Name (again, must be in the books. With the edit, somebeast like Martin or Badrang or Romsca would now be allowed):
Book she/he was in:
If they died in the book, how'd that effect them now?:
Brief history (tell us what they did in the book!):

Taken Characters List!
-Raventail (ferret)
-Rowanoak (badger)
-Blaggut (rat)
-Butty (hare)

I'll post my forum separately.
If you join, please be active! :D


Character Name (again, must be in the books and minor. Someone like Martin or Badrang or Romsca would not be allowed): Raventail
Gender: Male
Species: Ferret
Book she/he was in: Marlfox
If they died in the book, how'd that effect them now?: Nobody exactly knows what Cregga did to him. Not surprisingly, he won't talk about it...But whatever it was left a huge scar.
Brief history (tell us what they did in the book!):
His wiki page will work, too. XD


Character Name (again, must be in the books and minor. Someone like Martin or Badrang or Romsca would not be allowed): Rowanoak
Gender: Female
Species: Badger
Book she/he was in: Martin the Warrior
If they died in the book, how'd that effect them now?: She didn't die in the book.
Brief history (tell us what they did in the book!): She was a leader of the Rambling Rosehip Players and helped in the battle to liberate the slaves of Marshank and defeat Badrang.
Other: Rowanoak is one of the most underrated badgers in the series, which stinks because she is really cool.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

LT Sandpaw

Character Name: Elmtail
Gender: Male
Species: Red Squirrel
Book she/he was in: Mattimeo
If they died in the book, how'd that effect them now?: He didn't die.
Brief history (tell us what they did in the book!): He was seen at the end of Mattimeo saving Matthias's life from a black robed rat, he was later seen at the end of the book befriending Sam squirrel.
Other: At the end of the book it says he co-created the Mossflower Patrol an is the leader under Sam.

BTW: I actually wrote a one-shot about Elmtail some time back... I never put it up on the website but I think it would be cool to play as him here.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro




What should we have our characters be doing exactly? :)

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Have them either in or around Redwall (lives there, traveling, etc.), where they can meet and go from there.


Name: Blaggut )Yeah, my profile name is an obscure character xD)
Gender: Male
Species: Rat (But he was good. Atleast, later in the books.)
Book: The Bellmaker
If they died: nu deth 4 blagit
Brief History: It's been a while since I read it, but I remember he was a corsair guy, he and his now crew-less captain explored the shores, Blaggut ever loyal, and killed some wood landers. Blaggut then felt bad so he assassinated his commander, which he also felt bad about. He then went to Redwall and cried like a dubbin begging for forgiveness, to which he was allowed in the abbey (under very close inspection by otters and squirrels). He built some boats for dibbuns, two of which are now great friends of his (They call him Uncle Black Guts in the series) and now lives on the shore building boats in a shack.
Other: He still lives In that shack on the ocean shore, near the path, not too far from Redwall (book says he visits often)
~Just a soft space boi~


Wait, wasn't Raventail killed? (hate to put a damper on it, but just `saying)
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Blaggut, you're in.  ;D

And Raventail was indeed killed, if you read the first post it says that if he/she died in the book to have them just be severely/permanently injured, old (if they died of old age), etc.  ;)


Sandpaw left the forums, just to let you know :-\

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Cornflower MM

Would Butty (From Rakkety Tam) be small enough to play here?