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Nyroc Brushdale: The Journey to Genesis

Started by Søren, June 09, 2015, 10:27:41 PM

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I've taken it upon myself to start writing a sort of, "project" fanfic. I'm going to go at my own pace, and will update the thread accordingly. But here's the first installment of my fanfic featuring my character from the M.R.S. Genesis science fiction RP. Hope you enjoy it.

                                    Nyroc Brushdale: The Journey to Genesis

   The warm and awakening sun shone above a large, empty field of wheat. Peaceful, tranquil, everything perfect for a quiet morning. The scene was ripped apart by a small craft speeding through the tall grass. Loud, intense, the pilot struggled to control suddenly the craft. A large badger yanked on the controls, trying to get ahold of the machine.
"KEEP IT STEADY, KEEP IT STEADY!" said a voice through the comms. The pilot didn't respond, but continued to try to control the craft. Suddenly, it bucked and the pilot was thrown against the cockpit glass, falling unconscious. "COME IN LIEUTENANT! BRUSHDALE, COME IN!!"

   Nyroc Brushdale had grown up a strong willed young badger. One of the heads of his standard classes, he had a bright future. He set up goals while he was young, and did everything to accomplish those goals. One goal was to be accepted into the Mossflower Republic Academy of the Gifted. Only the best and brightest made it into this school, and they had practically their choice of career or assignment.
   "Mr. Brushdale, what have you to offer to this academy that the next promising young badger can't offer?" Said Adriana Fog, the head instructor at the Air Fleet Academy. "We only accept the best, and I ask you: Why does that include you?" The question threw Nyroc off. "Well..." He started. The head instructor, a stern looking mouse, stared at him. She was intimidating to say the least, despite her meager size compared to Brushdale. "...I'll be honest, I've worked all my life to be able to have this opportunity. I've worked hard, and long. This has been my goal, and will be my goal. And I'm absolutely determined to get into this academy. My whole life I've dreamt of being somebody great, who can make a difference. I want to be the person who can make a change in the world, and to really change it. I've got the passion. I just need the knowledge." The instructor looked up. "This academy isn't for knowledge. It's not just somewhere you pop into to learn something from time to time. This is a life long commitment. Its not only for you to gain knowledge, but technique. I'm afraid that if you can't realize that, then I can't sponsor your entrance into this academy." "Please ma'am! All I want is the chance to prove myself. Isn't there something I can do?" The mouse looked at him sternly, then faintly softened her face. "There is a contest. In one week. A flying contest, the winner gets a scholarship into this school. But you've only got a week to acquire a ship."

Nyroc rushed home and got to work. Getting a ship would be easy, he thought. He's uncle Kyle had a whole ship yard of those, and he wouldn't mine to spare one. But flying it, now there was the problem. He'd never been into the cockpit of a ship before. He'd never attempted to pilot one. But he'd always played the simulators. It couldn't be too different, could it?

"Look boy, I don't know what you plan for on doing with this craft, but whatever it is, STOP RIGHT NOW!" Nyroc's uncle Kyle looked at him urgently. "You ain't got no business trying to fly this thing. Gonna get yourself killed." "I thank you for the concern Uncle, but I've got to win this contest to get into the Academy. It's my only chance. I've got to try." Uncle Kyle looked at him quietly. Nyroc had climbed into the cockpit of a small shuttle, and settled himself in for a first attempt at flying. "Well," Uncle Kyle said, pointing to the control stick "...if your gonna hold the grip, don't hold it like that. It's not a gun, it's for control. You gotta use it like its part of your hand."

For 5 days, attempt after attempt later, Nyroc had mastered the basics of flying. But he was nowhere near the skill level that his competition would have. He knew there was no chance of him getting into the Academy. But he kept at it, until the day finally arrived.
15 shuttles were lined up, ready to fly. At the end of the line, was a old and damaged shuttle, piloted by none other then Nyroc Brushdale. He sat in the cockpit, getting his gear together. He kept thinking to himself "Why am I even bothering?" and the words that he spoke to that potentially evil mouse at the Academy came back to him: "My whole life I've dreamt of being somebody great, who can make a difference. I want to be the person who can make a change in the world, and to really change it." His thoughts were interrupted by his uncle Kyle. "Look boy,  you've got make sure you stay to the inside, and when you hit a straight stretch, keep into an open line." "Yes sir." "And make sure you don't let go of the control stick. It means your life." "Yes sir."

