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Is Redwall as safe as they say it is? (Role-play thread)

Started by Ashleg, September 02, 2015, 03:24:49 AM

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Should the vermin meet the Redwallers?

Not yet...When we're further into the roleplay. c:


Jetfur froze. A cry? He whipped around and raced back to the slaves chained to the mast, checking their gags. It wasn't them. "'Ey, fanf, yew didn't 'appen to cry out, did'jer?"
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Mixy quickly pressed her paw against Bracklew's mouth, feeling terrible for the squirrel.
"Shh, shh... You'll be okay. When we get back to Redwall they can fix your paws..." I hope.


Fangfang smirked and kept walking, waiting patiently as Saltooth contemplated that.
"So whatcha think, mate?"

LT Sandpaw

Saltooth patted Fangfang on the back winking at the smaller rat. "Aye mate, I think ye 'ave finally done somethin' useful." He trotted forward interrupting the rather one sided conversation taking place between Vadoma and Blackclaw. "Ey you lot, shuddap we're a gettin' closer to th' Red place."


Bracklew couldn't think, bile filled his mouth and he pushed Mixy's paws away and retched onto the floor. A few slaves glanced over at him but they were otherwise ignored.

"H-hurts s-so m-much." Bracklew gasped shaking.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Fangfang grinned excitedly. "R-really? Aw yay!"
Vadoma huffed, walking forward towards the red building and stopping only when she was close enough to reach out and touch it's walls.
"So what is it Cap'n wants us to do, Saltooth?" She asked.


Mixy rocked back and fourth anxiously, watching Bracklew with wide eyes. Her heart was beating so fast she thought it might as well leap out of her chest. The young haremaid reached out and tried to help him up, but didn't say anything. There was nothing she could do to make him feel better.

LT Sandpaw

The steersrat grunted and jabbed a claw up towards the wall. "Scout'n, e' be askin' us ter scout n' not attack. Wot e' want ye to do is yer own problem vixen." Motioning for them all to follow him Saltooth walked along the edge of the wall. What were they suppose to do stare at the stonework? He growled laying his paw on the hilt of his sword. Vadoma was suppose to be smart, irritated he turned to her.

"Rite, ye fox wot should' we be a'doin, wots th' best way ter scout?"


Bracklew let Mixy help him up, the chains clinked at his footpaws and he remembered he was free. Staggering up and feeling slightly dizzy the squirrel steadied himself on the wall using his elbows instead of his paws.

"S-s-s-stay here M-Mix. I'll b-b-be back." Breathing heavily he stumbled down the aisle many of the slaves were watching him with wide eyes.

Behind Mixy Bimble shook his head. "Stupid young fool, e' gonna get 'imself killed."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"Don't you say that!" Mixy snapped.
The hare didn't like negativity like that...Though...Inside she was thinking the same thing.


Vadoma tip-pawed around to one side of the wall where a low window sat. She narrowed her eyes and peeked inside, waving her paw for the others to come over.
"Look inside and for any weapons or anything that shows signs of warrior life. Also take note on every entrance. I've heard of this place, 'tis no joke. If you see somebeast, spy on them but keep hidden and look for the best places to hide so if Rapshade decides to attack it we won't be seen by the woodlanders. That's scouting."

LT Sandpaw

Nearly falling forward into the cabin straight off the slave's quarters Bracklew took a few moments to orientate himself. As far as he knew this was the worst pain he had ever felt. He held his paws up not wanting to bump the damaged appendages into anything. Quivering from poorly disguised misery he moved forward scanning the cabin from top to bottom. No keys.

Rushing over to the hammock he let out a moan and flipped the pillow over, there was no key underneath. He searched the entirety of the cabin spending time trying to not use his thumbs, a difficult task. Cursing with every foul word he knew, albeit a small vocabulary from being a young creature at Redwall, he pushed against the open door with his shoulder closing it. Sure enough hanging on the door were the keys glistening slightly in the poor light. Hooking the ring on his undamaged claws he struggled with the closed door for a few moments before running down the hall towards Mixy.

"Here." He gasped letting the keys slip from his paws into Mixy's waiting paws. "Unlock yourself and let's get out of here."


Saltooth and Blackclaw grumpily followed the vixen's orders going about the business of scouting in a very lax manner. As the high walls surrounded the Abbey complete they discovered a total of two things. There were no guards and four entrances. Coming along the east wall under the cover of the large trees Blackclaw stuck his nose in the air.

"Mm somthin' smells clawlicken mate." Saltooth agreed sticking his own nose in the air.

"Aye, reckon they be a' feasten'?"

