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Is Redwall as safe as they say it is? (Role-play thread)

Started by Ashleg, September 02, 2015, 03:24:49 AM

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Should the vermin meet the Redwallers?

Not yet...When we're further into the roleplay. c:


Well...It's started now. XD
Vadoma curled her lip.
"Are you being serious? Why would I try to kill somebeast I practically raised myself, addlebrain?" She spat. The vixen paused for a second to look at the captives before turning back to Jetfur.
"If I did want to kill him, I would poison him instead of trying to nurse him back to health after last night's antics. Anyway, next time you threaten me I'll call out to the cap'n and he'll be mad with you. He needs me more than he needs you."

LT Sandpaw

Both condemned writhed in their chains struck dumb by the hopelessness of their situation. Now was not a question of if they would die, only how painful said death would be. Goddith had attempted a endless stream of excuses placing the blame on every beast on the ship except himself. All for naught. Blackclaw however, ahd held his silence, staring mutely at his judge, jury, and executioner.

Farther back in the crowd of curious watching pirates Saltooth slipped his tongue in and out of the gap in his mouth. The missing tooth was lost somewhere over the side of the ship. However the empty space was a eternal reminder of the disaster that took place the previous night. He watched with cold eyes, not caring that his mates were about to be killed, or worse. Only caring that he had made it out alive.


Shaking his head Bracklew winked over at Fergbar then grabbed Mixy from behind. "Quick Ferg she's got the horrible mouth covering sickness, a hare's worst nightmare. Grab the medicine!" He released his friend laughing rolling back over the bed and falling onto the floor. Picking himself with as much dignity as possible he grinned at Fergbar.

"I think I'm better now Ferg, thanks though. Mix is a good friend, better then any drink."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Vilu Daskar

"Good, but if you ever need that drink just tell me and I will make it for you. Now I've got to get to the Cellars and see if that Rat is awake yet, bye."
Never trust a smiling pirate.  :D

I can do that because I'm awesome.

"It really gets up my nose when publishers call my book another Lord of the Rings. It's my bloody book! I wrote it. And another thing, I didn't have to plunder Norse and European mythology to do it!" - Brian Jacques.


Jetfur was annoyed by the vixen's tone. "yeah, well, 'e owes me 'is life. Anyway, what about the other, Saltooth? He seemed pretty annoyed last time I saw him."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"Yaaah, you wretch, let go!" Mixy screeched and jumped on the bed, snorting indignantly. "That's not a funny thing to joke about, Bracklew! Oh, the terrors!
If I couldn't eat, why, that would be an...Absolute nightmare! Ooohhh..." The hare mock-shuddered, winking at Bracklew.
"Ha..Just kidding. It would be worse than that, but I can't find the words for it."

Vadoma shrugged. "That one? I don't remember the last time I saw him...Oh, he's over there, watching like everybeast else." The vixen mused, nodding in Saltooth's direction.

Rapshade let a few agonizingly slow minutes pass as he watched the sun, and then a smirk appeared on his face. His entire crew was watching, now, in a half circle surrounding him and the hapless prisoners. The ferret stifled a chuckle. He'd found a way to humiliate the traitors.
"Hold on, you two. Goddith, quit your whining! I've decided to give you a chance to prove yourselves...One that will be especially amusing to me." He turned to face the crew and singled out a grim-faced rat and a tall red fox. "Duskfur, go into the kitchens and bring me food. The good stuff that I get, not what I give to the crew. And you there, fox, I forget your name, fetch the large chair that's in my bedroom. And hurry!"
When the vermin returned with the stuff he had requested, they stepped back into line, looking puzzled.
Rapshade giggled like a naughty dibbun and flopped down in his chair as a rat poured him some wine.
He pointed the cup at Blackclaw and Gottith, laughing all the while.
"Okay, so here is what you must do. Sing a song about how great I am and prance about on deck with those chains. If I like the song, the vittles are yours and you get to live! If I don't like the song, you'll both die slowly. Don't hesitate, your life depends on it." He grinned wider when he heard some snickering coming from the group of assembled vermin. Of course he wouldn't like the song, and he'd deny he did even if he truly enjoyed it. This was just the ferret having his fun.
"I do 'ope you both know how to improvise! Ha, ha!"

I am so sorry...
Well, this is him messing with their minds for sure. XD


Jetfur left Vadoma and headed to the part of teh ship where Saltooth was, keeping an eye on Goddith and Blackclaw. Even the Slavemaster didn't enjoy seeing what was happening.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Vadoma gasped as she watched everything happen, and started muttering under her breath. "He wants them to sing? Oh, he's insane for sure. Last night has finally snapped the poor ferret, I bet!"

LT Sandpaw


:o He is rather twisted... I like it.


Blackclaw couldn't help himself, his jaw dropped and he stared at his former captain aghast. "Ye can't be... Cap'n 'ow-" He was jerked sideways by Goddith whose eyes were wide with a false hope.

"Shudd'up fool, e' be givin' us a chance. Dance, I'll sing." Blackclaw attempted to dance, a awkward jig that resembled a drowning fish, and a hopeless weasel. With the chains dragging on his paws, he struggled to do much more then sway. Goddith on the other paw was much more into his chance at life. Prancing and doing half spins, bows and he put on a performance fit for a stage. His voice wasn't horrible, and he sang out loudly moving his paws in time with his improvised tune.

