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Overlord's Orders XVI

Started by Mhera, July 06, 2015, 06:05:14 AM

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Russa Nodrey

"When we were first told about our mission I was really excited. I thought that this time if we all did our best, we wouldn't fail. I immediately went to the store and bought cleaning supplies. I wanted to get to work right away!

Well, I started cleaning the C-5. I had hardly started cleaning when I heard a noise behind me. I turned around and saw a cute little squirrel staring at me cutely. Despite it's cuteness, I knew I should get the cute little fella out of the C-5. Unfortunately, when I tried to capture the cute little dude and take him outside, I tripped over one of my extra mops. I fell over, banged my head hard, and was knocked unconscious. When I woke up everyone accused me of terrible thing that I would never even think of doing! I'm sure I must have done them while sleep walking, similar things have happened to me before.

Also, I did not disguise myself as the Overlady and give Rrrr strange forms. I would never do anything so evil!" added Russa, with a sniffle.

Lady Amber

I was sort of the one who did the whole thing with the forms. But it wasn't my fault, I swear! Izeroth had forced me to, although I have no idea why.


 I hardly "forced" Amber to do anything. I simply suggested that she go do something useful, as she'd been pestering me for hours on end and begging for a job to do. I never dreamed Amber would interpret "something useful" as impersonating you and filling out forms. Some people have odd ways of interpreting things, I suppose.

Lady Amber

Really? 'Cause soon after I came out of the room you were in, Sage came up to me and told me that Izeroth had thought of something for me to do. His very words were, "Izeroth wants you to change the forms so they mention absolutely nothing about the White October Group, or the fact that it is the Overlady's organization. He wants you to dress up as the Overlady herself and give the forms to Rrrrr. I am not lying, and I have not been forced to do this. Izeroth is not lying, and has also not been forced to do this." These, once again, were his very words. Plus, to top it all off, he was brandishing a razor-sharp (metal, not plastic), knife.

As you can see, it is not my fault. Sage and Izeroth will just have to explain themselves.


 "It's strange how people provide such detailed descriptions of me, and yet still completely fail to understand what's going on. I was simply joking with Sage about the whole impersonation and form-filling thing; I never once meant it literally. I admit that my jokes may have been in bad taste, but they were nothing compared to what others, Amber included, had been saying. Again, I repeat that I never meant the jokes to be taken literally: I made it extremely clear to Sage that I was kidding."


OOC: What the... I don't understand. What did I do?
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


OOC: You forced Lady Amber to impersonate the overlady and sign some forms.


Amber forgot that I had recently been making a celebratory lasnga fr when we completed the mission; I had just been cutting up some of the ingredients when Izeroth approached me and I in turn approached Amber. I was a little tired and slightly off the hook from all the work, Jukka had just crushed my spirits by saying "the food looks like it came from the East end" to me, about my food. She then had everybody else, Izeroth included, agree. What nobody mentions is that I had assumed Izeroth was talking about a long-dead Overlady, of previous rounds. Not Overlady Mhera, her Supreme Awesomeness. I had chosen to get I Izeroth back for his lasagna insults, and not to harm anybody. When I pulled out the forms, they were the wrongs ones, having replaced the originals (which was an apology sheet for the lasagna) with the impersonation ones. My CCTV camera caught rrrrr replacing them.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Someone had stole my glasses, so I thought the forms were my journal papers, so I took them and replaced with what I thought was the forms, because a voice next to my ear said they were the forms.

Ho arr, mateys, swimming is fun!

I had shrimp 'n' hotroot soup today.


  If it's of any use, I think I saw Russa walking around with Rrrrr's glasses a while ago. She was giggling and muttering something about pranking people.

Jukka the Sling

Quote from: Izeroth on July 23, 2015, 02:40:55 AM
OOC: You forced Lady Amber to impersonate the overlady and sign some forms.
OOC:  Not sign some forms - alter them to remove all mention of White October and give them to Rrrrr (and apparently then give them to me).