"I reckon so, ye thinkin' we could climb yon overgrown seaweed n' get in?" Saltooth shook his head.

"Naw, n' even if'n we could they would be killin' us on sight." Both resigned to breathing in the smells of noontide lunch. Having wasted enough time they made their way back to the meeting spot.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Mixy did just so and stood up, rubbing her wrists. The young hare felt excited and nervous at the same time. She could nearly feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins.
"What about Bimble?" She asked, casting a sidelong glance at the slave mouse.
"We can't just leave him after learning his name and all that...But..."


Vadoma watched as the males began smelling the Redwallers' food.
She vixen growled, rolling her eyes.
"Are you done?" She asked when they came back over. "I mean, it's about time. Come on, Cap'n needs us back on the Shadowcaster. Join me when you're ready."
With that, she flicked her tail at them and marched off into the forest.

Fang hesitated, glancing back at Redwall.
"She's gone. Whatcha say t' goin' in there fer lunch, eh, mates? I don't look scary, they wouldn't kill me, I don't think." He folded his arms and nodded: a sad, failed attempt at looking smart.

LT Sandpaw

Both pirates looked at each other considering the options. If he was successful then it would give them a good chance of getting something to eat, and if he wasn't, well nobeast would really care. Nodding they slapped him on the back and ushered him to the nearest tree motioning upward with their paws.

"Aye matey ye jus' climb up yon big weed n' get th' vittles. Th'n bring it back 'ere n' throw it down nice n' easy like." Saltooth encouraged motioning upward, while Blackclaw put on a foolish grin and proclaimed what a good friend and how smart Fangfang was.


Bimble watched with wide eyes as the two youngsters freed themselves. Most of the slaves were to afraid of retribution for attempted escape. He clinked his paws together holding them out for Mixy to unlock. "I be done with this, Gates-be damned 'ole let me free." The mouse commanded. Further down the aisle a older female squirrel held up her paws too.

"Aye be gettin' to old ta row fer much longer, I wanna run again. Let me free too." Bracklew tapped his footpaw on the floor planks urging Mixy to move faster.

"C'mon Mix, let those two out and lets go."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Jetfur shook his head, starting to walk back to his cabin to retrive his keys.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


If you just want to be a random Redwaller or something to reply to him that would be great. I'd use Duncan but that would be roleplaying with myself. XD
Fangfang shimmied up the tree and scooted along one of the branches on all fours, looking like he was holding on for dear life. When he heard the praise coming from down below, the rat nodded dumbly and leapt from the branch to the open window, flying straight inside.
"Yaaagh!" He yelped, rolling head over tail until the wall stopped him. He stood up and rubbed his head, then proceeded back to the window and waved his paw at the two pirates to show that he was okay.
Fang then snuck down the hallway to where he could smell the food.
There was a hare and some other creatures enjoying it...uh oh.
But because Fang was Fang, he didn't know to be cautious and thus stepped out and grinned at everybeast.
"Aye there, I'm Fangfang, 'kin I 'ave some of yer vittles?"

Duncan looked up, surprised. A rat? What was a rat doing in the Abbey? Instantly his eyes narrowed.


"Nevermind, hurry, I feel like somebeast's coming!" Much screeched, giving Bracklew a nudge so hopefully he would run.


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Vilu Daskar

"A rat, where?" inquired Fergbar looking up from his plate.
Never trust a smiling pirate.  :D

I can do that because I'm awesome.

"It really gets up my nose when publishers call my book another Lord of the Rings. It's my bloody book! I wrote it. And another thing, I didn't have to plunder Norse and European mythology to do it!" - Brian Jacques.

LT Sandpaw

Bimble and the squirrel looked on still chained to their seats as Bracklew and Mixy ran for the stairs. The young squirrel's paws still hurt and every step he took sent a jolt of pain up the ruined thumbs. If they got caught and it turned into a fight... No he didn't want to think about what would happen then. He kept running.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"There's a rat, don't you see him?" Duncan inquired, rising from the table.
The hare was a seasoned Long Patrol warrior. He could fight if he had to.
Fangfang, however, smiled in a friendly fashion and padded over to where everybeast was.
"'Kin I have some vittles fer my friends?"

Duncan cast a glance over in Ava's direction as if asking her to take over.


Mixy raced up the stairs and waited for Bracklew to get there too before swinging the door wide open and making a run for it. She scrambled across the deck and was making her way to the gangplank when suddenly somebeast cried out.
Rapshade the ferret hopped up and down, pointing in the direction of the young woodlanders. "The slaves are escaping! The slaves are escaping! Get them, Jetfur, you dithering fool!"
That was when Mixy panicked and leapt off the side of the ship.