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OOC: What's Happening? (an insert RP)

Started by Skyblade, August 11, 2015, 04:09:39 PM

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You wake up from a good sleep, lying on your nice, comfty stack of dirt and sticks. Wait, what? Stack of dirt and sticks? You open your eyes, and instead of your familiar bedroom, you see a forest that seems to stretch out infinitely. You also happen to have turned into one of your RP characters, and when you try to remember your name the only thing that comes to mind is a username of a particular forum. What's happening? After establishing that you're probably not dreaming, you set out to find answers.

Sound familiar? :P This RP contains similarities to Escaping the Redwall Universe, my Crossover RP, and even Jukka's crackfic: Strangers at Redwall. In it, you (yes, you as in yourself, from the real world, the person you are) have been transformed into a Mossflower beast! You need to find out what's going on and get home!

1. You can have up to 3 characters, if you can handle it. This means your own character and 2 Mossflower residents.
2. I understand if you have to leave the forums for any reason. But please don't join if you don't plan to actually, you know, post ;) An RP is a commitment, so please try to honor that. If you want to drop out, just let me know!
3. I don't want to do all the work :P I appreciate all efforts to make the RP interesting. So please feel free to RP free-for-all characters (Mossflower residents) and control the environment.
4. If you want to use a species not mentioned in the Redwall universe, ask. It will probably be fine unless it's a dragon or something. Good vermin are cool.
5. No magic in this RP.
6. Enjoy ^^

Sign-Up Form (Refer to my form if you get confused :))
Name (if it's your character, your username):
Age (if it's your character, it should be your own age, be as specific or vague as you want):
Weapons (be aware that if you can't use a weapon in real life you will have difficulty as your character):
Personality (again, your character will have your own personality. Your character is you):
History (just a little about yourself, if it's your character):

My Character:
Name: Skyblade
Species: Badger
Gender: Female
Age: Older teen
Appearance: Smaller than the average badger. Has a blue tint in her white fur, and her tail is abnormally bushy like a squirrel's. Her fur is covered with scars. Wears a ragged vest and shorts.
Weapons: Rapier, but she never trained with it
Personality: Introverted and comes off as strange to many. Tries to be nice, but she doesn't talk much, although she occasionally says things spontaneously. Often melancholy, very emotional and sensitive. She has a rep of a hard worker and her heart is in the right place. In situations like this, she prefers to be in leadership.
History: Skyblade was a nerdy, geeky student when she got plopped into the Redwall universe. Now she wants to get back and deal with school.
Other: She writes and plays the flute/piccolo

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Neat! I might sign up soon, but I have trouble keeping up with RPs.

I'm retired from the forum

LT Sandpaw

I'm in here's my characters ;)

Name: 1st Lieutenant Sandpaw Mathion Ledary
Species: Hare
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Appearance: A shorter than usual hare with dark brown fur with lighter brown patches. His left ear is coal black. He is wearing a loose fitting brown tunic with a hood. A black belt of leather is wrapped around his waist.

Weapons: (I'm better with a gun, but I suppose that's not allowed) A pair of bronze knuckles and a long knife, (Not a battle knife more like a hunting blade) Is much better at hand to hand, or really paw to paw then with proper weapons.

Personality: Ooh hard... Short tempered and easily frustrated Sandpaw will not often drop a grudge. Although naturally very cautious Sandpaw is also known for his good humor and although of an older age can be inclined to youthful antics. He can grow serious in the blink of an eye and can maintain sensibility and remain calm under extreme pressure. He is a willing leader or follower and will usually finish what he's doing. He can be extremely stubborn and will often refuse to back down even when proven wrong.

History: ---

Other: Sandpaw has been trained in basic first aid and also hunting and Jujitsu.

Name: Stinkeye
Species: Water rat
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Appearance: A large young verminous looking creature with dirty brown fur. He wears a tattered grey tunic with a rope belt and cloth wrapping around his paws. Plastered on his face is a permanent sneer which was where he got his name.

Weapons: A rusty cutlass with a one-time fancy hilt that he found. He can also use a bow and arrow but not with any level of competent skill.

Personality: Young and evil are the two words that describe Stinkeye best, he enjoys the pain of others and is nothing but a bully with dreams of being a feared horde leader. His mind is a one way street of self-praise and contempt for others.

