
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Which Member?

Started by Skyblade, July 16, 2015, 01:53:46 AM

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Cornflower MM

Thanks, Cap'n Rocky. :)

@Jet: Umm. . . . . Cats? I'm confused. Perhaps. . . No. . . . I've no clue.


Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


1 Star Wars
2 Fanfics
3 Broadcasting

I'm retired from the forum

LT Sandpaw

M'man Sagetip

1, Marine JROTC

2, Philosopher

3, Slightly Inactive

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro



1 Minecraft
2 Android
3 Podcast

I'm retired from the forum

Lady Ashenwyte


1. Tacos.
2. Historical figures.
3. A good vermin.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.



1. Hare
2. New-ish member
3. Knows someone in real life
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


I'm retired from the forum


I was going to say LT because he's the youngest hare that I know of that knows someone IRL.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


Wot is correct. (And I didn't say young-ish member, I said new-ish member. As in, new to the forums)
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Wot is about the forum age of Soren I thought...
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


She joined shortly after I did, if I'm not mistaken. I told her about this place  :P
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.



1. Sweet
2. Most common nickname ends with a "y"
3. Younger member

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.