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The Legend of Land Farm

Started by Rakefur, September 13, 2011, 04:08:07 PM

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~~~The Legend of Land Farm~~~By Ryu (A friend from RWL)~~~Inspired by Land Farm~~~


*recites prayer*

I must do that in the critical moments of my life in Northlands. Many barbarians have laid siege upon my tiny residence built from the hallows of a mountain.

I am alone but my speed is crucial to my victory. I slain those painted ones in a flash but I feel the worst is yet to come...



Chapter 1

And so the next day comes... As I wandered through the usual mists of the morning around the mountain base I noticed the barbarian's bodies were gone. Shocking! 

I heard strange noises the other night after my confrontation with them but I thought nothing of it. So I notice a wolf. It was enormous. Its skull was the size of a boulder. The biggest mouth to ever crush bones was right in front of me. Its scythe like claws ripped through the carcass and penetrated the ground below.

*prayer to the land farm recited*

I gaze up again and it sees me. I believe it noticed me once I turned the corner but there is nothing to do but fight. With the will of my own and the blessing of land farm I strike first...

My blade is thin and short, but made from the greatest of material. Orichalcum is the fabled mineral that forms legendary weapons. Although I wield such a tiny piece, it all I needed to have made it this far in life.

My favorite beginning in a fight, I strike the two front tendons, leaving the beast's speed severely restrained. For the more it moves, the more its legs bleed to death. This fight is already won.

I move in a close range. I maneuver my shield defensively to reflect a reprisal from this beast.


My shield obliterated... and my left arm scathed by its fangs...But its lounge was a fatal mistake, I lost my shield but the beast lost its footing on the ground, I strike the jugular area ending it.

I lost a prized possession. A cheap mythril shield given to me by a friend I lost not to long ago. I leave the graveyard I created in search of a new home. OBVIOUSLY, this place was not safe



Chapter 2

Northlands: My home country. Since I was raised I always remembered the turmoil that came along my past.  The strongest warlords were here. Trying to take what they believed was theirs. Creating famine, desolation of the land, and massacres between opposing forces. Many warlords died and others take their place. It's never ending. It sickens me. There was no where else to go but to this mountain and even that's hopeless now... Oh Land Farm, do not forsake this region. May Your return be swift...

In spite of my beliefs, I conclude I should head towards Mossflower. From what I remembered, Mossflower was stable. The economy was booming with trade, and although weapons and mercenaries were the primary consumer choice, it was a relatively peaceful land. No warlords campaigning here. I still had my bank account from my mercenary days here. Cluny`s bank. Yes, many memories indeed.

I must speak with Cluny. Where is Cluny?!

*moments later*

C: Derr, What is it now? What the-Ryu!? But you, you are dead. Can it be?
R: Stop babbling. Cluny, I need some cash. I remember I deposited a large sum here after I retired.
C: Oh Ryu, how foolish you are. Do you not know your history? The emperor tax was decreed in Mossflower years ago. Soon after the Light Brigade, your unit, was disbanded.
R: Emperor tax? What in blazes? Who is emperor of Mossflower country?
C: Not emperor, emperors. Peace and prosperity was brought by the council. They are remnants of a shattered federation that coexisted in the Southsward region, who later rose to power through market trading by forming an alliance.
R: The council you say?
C: Yes, they are very old, but wise governing leaders. Mossflower retains its peace through their efforts.
R: So my money...
C: You were recorded officially dead. All unclaimed assets are collected to the Mossflower treasury.
R: ...
C: Why do you need money?
R: I planned to find refuge here with my money.
C: And exactly what do you seek refuge from?
R: The life up north. I must admit it is simply too much for me.
C: Such a hazardous environment it is. Sad it's your mother land.
R: Well, what can I do? Can I take a loan?
C: Oh ho ho. That's a good one. Our government is not in a surplus because they gave out loans.
R: But it's your bank.
C: It belongs to the council and their government. Everything in Mossflower with value is. I am afraid I cannot help.
R: It was nice seeing ya, but this was a waste of time.
C: Hold on! Are you still the Hero known as the Emerald Wind? Fastest Rat of all Redwall? Who once obliterated armies of thousands in a flash?
R: Hero? That role didn`t suit me. It's the reason I retired my blade. I believed in a mere fantasy...
C: Oh so you are not Ryu, 3rd in command of the Light Brigade?
R: Not anymore. Why does any of that matter?
C: You can make some easy cash at the arena. With your skills it would be robbery.
R: Arena? In Mossflower country? That's unheard of!
C: Many regal authorities spectate the fights there. It's a new fad that's all the rage with the wealthy. They gamble on fights.
R: I don't fight anymore.
C: The council has been known to watch and enjoy the final matches. Those matches have spoils in the billions for the victor...
R: Billions. Such an extravagant amount. This money must come from the very treasury itself.
C: Maybe. But such trivial matters should not concern you. Green Emerald, strike through the weaklings there and profit what could be yours.
R: I believe I shall check it out. Where is this place?
C: It's about a mile and a half away. Stay here for the night and we shall head there together in the morning.
R: Hmm...

So,it seems Mossflower has indeed  been affected by the conflict around Redwall. The council...A  federation that originated in Southsward. I wonder...Who are they?

As I question myself, I grew weary of this day and decided to ease my mind with sleep.



Chapter 3

I awake at the crack of dawn. I was hungry. Cluny better have food to eat.

