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Is Redwall as safe as they say it is? (Role-play thread)

Started by Ashleg, September 02, 2015, 03:24:49 AM

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Should the vermin meet the Redwallers?

Not yet...When we're further into the roleplay. c:

LT Sandpaw

OOC: I'm fairly sure Mixy has a quota of 268,435,456 lashes, deeming Jetfur started at one and doubled it for every word she said.  :D :P


Watching the argument with some hesitation Bracklew decided not to cut in. Behind him Bimble groaned quietly, the mouse slave knew what happened to over talkative slaves. He could only hope that the Slave Driver was in a good mood.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Unfortunately, Jetfur was not in a good modd, considering the soapy deck incident. He raised his whip and brought it down on Mixy's bare back.

OOC:  ;D ;D
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Oh my gosh. XD
And Sage, she's wearing a shirt .  ;)
"Aaaagh!" Mixy screeched for a moment and felt her eyes start to well up with tears, but soon enough the pain led to anger. Why, if she wasn't chained up, she'd show that rat who's boss.

Rapshade made his away across the deck, stopping when he neared Saltooth and Blackclaw.
"Are you finished yet?"
Fangfang had just ran across there, crying, a minute ago.


OOC: Sorry. And I can't have him be soft. Anyway, I'll have him distracted by some other crew members.

BIC: Jetfur smiled. "Hurt, don't it? You better hope hard fer yore friends." He was about to raise the whip again when a crew member hurried down into the slave deck. "Uh, Jetty, you need to git those slaves outta here."

The Slavemaster scowled. "Fine..." he left the deck.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


The hare waited until Jetfur was long gone before speaking.
"B-Bracklew, am I bleeding?" Mixy stammered.

LT Sandpaw

Bracklew reached down and tore off a piece of his yellow tunic. He spat on the town fabric and to the best of his ability pressed it onto Mixy's back.
"A-are you okay?" He asked with wide eyes. The whip had snapped so loudly. He swallowed pressing the cloth down harder.


Saltooth and Blackclaw who had been laying about chuckling about Jetfur jumped up grabbing at buckets and scrub brushes. "Er Aye Cap'n!" Saltooth yelped.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Sorry for the pun, I couldn't resist :D :P
Mixy took a deep breath and regained some of her composure. "Well it hurts an awful lot and I'm mad and I want to cry but also slap him and pull his tail off--So I guess you could say I'm mixed." She laughed halfheartedly, in a flat kind of way.
"Ouh! Okay, you're pressing too hard..." The young hare clenched her teeth together.


Rapshade nodded once.
"Okay, good then. I'm sendin' you, Fang, Blackclaw, and Vadoma back to go to that building--Redwall--and check it out. No attacking, and act friendly while you're there if ye meet anybeast, n' then report back t'me. Savvy?" The ferret paused, curling his paws in and out anxiously.
It might annoy the crew, but it would be good to get rid of these four for a while.
Vadoma and Fangfang kept intruding on his personal space, and Saltooth and Blackclaw were just not his favorites right now.

LT Sandpaw


The young squirrel let a small smile cross his face as he lifted the makeshift bandage. Already it was stained red, it wasn't a bad cut. but there was a good chance of infection. Spitting on the rag again Bracklew pressed it back down, with much less pressure. Rayne had once said a few creatures' saliva worked as a natural disinfectant, Bracklew could only hope he was one of those few.

"Bimble said we can escape, so I promise to help you get back to your father. You don't deserve to be down here." he paused the smile disappeared. "The question is how? And when?"


With a withering glare Saltooth tugged his ear in salute as did Blackclaw. Then leaving the buckets where they had fallen the two pirates trotted across the deck in search for Fangfang and Vadoma each one with their own complaints.

"We're a'bein' poor treated mate, ain't rite."  Blackclaw groused. Saltooth nodded in agreement cursing their bad luck.

"Our matey be fine fer th' pickin' wit' us gone, Rapshade is too clever fer 'is own good."

"An' we're suppersed ter be friendly like wit' th' landlubber red placers wh'n we been killin an' capturin' thems' creatures. They ain't gonna be 'appy ter see us."

"Right, th' Cap'n be tryin' ter kill us I tell ye." Both pirates staled on the gangplank having summoned the two desired crewbeasts with loud yells. Leaning back against the railing Saltooth let his paw slide towards the hilt of his sword muttering darkly. "Jus' betwixt ye n' me, th' Cap'n's days be numbered fer sure."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"I'm certainly not breaking my paws in order to get free," Mixy's said, staring down at the chains that linked her to both Bracklew and the oars. "...Maybe there's somebeast not so smart who we could get to let us out...Mh, Bimble, d'y' know of anybeast?"


Vadoma and Fang came out at the same time by coincidence, and the vixen looked rather confused.
"Yes? If you want me to go on a patrol or something, let me tell you, I'm the seer. Cap'n never assigns patrols to me." She said, folding her arms.
"So what is it, hm?"

LT Sandpaw

"E' did terday, so foller us an' don' get lef' behind fox." Saltooth grunted glaring at his group venomously. the only one here that was of any merit was Blackclaw. Fangfang didn't know which side of a sword to hold and Vadoma hardly looked like a capable fighter. Of course looks could be deceiving.


Bimble snorted at the question shaking his scared ears. "Ain't no one that dumb, they be knowing wot 'appens to a beast that can't row. They be laughin' at ye fer tryin'." The mouse thought for a moment looking down the aisle towards Jetfur's cabin. "The key must be right n' there. If only ye could reach it eh?"

