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Is Redwall as safe as they say it is? (Role-play thread)

Started by Ashleg, September 02, 2015, 03:24:49 AM

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Should the vermin meet the Redwallers?

Not yet...When we're further into the roleplay. c:


OOC: I'll just say Grant joins them. Grant's large ears can sense changes in wind.

BIC: Grant hobbled on his cane, joining Ava and Duncan. He twitched his ears - the wind was not blowing them as it used too. "We'll send a search party tomorrow if they don't come back. They can *yawn* surely handle themselves, don't you worry."

Ho arr, mateys, swimming is fun!

I had shrimp 'n' hotroot soup today.

Lady Ashenwyte

Mel had entered the Abbey by then, and had been shown the Abbey. Now, she stood in front of the Tapestry, staring at him.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: We ought to let Cornflor to post before we continue  ;)

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Okay never mind.


Raising his eyes Bracklew fixed them on the dagger that Rapshade's paw was now resting on. His mind flashed back to where Brandon stood, drenched in his own blood. A look of pure pain and regret etched into his memory forever. Brackew didn't want to die, he had seen what these pirates were capable of. They would kill him and Mixy if they weren't useful enough.

"Don't break."

Mixy's whispered command came back to him, he wondered at the meaning now. It had seemed so clear only minutes ago might have a different meaning. Did she mean don't get killed? No she had meant not to speak, he eyes strayed for half a second to a small scar on his left paw. He had cut it on a small knife while helping Sister Rayne in her herb garden. He could still remember the stinging pain from even that cut, the stiches that Rayne had given him stung for hours after. If the ferret cut him with that dagger it would hurt even more.

Once again the image of Brandon bleeding out, the pain on his face. Bracklew's lip trembled, and his bushy tail curled close around his head. He had to say something before the ferret captain started using the dagger.

"W-we don't know anything about Redwall." He blurted out, then realizing his mistake he covered his mouth. But the words were already out. He could almost sense the look of disgust and fear on Mixy' face, and he could see the smile on Rapshade's. As long as he didn't use the dagger he wouldn't say anything more... Right?

OOC: Slight PPing there

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


You're good. xD
"Bracklew!" Said Mixy angrily.
She longed to slap him right now.

Rapshade laughed aloud.
"Redwall, is it? Redwall! That sounds familiar..." He held his dagger up and tested the point on his finger. The ferret's smile soon turned to a smirk as he leaned in towards Bracklew.
"Well, since you were dumb enough t' reveal what it's named, you might as well continue. Need motivation?" He grabbed Mixy by the ear, pulling her close, and held the dagger up at her neck.
"If you talk the hare gets to live. Ready, go."

LT Sandpaw

Having been chained to Mixy Bracklew was pulled forward standing alongside his friend. A moan rose from his lips and he saw the dagger come close to her neck. There was nothing he could do.

"I-I'm sorry." He gasped out to Mixy before looking at Rapshade his eyes scorching the ferret with pain and confusion. "W-what do you want to know?"

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"Everything! Are there trained fighters there, or did we kill them all? How many woodlanders live there? And how about treasure?" Rapshade's eyes sparkled tauntingly.

Mixy gritted her teeth. "Don't tell him, Bracklew! Ouch!" She yelped when Rapshade pressed his dagger into her neck, just enough to leave a cut.
You're not getting away with this...My dad will find you, Rapshade the Swift!

Cornflower MM

Quote from: LT Sandpaw on September 10, 2015, 01:52:38 PM

OOC: We ought to let Cornflor to post before we continue  ;)

OOC: I wasn't able to get on yesterday or earlier today, now I'm lost, thanks so much.

LT Sandpaw

Quote from: Cornflower MM on September 11, 2015, 10:36:35 PM
Quote from: LT Sandpaw on September 10, 2015, 01:52:38 PM

OOC: We ought to let Cornflor to post before we continue  ;)

OOC: I wasn't able to get on yesterday or earlier today, now I'm lost, thanks so much.

OOC: I'm actually having trouble deciding whether your genuinely thanking me or I your being sarcastic.