C: Ahhh. Ryu, I was just going to wake you. I made a delicious meal. You will need nourishment for the arena.
R: I never said I was going to fight.
C: But I doubt you could restrain yourself, especially with what I made. 3-Cheese Truffles.
R: ...Amazing...
C: Yes I think I out did myself this time Oh hoho!!!
R: Let's go Cluny.

So we walk through small towns, all booming with activity as early as it is. I cover my head with my green garb. There was an ominous chill this morning. In the distance, I saw what must be the arena...

C: So watcha think?
R: It's an impressive structure, almost like a fortress fit for an emperor.
C: Many fights go on through the day, so the extra room is gravely important to the well being of the fighters.

As I walk through each corridor, I come into a lobby? There many snobbish looking weasels and ferrets placing bets from what I see.

C: Ignore the scrubs. Here we go. Registration.
R: Cluny! I said no!
C: Fine fine, I was kidding. The first bout of the day should be going on soon. Let's move to Arena D. These fights begin early.

Two Warriors are already pitted against each other so early in the day. It seems wrong... A slow battle indeed. These are scrubs. A mere appetizer to satisfy the blood thirsty. It ends after a time limit. How boring. Some time passes and I witness battle after battle. Each one more fulfilling then the next...Then as I look around a huge crowd is around me, and they cheer mad as a lizard makes its way into the pit.

C: That lizard is quite powerful. Rex is his name and he is champion of Rank D, he is currently undefeated. I believe he is fighting early on to entice the crowds.

I see his opponent, another lizard. The battle begins after an introductory: Rex was a bluish one. He had a horn as sharp as a blade, and clear like crystal. Very long, and his two Swords were intimidating. He had one broadsword. a nice yet simple design with a gold hilt, paired with a shield like sword. Shaped like a stretched kite, the ends of this blade were very sharp. The shield seemed to be the sheath for the blade.  His stance was also intriguing; the pseudo shield was overlaid on the broadsword, creating a cross like stance. A very defensive technique if I was to guess.

His opponent was green and wielded a club. This challenger seems to be just another barbaric, underprepared ruffian. Compared to the champion's weapons the club indeed was primitive.

Cluny: He is also known as the "Citadel of the Gods". Not once has he shed blood on this arena. No, not even a scratch.

Strange as he had only a short-sleeved shirt and I noticed many scars all over his body.

Cluny: Look up there Ryu, up in the throne is one of the council`s Emperors: Horus!
Ryu: An emperor! Here at this event! Indeed this is a different time than I remembered.

He was in a pure gold armor suit. I noticed his face and body structure. A beak, and puffed chest. An eagle. Had to be. His talons were covered as well.

Horus: What another glorious way to start the fight, with our undisputed champion Rex " Citadel of the Gods".  And Let the Fight begin: NOW!!!



Chapter 4

Rex does not move while the other lizard quickly takes off, around he moves and notices his opponents lack of movement. He moves right behind him with his club and swings towards the head


The blade unsheathed by Rex cuts the club in two. He then turns to his opponent.

Rex:Well then, with no weapon your no threat aye mate?

Hrrmm! The broadsword cuts his chests, then its swiftly sheathed into the shield.

Ryu: Such long arms, he can cover quite the distance around him... Not even a flinch from the champion.

*The challenger is carried off*

Horus: Bravo! Can anyone beat you Champion?
Rex: .....

Cluny: Baah! These fights are fixed; Rex has never fought out of his division, possibly because he would defeat the rest of these so called champions. Whose to know if he is good? Ryu, show them your prowess. Enter.
Ryu: it wouldn't be easy, besides, challengers just fight the champion?
C: Course, otherwise you'll get scrub fights all day long.

He was awarded a couple billion, but his expression... he must be bored...Why is it I feel as I should fight him? What compels me to do so? I am no longer a fighter...

Horus: I am feeling generous; I wish to give 10 billion cash to anyone who can even scratch the mighty Citadel of the Gods. Come now, any takers?
        *over this way!*
*Hey*       *Ill fight*
                             *I'm no coward*

So many willing to try, but none could fathom that ability. To guard and strike from all angles, is truly a gift like no other.

Fight by fight I see the same, same stance, and a following reprisal. One that finishes those who awe as they fail their strikes...I must fight him. Not just for the money, but because I desire to...

Ryu: I think I shall take him on.
C: Really? But so many warriors are hear screaming to be chosen for next victim. I know, I'll use my "influence".
C: I wish to speak with High Council Emperor Horus.
Guard: Your request may not be granted.
C: Tell him Cluny of Cluny`s Hut wishes to speak to him.
Soldier:*Mumble* *Mumble*
Horus: Is that so? Cluny you old dog, have you come to repay the loan you begged me for?
C: No, umm, I mean, that's why I'm here. What if I told you I had a fighter that that can beat this champ of yours.
Horus: WHAT!!! You dare waste my time with foolishness.
C: No. He... he is a great fighter.
Horus: Really?
C: yes. If he was to win... could we let that loan just go away?
Horus: IF HE WAS TO WIN, and I am skeptical, I don't see why not. But if he fails you'll be next to fight pitted against certain doom. Feeble old rat.



This should really be in the Fan Works thing. But really cool story! ;D
I won't be on this forum much anymore, but I'll pop in to say hi every now and then.