Tribes of Redwall

Started by Matthias720, September 14, 2011, 05:13:50 PM

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The Tribes of Redwall series is, I think, a great resource for Redwall fans, offering information on the various species in the Redwall universe. And the cool poster in each one doesn't hurt either. My bedroom walls are covered by these great posters.

Who here has these booklets, and what did you do with the posters?


I don't have any, but there's another thing for my Birthday/Christmas list!
I won't be on this forum much anymore, but I'll pop in to say hi every now and then.


I have them, but I haven't done anything with the posters.  I wish that there were more in the series!
The knitting, crochecting, Zoo Tycoon playing, frog loving member!


I heard they were going to do Hares and Squirrels, but nothing has happened in area yet. :(


I won't be on this forum much anymore, but I'll pop in to say hi every now and then.


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I remember getting them as soon as I saw them in the book store. :) They're sitting on my bookshelf back in Australia at the moment, unfortunately. I loved the otter poster, I remember trying to draw all of the different characters. I failed miserably because I've never been any good at drawing, but it was a lot of fun!

@Coobreedan: You can get Tribes of Redwall: Mice from the Redwall La Dita Bookshop, but the Otters and Badgers editions are out of stock.


I have the Mice one. I also own the map & riddler and the Friend & Foe one, but they aren't REALLY the same series.
Received mostly negative reviews.


While they aren't technically the same series, I include them because the are the same basic format (booklet + poster + basic cover).


I don't have any of them. :( Well, unless you count the map & riddler, I do have that. I think I'll ask for them from my aunt for Christmas.
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