History: Being a water rat he was born on the banks of a river and from there he was rotten. Running away from home he joined several gangs and only by his strength and cleverness did he survive. Finally he gathered his own little group of water rats and began his patchwork mission to become a feared vermin band.

Other: Stinkeye commands ten water rats whom he bullies into submission.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Cornflower MM

I'm SO in!

Name: Cornflower MM (Feel free use nicknames. :P)
Species: Squirrely!
Gender: Female
Age: *Sighs* *Mutters* 13
Appearance: Dark brown fur, blue/green eyes that look half-closed all the time (Unless she/I'm making an effort), tall-ish. Wears a dark blue tunic with tan legging-like thins underneath and sandals. Nothing else really notable.
Weapons: Bow (Never had any training) and two daggers (Has a little bit of training, but not really any)
Personality: Quiet, rather shy, alert, kind. Sensitive and quick to feel guilt, Cornflower tries to be helpful. Loves dancing and other animals. Quick to voice opinions.  Has some vision problems.
History: Has danced eight years, has been homeschooled all her life, and, for some reason, Cornflower never really had many friends. Before she was pulled out of her own world, people seemed to ignore, not notice, or sun Cornflower.
Other: She tends to dance a lot. Like, everywhere. Also has some knowledge of natural healing.


Sounds weird and weird is good.

Name (if it's your character, your username): Jet. Jet, not Jett.
Species: Cat (which is why I didn't add the "thebinturong" bit.
Gender: Male
Age (if it's your character, it should be your own age, be as specific or vague as you want): 16
Appearance: Short with medium-length black fur and green eyes. Wears a dark green tunic and hooded cloak, silver-coloured shoulderplates and wristguards. Tattoo of a Celtic spiral on the back of his neck. (I don't actually have this but all other "mes" do.)
Weapons (be aware that if you can't use a weapon in real life you will have difficulty as your character): Dual shamshirs. (Believe it or not, I can actually use a sword. I can hold my own against my brother.)
Personality (again, your character will have your own personality. Your character is you): Uh.... Hm. Generally quite quiet and antisocial but opinionated and often loud. Easy to anger and very sarcastic. Intelligent.
History (just a little about yourself, if it's your character): Boring.
Other: Writes.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


It would be better if this was after Forum RP.

Oh well, I'm in.

Name (if it's your character, your username): R
Species: Otter
Gender: Male
Age (if it's your character, it should be your own age, be as specific or vague as you want): Teenage
Appearance: Tall with brown fur, wears a blue tank top and shorts.
Weapons (be aware that if you can't use a weapon in real life you will have difficulty as your character): Sling, and bow and arrow
Personality (again, your character will have your own personality. Your character is you): Very logical, but has a big temper. Tries to act very friendly. A combination of nerd and surfer dude.
History (just a little about yourself, if it's your character): Likes music (I don't like to write anything without music, I am listening to this right now:, likes friends, likes Pokemon.


Ho arr, mateys, swimming is fun!

I had shrimp 'n' hotroot soup today.

Cornflower MM

Added some thing to the 'Other' section of my sheet.


Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


And I should not be joining yet another rp to put my time into but this was just such an awesome idea.  ;D I just had to join.

Name: Faiyloe (Faiy to you guys of course)
Species: a red squirrel
Gender: Female
Age: late teens
Appearance: (Most of you have seen my art I looks mostly like I draw myself) A tall slim red furred squirrel dressed in a dark sunset purple tunic.
Weapons: A frying pan of course. XD (and In rl I am actually pretty good with a ball of rubber bands, though I doubt they would be available in Mossflower, I am not to bad with hand darts either but I would not say I am an expert.)
Personality: Verbose, out going, an extreme extrovert, A secondary leader (I like some control but I like some one else to call the final shots) Passionate about her ideals but wont force them on other people, Is quick to forgive and almost never holds a grudge more than a few minutes after a fight/argument... but that doesn't mean she has forgotten nor dose it mean it doesn't hurt anymore. oh and one more thing, I am a psychoanalyzer. (You will be analyzed  ;D)
History (just a little about yourself, if it's your character): I home school all my life I love to read and write and draw and create different stories.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Lady Ashenwyte

I'll try to have my character up by tomorrow.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


Does it have to be a RP character? Because I don't think any of my RP characters have been birds  :P
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


No, you can create a new character.

@Ash: That's cool!

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!