And I'm a tad confused with all these recent posts.

"Overlady, I told Sage the food looked like it was from the East End of Sangai, which is a huge compliment.  Sangai is a town in a great fantasy book series I and most of the others had read.  I thought Sage had also read it and would therefore get that I (and everyone else who agreed with me) was complimenting his lasagna."
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Lady Amber

OOC: @Sage: I don't really understand the whole thing you said about switching the forms. ???


The servants were standing on the now abandoned island of Linguino when the Overlady called a halt to the explaining. "I've heard enough to make my judgement. While you are obviously all at fault, one in particular appears to have been the catalyst to the chaos. Sagetip, enter the carrier of your fate."

As she spoke, a dark brown box materialized in front of the hapless servant. A door on its side slid open, revealing a booth empty save for a dim light illuminating a backless chair bolted to the center of the box's floor. Emanating from within was a strange, almost alien-sounding, type of music. Sagetip hesitantly stepped inside, and once both of his feet were in the container's door shut behind him. The box slowly began to fade, soon disappearing entirely. There was no trace of either it or the servant's existence left behind.

"The reward for his spectacular failure," Mhera explained, "is to be confined in that booth for the rest of his life while listening to nothing but country rap. Each hick hop song will be played on repeat until he has memorized its lyrics. To avoid such a fate for yourselves, I suggest you listen very carefully to the following orders.

"The government is still after my innocent hide and I'm not particularly eager to be found. This island is as decent a hiding spot as any, so your next task is to set up camp for me here. I'd like a safe, well constructed shelter to stay in while I plan my next move. Take my semi-truck-" the Overlady gestured to the massive vehicle parked behind the servants, "-to the island's Home Depot, get whatever construction materials you need, and build me a sturdy bunker. Since pythons are prevalent on Linguino, the shelter needs to be snake proof, and I'd also like to have a small vegetable garden in front of it. Don't fail me again, minions."

The next day...

"I'll cut to the chase. You all failed. The only shelter you built is a flimsy tent made from cheap tarp and a few lengths of pipe. Also, there are two pythons inside of said tent and a pile of garbage where I wanted the vegetable garden. And another thing, my semi-truck now smells like bacon. Just how did all of this happen?"


"Me, Soren, and Skye were building the bunker when this strange smell came nearer, and then we fell down into a trap, and then we all fainted. When we woke up, we were locked inside a metal cage which Soren helped us to get out of, and then we came back here."

Ho arr, mateys, swimming is fun!

I had shrimp 'n' hotroot soup today.


Rrr is true, him, myself and Sky were building a sturdy bunker after getting the materials from Home Depot. James, Iz and Amber were supposed to go to Home Depot and get the supplies, after we gave them a list. The others were suppose to go and prepare to make the vegetable garden. We clearly gave them a list of the following:
-Sturdy construction materials (wood elements)
-Sturdy construction materials (metal frame elements)
-Nails and other bindig materials
-Other supplies listed at Home Depot under "Bunker". (Home Depot has a catalog of bunkers and materials needed to make them. We were use what the professionals use.)

After they returned, Rrrrr, myself and Sky got to work on the bunker. But something happened with the other team, because we were soon smelling a dreadful smell. It smelled like dumpster juice, but especially rancid. When the others beckoned us outside, me Sky and Rrrrr fell into a pit and were unconscious. When we woke up, we were stuck in a metal cage. I was able to string together a long pole using fallen reeds and my shoe laces, and then used it to cause a rock fall into the door. This broke it open enough for us to escape, and we came straight here my lady. I don't know what happened with the other team members. But one of them must be responsible, neither of us three had anything to do with it. It was just as I said. Everyone was focused on the work and we were happy to do the best. I have no idea what became of our glorious bunker for you my lady. The others must have destroyed it before it was finished.

I'm retired from the forum