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Cellar forum Fanfic

Started by Hickory, June 28, 2015, 06:14:53 PM

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Should I use crushes as part of the story?



You're in the next chapter.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Y'all will love/hate me for this final chapter.

The weapon was, in fact, a single button. That sentence, in fact, was a gross understatement. The weapon was (actually) a weird, humming energy that, if you listened, said, "CELLARS." Unnerving, huh?

The button simply activated it. Well, not really. It activated something else, which destroyed the weapon. It was a weird sort of inverted weapon, where it isn't being used to destroy something, it's being destroyed.

Anyway, Sage, Corn, Banya, the mods, and essentially all of the good guys were unaware of this huge humming energy, and they were about to attack the place where it was stored. Which was stupid. But let's return to the frontlines and follow the tale of these stupid soldiers and their stupid mission controllers.

Sage and his team were casually strolling toward the door to the library, which was the command post of Izeroth. Banya, Corn and co. walked along behind him, and they all had the "cool guys don't look at explosions" look on their faces.

Corn took the lead when they reached the doors, and used he flamethrower to bash it open. They were in. But before they could proceed to the person in the chair, a red robed figure dropped down from the ceiling. It was Ash. He drew his cheri katana, then stood in front of them. It was obvious that he would not move unless forced to.

But another person cut through the ranks of Sage and his squad. A figure that carried a sword loosely at her side. She twirled it expertly before pointing it directly at Ash.

Eul grinned as she said, "Didn't see that coming, did you?"

There was a collective gasp.

She stared at Ash for a moment before lunging at him, sword swinging in from the right. "Eulaliaaa!" she cried, as Ash parried her thrust. She quickly moved him away from Kingpin, and Sage hurried forward.

Izeroth was smiling as he observed the battleground. His forces were gradually making their way toward Mhera's command. He chuckled before slowly turning to face his confronters. He looked at Sage. "As you can see, my young apprentice, your friends have failed. Now, witness the power of this fully functional superweapon! Commander, fire at will!"

The engineer hesitated before pressing the button. Nothing happened.

Izeroth scowled. "Dang plumbling it probably leaked into the electiracl system. Ash, remind me to- nevermind, he's dueling. Let me continue with my evil plan.

"Your army has lost. And your friends behind you will not last long once the royal guard arrives. There is no escape, my young apprentice."

Sage whispered to James, "Why does he heep calling me young apprentice?"

James whispered back, "I have no idea."

"Good. I can feel your anger. I am defenseless, take up your weapon and strike me down!"

At that moment Ash flew across Sage's field of vision. He crashed against the wall, the katana falling out of his limp hand. Eul walked over to Sage. "What'd I miss?"

Izeroth facepalmed. "I want to turn Sage to my side. The end."

Eul shrugged. "Okay."

She suddenly lunged for Izeroth with her sword, but something hit her and she was thrown to the floor. Sage stood where she had just moments before, an insane grin on his face. Corn gasped. "I thought you were with us!"

Sage laughed evilly. "Really? Didn't you ever realize Izeroth and I are the only major star wars guys in the school? How did you not expect it?"

He smiled before helping Ash up. "It's too late now. The superweapon is primed. But did you ever know what it does? I'll tell you. It destroys the Cellars. Completely. No insane asylum. No training camp. No cheri katanas. The end." He rasied his radio. "Commander, fire!"

The commander dropped his donut and pressed the button. The humming beam of energy vanished. The cheri katana, Skarz's insane asylum equipment, Faiy's frying pan, Mhera's corn dog, the t-shirt cannons all started to deteriorate. Within moments it was all gone. Sage laughed one more time before he and Ash raised their weapons for the final blow.

I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


But since you destroyed the cellars you destroyed the thing that destroyed the cellars, therefore the cellars is constantly going through a time-loop! ;D ;D BUT I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!! Why do I have three lines in the entire thing?
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.



Ho arr, mateys, swimming is fun!

I had shrimp 'n' hotroot soup today.


I am seriously behind on the reading of this.

I'm retired from the forum


Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


 Is it a bad thing that I found the ending hilarious?


I loved it, Sage!  It was bit hard to follow at times, but that's likely due to reading it in installments.  Great work!

Highlight: "Cool guys don't look at explosions."


*sigh* *rubs head*

I'm sorry if people didn't get mentioned or anything. I tried my best. If you didn't enjoy this, don't post. if you didn't enjoy it because you weren't in it, don't post. Getting everybody in here is hard, and that's why I'm making a sequel.

@Izeroth: Did you change your profile because of this?

@Banya: Thanks.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


This. Was. Amazing.

Particularly the part where the valiant army of guests fired their rifles into the fray, charging into glorious conquest.
~Just a soft space boi~


@Sage: I liked it the way it is :)

Ho arr, mateys, swimming is fun!

I had shrimp 'n' hotroot soup today.


Oh that was funny. I loved the part where Eul and Ash battled. It inspired me to draw this picture of Eul.  ;D

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


See now Faiy, why are you never inspired to draw pictures of me? ;D ;D

I'm retired from the forum


*reads last few chapters because I kind of sort of forgot to read them which is a shame because this story is awesome* that was amazing, Sage! The ending was so funny. And a sequel sounds awesome  ;D

Quote from: Faiyloe on August 08, 2015, 10:26:43 PM
Oh that was funny. I loved the part where Eul and Ash battled. It inspired me to draw this picture of Eul.  ;D

Woah... that's so cool  :o
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Thanks Eul Glad you like it, You are now officially in my cast of cellars warriors,  ;D(As of now they include Jet, Eul and me)  ;D

And Soren who says I am never inspired to draw you. I actually have been once or twice before but I don't have a clear image of what you should look like and badgers are hard to draw so I never do... XP  I may draw a picture of Violet Rosemary, Sear and Neros some time so that might count.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?