"'Ey yo Cap'n oh none be greater then 'e,

O' sail th' sea,

Mighty 'Im,

Cap'n O' th' sea!

Lift yon sail e' do shout, making th' crew roar,

Aye aye Cap'n Rapshade, greatest on th' sea!

E', e' erm e'...

'Ey yo Cap'n oh none be greater then e',

O' sail th' sea

Mighty 'Im,

Cap'n O' th' sea!"

He continued on struggling to think up new lyrics not to sure how long he was supposed to go on. Somewhere in the back of the crowd a encouraging shout rang out urging them on. A few of the crew members, beginning to enjoy themselves beat their paws on the deck in time with the song and some even joined in on the makeshift chorus.

"'Ey yo Cap'n oh none be greater then e',

O' sail th' sea

Mighty 'Im

Cap'n O' th' sea!"


Sniggering Bracklew winked back, tapping the side of his head. "I think the word your looking for would be hungry."

OOC: Oh man that song is bad, I would understand Rapshade wanting to kill them after hearing that, but now I'm curious to see how he reacts to some of the crew joining in. :P ;D

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


That...All of that, it's awesome. I'm laughing so hard right now. :D ;D

When a few other vermin joined in, Rapshade grinned and stood up on his chair, waving the chalice carelessly around him.
The ferret's voice rang out loud and clear: "Oh yes mighty me, Cap'n of the sea, haha!"
When the prisoners' song was over, he leapt down from the throne and walked up to Blackclaw and Goddith, smiling pleasantly.
"Listen up, you two," the ferret said, "T'day's your lucky day! I get t' tell you both something special..."
He waited, grinning, until the crew fell silent, and leaned over to whisper in the captives' ears--though his words were audible to everybeast around them.
"Yer song wasn't nearly as horrid as I thought." Suddenly his eyes glinted, and he showed his teeth.
"It was worse."

Not how you expected at first, huh? ;) :P


OOC: Well, we already knew it, so.... Is Duncan going to fetch the others for the meeting?
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Oh, silly me. :P

And I meant it wasn't expected that he would join in with the song.
Duncan scoured the halls, looking for everybeast. When he spotted Ava, the hare walked over to her and nodded in greeting. "G'mornin', Ava, bigbloomin'badgermum! Ha, excuse me, I meant amazing badger mum. Grant wanted you for a meeting in the Great Hall, we're discussing...The ferret and his posse."

LT Sandpaw

Blackclaw who had expected as much let out a low breath, his heartbeat increased twofold as death came closer and closer. Goddith dropped to his knees clasping his paws. tears ran down his face and his voice was choked with sobs.

"Please Cap'n 'ave mercy Cap'n! I tried me best, give me another chance, please Cap'n!" Blackclaw raised his gaze, ignoring Goddith's pleading whining, fixing Rapshade with a piercing glare. Leaning forward the weasel whispered so only he and his captain could hear.

"Yer sick Cap'n, see ye at Hellsgates' soon, I'll be a'waitin' fer ye."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Rapshade smirked and aimed a swift little kick at Goddith's side, sneering down at the whimpering fox. Then he heard Blackclaw's voice, and his smirk was swapped for a crazed frown. It was like something inside his mind snapped just then.
"I'm healthy, I'm perfectly healthy!" The ferret cried, laughing hysterically as he turned and slashed at the weasel's stomach in a long upward-angled movement with his sabre.
"Ha! Haaah...Don't you threaten me, don't y' even dare! Goddith, say that I'm healthy!"

Don't shout about your condition in front of the whole crew, idiot!
Vadoma's eyes widened. She half wanted to rush out there and stop him; knock some sense into him, maybe--but she couldn't bring herself to do it in front of the whole crew. Luckily, she didn't need to. The captain inhaled sharply and stumbled backwards a tad. His injuries were getting to him after his previous antics of leaping about the chair.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Should Rayne gather up Bracklew and Mixy, or are we going to leave that to Ava?


A guttural cry rang from Blackclaw's throat, cut off as his lungs filled with scarlet blood. The flow spread across the deck quickly, and the dying weasel fell forward into the pool of his life force. Gagging Blackclaw clutched at his ruined stomach writhing in agony. His increased heart rate slowed, and his spasms stilled until he lay, petrified in death. Goddith let out a high pitched scream and fled towards the railing attempting to push his way though the crowd of pirates.

Saltooth felt a twinge of guilt looking at his old shipmate. They had know each other for some time, while they had never been friends a mutual trust had been held between them. Curling his paw over the red pommeled sword hilt the steersrat cursed Rapshade with every foul name possible, silently of course, it wouldn't do to anger the insane captain further.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Vilu Daskar

When Fergbar arrived in The Cellars he was surprised to find Fangfang wasn't there. His first instinct was to run and tell Duncan, But he would probably want to kill him he thought, I know, I'll go tell Father Abbot.

OOC: Is that OK whoever has Fang?
Never trust a smiling pirate.  :D

I can do that because I'm awesome.

"It really gets up my nose when publishers call my book another Lord of the Rings. It's my bloody book! I wrote it. And another thing, I didn't have to plunder Norse and European mythology to do it!" - Brian Jacques.