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Non-Badgers with the Bloodwrath

Started by Nightfire, September 15, 2011, 05:17:35 PM

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Plugg Firetail

QuoteTrue, but I think Dandin and Mariel were the only male/female traveling duo of the same species, and thus the only two that *could* have gotten married

Well,in reality,Bragoon and Saro could have gotten married.For example,a wearat,how would that have happened....


Well.....I guess......I kinda thought that only vermin did inter-species marriges, since I don't think there's ever been a "wearat equivelent" on the good beast side of things.  :-\
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~Brian Jacques

Taggerung The Otter

For GOD so loved the world he gave his only begotton SON so that whoever belived in him would not parish but live eternal life.

Oh yeah...buitiful verse... :D


According to the Redwall Wiki, then yes.

Quote from: Redwall Musician on September 22, 2011, 07:01:56 PM
My religion book "The Bronze Bow" talked about how this boy, Daniel, got bloodwrath when he was around the Romans. They didn't call it "bloodwrath", but they said stuff like:
"The blood rushed up to his eyes"
Something along that line.
Oh, yeah, I forgot that Daniel got the Bloodwrath.  ;D I don't think The Bronze Bow counts as 'religion' though.
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Taggerung The Otter

For GOD so loved the world he gave his only begotton SON so that whoever belived in him would not parish but live eternal life.

Oh yeah...buitiful verse... :D


Hmmm... Was it SPECIFICALLY stated that those named had the Bloodwrath?  Just wondering.
baby turtle forever


So far in the books I HAVE read, Cluny the Scourge (in Redwall) had a "berserk" mode.  He is a vermin.
baby turtle forever


I'm skeptical with some of that list.  Maybe I'm just not paying close enough attention during fights and whatnot, but I finished reading Taggerung two days ago, and I didn't see anything that made me think Deyna had the Bloodwrath.  Same goes for Matthias, Grath Longfletch, Martin the Warrior, Rakkety Tam, Triss, and Luke. 

It appears to be the case that whoever wrote that list assumed that if someone had tremendous fighting prowess, especially in the case of Triss whose ability hadn't been shown yet, they had the Bloodwrath. 
I might buy Ranguvar, Cuthbert, and Rab Streambattle, and I haven't yet read about several of the other ones (my copy of Doomwyte should be here tomorrow though...), especially considering their unique circumstances, but I'm thinking I should go back and read about those characters to see if there's ever any mention at all of Bloodwrath-like symptoms.
"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16


when A character has the bloodwrath, it simply means he is unconsciously fighting and trying to get at a certain enemy regardless of wounds or other fighters.


Perhaps, but I wouldn't define a single-minded devotion to an enemy as the only symptom of the Bloodwrath.  Matthias may has been chasing after Cluny, but that doesn't mean he had the Bloodwrath to go with it. 

While I agree, that is a defining trait of the Bloodwrath, and one of the ones that is universally common with the people on that list, I think that certain other factors must be fulfilled which vary depending on the situation.

That said, I went back and looked at Rakkety Tam's fight with Gulo and it did say (in reference to Tam's state at the end) "Blood-red eyes ablaze," which would be a good indicator of the Bloodwrath.

Perhaps I'm just stubborn (which I think I would agree with in many cases), but I still can't seem to make myself agree with the list. 
Using Tam as an example, I think that one instance of the bloodwrath isn't enough to say he has it, but on the other hand how else can we say a person has it?  Most characters only have one or two references to their Bloodwrath...

I need to think about it, try to get my head around it.  We shall see.
I do think though that several of the characters on the list definitely didn't have the Bloodwrath, like Matthias and Triss, but I can't honestly sit down and tell you that the list is wrong. 

"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16


when Matthias was going after the weasel/rat thing in Mattimeo and when he destroyed the pillar he had bloodwrath for a while.

But I agree Triss didn't have bloodwrath just bitter revenge mindset.


I read through the portion that took place in Loamhedge, and the only reference I could find was "Matthias was filled with a battle rage.  He tried to keep a level head, using all the time-honored skills of the true warrior swordmouse.", which is different from the Bloodwrath. 
When they were destroying the statue, he even recognized that the place was collapsing and called for Orlando to stop. 
Throughout the whole battle he was coherent and attentive to detail. 
"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16


but even on the Redwall Wiki they said Matthias had the bloodwrath.
Just because they don't have red eyes doesn't mean they were level headed, I've read the series enough times to know this.


Right, but I'm not buying the Redwall Wiki's story at present, remember?

Sure, Felldoh is a great example of that, taking on Badrang and his troops the way he did, but Matthias really was sensible.  I actually read the whole battle, as opposed to looking for descriptions of his mental state, and he was as sane as any creature could be in the middle of a battle.
"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16


I've read the battle scene about 5 times and when you read it that many times you get what's going on.