Nyroc leaned back into his seat, looking at the stands. Academy scouts had just shown up. The pressure that Nyroc thought he could handle, was mounting. The starting sounds began to chirp in each of the contestants ears. ?

I'm retired from the forum


Very well done :) I like the story and the main character already. Please keep writing.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Wot, wot!

This is awesome Soren!! Please keep writing :D
"Get him! Grab that spy! I want his head!"
Basil chuckled. "What's the matter? Isn't your own head good enough? No, I don't suppose it is. Ugly-looking brute, aren't you?" -Basil to Cluny the Scourge (Redwall)

"The second you change "I can't" into "why not", you can do anything in the world."


Hey, this is looking good, dude!

BTW: You had a little error with the BBcode on the second paragraph and you might want to check that out (of course, it is nothing big, just a little distracting) ;)
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Quote from: Skyblade on June 10, 2015, 12:45:59 AM
Very well done :) I like the story and the main character already. Please keep writing.
Quote from: Wot, wot! on June 10, 2015, 01:12:59 AM
This is awesome Soren!! Please keep writing :D
Thanks you two! :D
Quote from: TheTaleOfSierra on June 10, 2015, 01:46:36 AM
Hey, this is looking good, dude!

BTW: You had a little error with the BBcode on the second paragraph and you might want to check that out (of course, it is nothing big, just a little distracting) ;)
Thanks man, and I fixed the problem. ;)

Hopefully I'll start work on the next part of the story.

I'm retired from the forum



I've started on the next installment.

I'm retired from the forum

Captain Tammo

This reminds me of the pod racing scene from Star Wars: Episode I! I love a good race, they always have so much going on. Looking forward to reading the next installment :)
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior


Thanks Tammo. :)
I'm about 2/3 done on the next part, so getting closer!

I'm retired from the forum


Ok, so here's part of the story. I'd planned on expanding it, and I'm working on that, but this part is finished. (Don't worry, it will get better soon. ;) )


"UGHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUH....." Groaned Nyroc as the small ship flew through the fifth checkpoint. Although it was relatively simple to control, the ship had some serious stability issues, causing severe turbulence. Somehow, Nyroc had managed to slip past the last few contestants, and was stuck in 11th place. There didn't seem much hope for him to make it the to front. The course had a lot of turns, that caused it to barely be able to keep the ship from crashing into the ground.

After a few minutes of tedious turns, toward the end of the race, he was in 3rd place. Barely believing he made it this far, he kept trying to overtake the shuttle in front of him. It was simply too fast to get around.As they neared the finish line, the two shuttles in front of Nyroc surged forward, and he knew he was beat. Finishing 3rd place wouldn't win a scholarship. He'd never make it after failing something of this magnitude.

As the losing shuttles slowed to a stop, and the young squirrel piloting the winning craft raised his trophy high, Nyroc's uncle Kyle was looking at the shuttles. Not in admiration, but rather as a man summing up his target. Kyle had to get those shuttles he sold from somewhere, and he couldn't afford to actually buy one.  But he noticed something that was out of place compared to the same model he stole last Tuesday. There was a small converter box, right near the fuel intake hose. He wedged his fingers into the mechanism and exposed a compact fusion system. He knew those system were illegal, or else he would have fitted Nyroc's shuttle with one.

Kyle approached the judges of the contest with the illegal device in hand. "HEY! This is a fusion system for fuel conversion! It was attached to that squirrels shuttle!" He said as he pointed at the winning craft. After closer examination, the two winners were both cheating, as they were brothers. Now being disqualified, Nyroc had been named the new winner of the contest.

I'm retired from the forum


Cool! (Awww, Uncle Ben! I was gonna head over to Toche Station to pick up some power converters!)
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Quote from: Sagetip, the hare on July 03, 2015, 04:19:29 PM
Cool! (Awww, Uncle Ben! I was gonna head over to Toche Station to pick up some power converters!)
Thanks! (And don't you mean "Owen" Lars?)

I'm retired from the forum


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Gonff the Mousethief

I re-read this for the contest Soren and it was spectacular! You had me worried near the end there! i agree with Tammo that this has the feel of The Phantom Menace with your character having that Captain Kirk feel. Wonderful, and I wish to read more!
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


Thanks Gonff, I'm trying to pull the next part together. Eventually.

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