
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Started by Skyblade, August 17, 2015, 02:18:47 AM

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James Gryphon

With his enhanced feline hearing, James found it easy to follow the conversation. Soar-en? That was the user name of one of the Redwall forum's members. Was there a connection?

James, who hadn't tried to speak since his transformation, decided to try out his vocal cords, on the chance they would pronounce words. What came out was a passable, "Soren the Warrior?"
« Subject to editing »

Cornflower MM

After wandering around a bit, Cornflower sighed. "Okay, time to admit it - I'm lost." She snorted - Was it possible to be lost if you didn't even know where you had started? Probably. "Lessee. That must be Salamandastron, so those are Mossflower Woods. There should a stream around here somewhere that leads to the woods that leads to the ford that's by the path that leads to the Abbey." Unless, of course, Brian Jacques lied. But he wouldn't have lied if he made this place up. . . . Wait. WAIT. If he made Redwall up, then how the heck did I get here?! Or did the Redwall universe already exist? Or- . . . Ugh. I'm getting a headache. To pull a Scarlett O'Hara, I'll think about it tomorrow. While thinking, Corn had started walking again and found herself on the edge of the woods. You know what? Why not just plunge into Mossflower Woods? Because, you dummy, you could get even more lost and it's very likely you could never find food again. After thinking about it for another moment, she shrugged and started walking into the woods.


Along the way, Skyblade spotted a squirrel in the distance. She paused and let the others know. Then, she cautiously approached the stranger, who she didn't know yet as Cornflower.

"Hello," she said as she stopped a few paces from her. The small badger gave a friendly and nervous smile. "I'm Skyblade and these are my friends. Who are you?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


"Wait! Do you know where we are?" He asked Soren, who looked like he was about to curl up in a ball and roll away.

Ho arr, mateys, swimming is fun!

I had shrimp 'n' hotroot soup today.

Cornflower MM

OOC: Thanks, Skyie. ;D

BIC: Corn stopped and looked at the badger. Part of her wanted to run screaming, and part of her wanted to jump and cheer. (She met someone! They probably knew where they were! She wasn't lost anymore!). "Uh, hi, Skyblade. I'm," Cornflower paused. She couldn't remember her name. . . .. . Just Cornflower MM and her nicknames from the Redwall forum. "I'm Corny." She finished. Who knew what time period this was? If it was the Redwall time period (The book Redwall, that is) two Cornflowers could be disastrous. For that matter, her being here could be disastrous! What if she altered a storyline and something bad happened?! "Wait, Skyblade? I kinda-sorta know a Skyblade."


"Great, because I know a Corny." Skyblade straightened her furry shoulders and grinned. "Let me guess! You're from the Redwall Abbey forums too?" She glanced at the others for a moment, wondering if they would react.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Cornflower MM

playing with her hands, Corn gulped. "H-How do you know the Redwall forum? Who are they?" She wasn't sure if she believed the badger. . . "How do I know this isn't a trick?"


"I'm Skyblade, a member of the forum. These are Eul, Morg, and Sand. I'm an overachieving, flute-playing and writing Asian teen." The young badger's face fell. "You don't remember me, Corny? Okay, I guess it is what it is. We really need to get to the Abbey." She took a few steps forward.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

LT Sandpaw

"Cornflor eh?" Sandpaw grunted pulling off his pack. "Fancy meeting you out here as well, I wonder how many others have been placed here as well?" He dug around for a moment then glanced up at Cornflower.

"You hungry, I got a few snacks in here?"

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Cornflower MM

Cornflower's eyes widened, "You know wha'? This's crazy. Completely crazy! I wanna go home, I want my studio, my bed." Gesturing wildly with her hands, Cornflower almost smacked herself in the head. Swallowing, she dropped her shoulders (Which were up to about her chin) and drew in a deep breath and exhaled it. "Oh, an' Sky? You're not overachieving, you just need a few smacks on the head. Yes, I remember you, but I'm just havin' a hard time believin' that we're all here." She glanced at Sand, "You know, somethin' tuh eat would be nice."

OOC: By the way, I've decided to type 'my' speech with my Southern accent.

The Skarzs

OOC: I find it rather unbelievable that Eul would be able to see Redwall from just flying upwards for a few minutes if they're at about the edge of the forest. You would be about five day's journey from Redwall then, and there would be no way even the bird would be able to see the building.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


OOC: Let's say we're closer to Redwall, then. We need to move this RP along.

BIC: "Overachieving is like a compliment to me." Skyblade shrugged emotionlessly. "Anyway, we better keep moving," she said as she continued walking. "I'm very intent on going home ASAP."

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Cornflower MM

"Skye." Corn said, putting her paws on her hips. "We're not gonna get anywhere by not eatin'. Have you eaten anythin' today? I haven't. We should at least eat 'n' walk. Also, later, we shoudl talk while we have the chance."


Skyblade frowned and then nodded. "Fine then. Let's eat." She gave a small smile to show she wasn't too annoyed and turned to Sand. "Thank you for the food, too."

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Cornflower MM

Corn smiled back at Sky and then started fidgeting again. Playing with her paws was something she did when nervous; Corn didn't realize she was doing it half the time.