
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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The Signature Above Me

Started by Nightfire, September 13, 2011, 10:18:19 PM

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Leatho Shellhound

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Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


I always loved that. Genius.

Leatho Shellhound

Sorry, what? I have a hard time under standing your sigs.
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Martin the warrior

Apples is ripe when they are ready  
When pears is ripe they'll fall
What must happen will happen or       
it won't happen at all

To love, you must first love yourself


Eh, I don't see the big deal with love myself.

Quote from: Leatho Shellhound on March 06, 2013, 11:34:25 PM
Sorry, what? I have a hard time under standing your sigs.

When stars die, they release elements and such that were made during its lifetime. Basically, first there was stars, and with their nuclear reactions they created other elements. Later on, those elements from the dead star helped form the earth, and helped in the making of RNA. The RNA slowly evolved into us, and all other living things. Go far enough back, you were once a star. At least, that's what scientific studies have shown.

Leatho Shellhound

hmmm I don't belive that, but lets say I do, how were the stars made?
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I saw Fur and Freedom. :)

:o You're giving me a reason to be a geek? Yippie! I will speak theoretically, and you can take this evidence proven by the Hubble Space Telescope among other things as the ramblings of many madpeople. Anyway, the laws of physics say that something can arise from nothing as long as there's energy, so matter and mass and elements arose from the energy contained and released from the big bang. We don't know why it went off, but we're learning new things every day, and some day we will know. So a bunch of energy contained in a small place, big boom, raw energy transforms into particles smaller than an atom. All in a few planck* times. That is the first matter in the universe. Energy can be converted into mass times the speed of light squared, or E=MC2. That's how the energy created mass. Anyway, fast forward a few billion years, and things are settling down. Huge clumps of matter, now atoms are around. They're in clouds, and because of gravity, they begin to clump together. It rotates around and becomes a protostar. After it's become hot enough, hydrogen atoms fuse, producing helium and energy. Now it's in the same state of the sun. After millions of years, they star dies and becomes either a black hole, a nebula, or another thing.** If it becomes a nebula, some of the remaining materials, won't become part of a new star. They'll instead become part of planets orbiting around that star. The stuff in the planets helps with the formation of RNA, and you have life. I could go on, I would like to go on, but I think I should stop this before I start explaining loads of the things we know about the universe.***

*There are roughly a billion, billion, billion, billion, billion planck times in a second.


***Try How the Universe Works or Nova Science Now to learn about the stuff I can't tell you about right now, since it would take too long.

Leatho Shellhound

Ok, but where did this raw energy come from? Was it always there? Or was it made?
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It came from heat. The universe at that time was energy packed into a hot, dense region. So it builds up energy from the hot, dense point it is, and then the built up energy is released, resulting in the Big Bang. However, that's just a theory, as much as religion is a theory, and people are looking for proof and evidence. Science is never finished, better and better ideas are coming up every day, and one day we will have a theory that is widely accepted as to why it banged. Another neat theory is that when the universe ends, it will fold back in on itself, resulting in another small point of energy and pretty soon, another Big Bang.

Leatho Shellhound

So were did the heat come from?
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From the sheer density of the universe at that time. It was packed in so tightly, there was a lot of heat.

Leatho Shellhound

And when did the universe come into being?
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13.7 billion years ago. We know this because scientists measured the rate at which the galaxies fly away from each other. If we're going to continue this, lets do it via PM.


In other vordz, ve're aw vone bein', an' are zerefore aw connected tae ze Univerze.
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.