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Started by rrrrr, June 26, 2015, 06:25:50 PM

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Does anyone here play Transformice? (

Any Transformice players we can form a clan :D

Ho arr, mateys, swimming is fun!

I had shrimp 'n' hotroot soup today.


It's a mouse game (if you like mice)

Besides, the mice are cute :D

Ho arr, mateys, swimming is fun!

I had shrimp 'n' hotroot soup today.

Cornflower MM

Hmm, I've never heard of this - I'll have to check it ou! Thanks for posting, R! (Also, next time, why don;t you try clicking that shiny Modify button far in the far right of your post? :) Double posting is frowned on by the mods. But don;t worry, I triple-posted multiple times when I was new! And I'm really not sure why we call that button shiny. . . . )


It sounds interesting, I might check it out later :)
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I can't believe I found this topic and @rrrrr isn't even here anymore.

I've been playing Transformice since 5th grade (2013) and it's one of my favorite games!
Recently started playing with Rosie, Tumbler, and CORB.

Basically, in the main game, you're a *mouse and you are thrown into an area with obstacles you must overcome as you try to get the cheese (which is located somewhere in the map) and bring it back to the mousehole, without dying or getting murdered in the process.
Each gathered cheese gives you points so that you rank up in the crowd of players.
The *mouse with the highest score becomes the Shaman, a magical mouse that must build a path to the cheese and help everyone across it.
It's super fun.

There's also roleplaying areas, chatting areas, and an alternate half of the game, officially named "Survivor" as it's set up that instead of helping you the Shaman will try to kill you and whoever avoids them and doesn't die until the timer runs out is the winner.

If you want to play a game that can be like Redwall if you make it, this is for you.
I'm Jennerrat, by the way--if you want to play, add me.

They update the game frequently and do seasonal events, and characters are customizable.
Oh, and it's free and doesn't require a download (but you can download it if you wish).

*my character is a rat

Rosie Willowwater



Rosie Willowwater




Around two/three hours left...'till I'm OUTTA HERE...

Rosie Willowwater



Well, leaving now to go to dinner.


I guess you could say you have played with me although I've barely played. I would like to more though, it's super fun.


I'm too tired right now if that's what you're hinting at.


Naw, I have school. And school. And more school.