"No don't hurt u- her." Bracklew stammered biting his lip. He was angry at himself for being afraid, angry at Mixy for putting him in this situation, angry at Rapshade for existing. He was terrified that they would be killed, and didn't know whether to speak and risk his friends at Redwall befalling harm, or not speak and risk Mixy and him getting killed. Choices and the consequences of each one danced though his mind. But it was Mixy's yell of pain that decided it for him.

"Alright! Please stop..." His paws clenched the chains that tethered them and his voice was racked with sobs of guilt. "There are not many beasts that can fight at Redwall. But there are many creatures, over a hundred." He stopped his whole body was shaking, he was no longer able to look at Mixy or Rapshade, the thought of all the creatures at Redwall trusting and friendly. He was betraying them all to save his own skin. Tears dripped from his eyes as he shook it off with a shuddering breath before continuing.

"Y-you killed Creekpaw and B-Brandon the best warriors in Redw-." An image of the mouse warrior flashed across his mind, Brandon had never gotten angry or yelled, he had always had a disappointed look. Guilt welled up inside him as he finished. "There is no treasure." His head fell and he grew silent unable to say anything else.

A coward. He was not but a coward.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Want a recap, Cornflower?
"Ha, there may be no treasure but I like the sound of one hundred more slaves." Rapshade grinned happily and put his dagger away. The squirrel seemed honest enough.
Mixy groaned and rubbed tenderly at her neck, glaring at Rapshade and just plain feeling angry at both of them. Rapshade, okay. He was an evil pirate vermin who kidnapped her and her best friend, so she had a natural hate towards him.
The way she was feeling towards Bracklew right now was so different.
She felt...betrayed.
"I'd rather die than see my friends and family be slaves to the likes of you, scum!" She declared.
Rapshade nodded, grabbing the chain that linked them both together, and pulled them out of the room.
"Then I guess 'tis crueler to keep you alive. I like that. Jetfur, take them to the bottom of the ship where we keep the slaves!"


Jetfur nodded, then squirmed uncomfortably. "Uh, yessir, but, I'm not sure if the Shadowmaster can hold one hundred slaves. That's a lot of food too. I mean, we could take, like fifty of 'me, but only a few more could be a bad idea..." Before the Captain could say something he yanked Mixy and Brackelaw out of the cabin with himself.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Cornflower MM

OOC: Due to the headache I have, that would be nice, Scarry.
@Sage: Never mind, forget I said that. I'm sorry. I shouldn't take my foul mood out on y'all.


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Okay, here's a recap.
Brandon the Warrior and the otter Creekpaw were exploring the abandoned house when Rapshade and the vermin kidnapped Mixy and Bracklew. They came running to the rescue, but both of them were murdered by the vermin. Saltooth currently has Martin's sword and Rapshade took the two dibbuns as slaves. As of now, he's questioning them about Redwall (which Bracklew told him of).
As for what was going on around your character, Mel the vixen was allowed into Redwall but Duncan is still suspicious. She never showed your character what she put on the fire, so she could ask if you want. :)

The ship's called the Shadowcaster, not master, just so you know. XD

Rapshade growled.
"Who said they'd get the proper vittles they need, eh, cloudbrain? It's my ship, therefore what I say goes. Just take them away. Oh, and get Saltooth n' Blackclaw n' tell them they have to report to me imminently." The ferret showed his fangs a little before shutting the door.

Mixy stared solemnly at Bracklew.
"I can't believe you'd do that...I thought you were stronger then sayin' what you bloomin' did." She murmured. Her eyes stung with the tears she longed to shed, but resisted all the same.
What about her father, and the Abbot? We're they worried right now?

Fangfang watched as Jetfur led the two woodlanders out of Rapshade's cabin.
The yellowish rat dipped his head awkwardly to them.
"Who're you?"


OOC: Should I make the search party find Brandon or not find him?

BIC: The search party - which consisted of five hares - went deeper into Mossflower Wood.

Ho arr, mateys, swimming is fun!

I had shrimp 'n' hotroot soup today.