Bracklew looked down at his chains. His paws were small, not nearly as large nor as long as Mixy's. His stomach squirmed at the thought but he wasn't a coward anymore. Looking up resolutely he glanced at Bimble before shifting in his seat to look at Mixy.

"I'll do it." He declared resolutely.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"D-do it? Do what?"
Mixy's voice quavered as she spoke. She had a vague idea of what Bracklew was going to do, but she felt the need to ask anyway because assumptions were never good.
"Don't hurt yourself, Bracklew. What if you got caught? If they killed you, I would probably die too: from loneliness..."


Vadoma frowned, yet follow she did.
As the four of them trudged through Mossflower Woods, the vixen was muttering under her breath. "When he gets sicker he'll regret sending me off, the blighter...Swifty's days are numbered without me..."
Fangfang walked up beside Saltooth. He'd forgotten about Tinygut already.
The scrawny rat grinned innocently. "Ay, Salt. Where're we off to, eh? Cap'n ne'er told me about this. Last I saw 'im, 'e was holdin' this cloth with what looked t'be blood on it...But 'e said t'was sauce. Ohho, I wonder what he was eatin'? Must've been good...Maybe the sauce was made of blood! Now wouldn't that be creepy? Yuck, hahaha..."
Fang was known for going off on tangents when in conversation.
Vadoma looked concerned, but to hide it she growled and covered her ears.
"It wasn't blood," she snapped, walking past him.

LT Sandpaw

"I-I'm going." Bracklew stopped, he felt hot and cold at the same time, the mere thought of what he was about to do to himself sickened him. He licked his lips and started again. "I'm going to get us out Mix, soon as its night, we'll have a easy time of it if we sneak off the ship when its dark. Just don't try to stop me okay, I can do this."

Telling Mixy that he could do it was a lot easier then telling himself that. Bimble jerked forward laying a paw on Bracklew's shoulder the mouse shook his head.

"Naw don' be stupid young'un they'll kill yer, n' you'll be maimed fer life if'n they don't." Bracklew shrugged off the mouse's paw his voice resolute, though shaky.

"There's no other way?"

"No but-"

"And the mouse Quimble did it?"

"Aye but-"

"Then so can I."


The steersrat, who had been penning his ears down and trying to ignore Fangfang looked up in interest. Vadoma had seemed almost angry when she had snapped at the little rat. He gave Blackclaw a meaningful look and nodded towards Vadoma. The weasel nodded back and trotted over to the vixen speaking loudly.

"So wot it like bein' a magicbeast n' seein' th' future!" Blackclaw practically yelled at her. He continued speaking loudly not letting the fox say a word, while crunching every twig and kicking every stone he came across. Smiling Saltooth slowed slightly.

"So Fangy mate, wot else was th' Cap'n doin' matey eh?" He grinned throwing his arm around Fangfang's shoulders and drawing him close so that Vadoma might have a hard time hearing what Fangfang said.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"Shut up, moron..." Vadoma gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes, blinking and trying to get around Blackclaw or at least tune him out. She had originally been trying to answer his questions, but apparently the weasel didn't want that since he kept talking.

"Ye want th' details? Well, anything fer me mates!" Fangfang grinned widely. Finally, somebeast was acting like a friend to him! "Well...I came in an' he was coughin' up a storm. Then he turned around an' when he saw me his eyes got all wide an' scared, an' I asked him what was on th' cloth an' 'e said t'was sauce an' hurried me out. I didn't see any food...Oh, yeah, an' he was acting all itchy!"


Mixy fell silent and looked away, shutting her eyes to stop herself from crying.
"Don't do it, Bracklew...You'll regret it...I'll regret not stopping you."


OOC: I was thinking that Jetfur "releases" the slaves, the search party is sent out for creekpaw and Brandon, they find the slaves, and they find out about the ship!

BIC: Jetfur finally decided to take care of the slaves. Carrying a bunch of cloth strips, he busily gagged and tied all four paws of the slaves. He reached for his keys but didn't find them. "Musta left 'em in my cabin." He got up and walked back to it.

OOC: I can make him as slow and distracted as you want for Brackelaw to get there.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Oh are they escaping right now?


The young squirrel shivered, then setting his jaw he readied himself steeling up for whatever pain he might face. "I think, we will regret staying here more." He muttered, he looked down at his paws, the chain manacles rested loosely around his wrists. He could almost slip his paws out but sure enough his thumbs got it the way. He would have to break the appendage so it could move under the rest of his claws allowing him to pull his paw free. If he dislocated the thumb he might be able to snap it back into place and avoid severe damage.

"Right Mix, here goes everything." He sucked in his breath closing his eyes he slammed the manacle forward into the woodwork. His paw slide forward while his thumb stayed behind, wrapped around a metal link.

Following this movement was a sickening crack, his left paw slide free of the manacle but with dire consequences. He stopped himself from screaming by sinking his teeth into the woodwork. Tears sprang to his eyes and his teeth hurt, but the thumb hurt more. It had been pushed perfectly under the rest of his claws leaving it hanging motionless.

Bracklew began hyperventilating his breaths coming in ragged frantic gasps. He couldn't think about it, he still had to escape, even more so now. Bracklew pulled his teeth free of the wood and prepared his right paw. He closed his eyes, and jerked forward. A ragged cry escaped his throat. He couldn't help it.

"Cover 'is mouth hare!" Brimble hissed.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro