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Is Redwall as safe as they say it is? (Role-play thread)

Started by Ashleg, September 02, 2015, 03:24:49 AM

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Should the vermin meet the Redwallers?

Not yet...When we're further into the roleplay. c:


Rapshade curled his lip and pressed harder with the blade until he could see a bit of blood, then stepped back and scowled at them. "You're lucky I'm feeling lenient right now," the ferret hissed. "When we get back you two are goin' to scrub the ship, inside and out. I don't care if it takes all night."
He turned and pointed the sabre to his right.
"C'mon, you lot, we're going this way and this time we're gonna succeed. Remember those mice in that cabin we found a while back? If'n any of you see something like that tell me, and it'll be ours." His eyes glinted as he led the way back into the forest.


"My, my. Fine..." Duncan pulled a sad face and retreated out of the room.
"Not anymore!" Mixy exclaimed, laughing as she raced down the hall.
The haremaid nearly crashed into her father as he came out of the kitchens, mumbling that "A hare's gotta bally eat, you know!" She skidded into the wall.

"Mixy!" Duncan exclaimed, helping his daughter up.
"Sheesh, dibbuns these days. Be careful!" He glanced at Bracklew and got out of the way so the squirrel wouldn't crash as well.


In the backround, Ruck grunted with effort as he and another assistant (a competent one) lifted the giant trifle across the hallway that the others were in. Following, Ava seemingly swept her stick along the floor, but to the practiced eye she was really using her own, special way of leaning on the cane that minimized the helpless look of the crippled badger. She paused to wave to Mixy. "Helping with the tabler young 'un?

She eyed Brackelaw (OOC: spelling?) having heard of his misbehavior in the dormitories earlier. "And you.. Don't do any wrong... or I'll skelp you."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"Help with the table? Sure, c'mon, Bracklew." Mixy said, heading over to the table.
She tapped her paws on it for a second.
"What should I help with? I can help set the table...Or help eat the food on the table..." The hare giggled.

Fangfang sighed and continued tapping on the door.
"Jetfuuuur? Cap'n sent me back too!"

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Bracklew, Almost like Bracken except with Lew at the end instead of en.


The young squirrel shuffled his footpaws putting on a look of absolute innocence. "What do you mean mum badger? I don't remember doing anything in the dormitories other then sleeping. Isn't that right Mixy?" He winked in a exaggerated manner. Before following the hare.

"Hm eating it would be the best option if you ask me. But I'm already on the hook with Ava."


Saltooth followed behind Rapsahade muttering under his breath. Blackclaw was walking beside him and both rat and weasel were nursing their injuries while they marched trying out different remedies from the surrounding brush. Saltooth had gotten lucky having found some soothing dock leaves and garlic which worked to ease the pain. Blackclaw who had pulled up some stinging nettles was less lucky.

"Yah! Whoop! Don' use th' vines mate, them make it burn worse!"

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Rapshade nearly burst out laughing upon hearing Blackclaw's yowling, though he stopped himself and managed to continue with a straight face. The ferret walked for a few more minutes and stopped, sniffing the air. His tail twitched uneasily.
"Sh, everybeast, stop 'ere. Look up beyond th' trees and tell me what you see."
A stoat in the back lifted his paw.
"'T looks 'n awful lot like th' belfry o' a castle, Cap'n!"
Rapshade nodded, grasping the hilt of his sabre. "That's precisely what it is, addlebrain. A castle, or an abbey or fortress. I'd bet they have treasure there, wouldn't you?" He scanned the crew with his perilous amber eyes.


Duncan appeared from around the corner, wagging his paw at them.
"Mixy, be a good hare and set the table. Your father needs to eat, wot wot!"
"We all need to eat, Dad!" Mixy scoffed.
"Say, Brack, what should I take first; the scones or the pasties?" The hare asked, wondering who it was that Brandon had to go talk to. She tried to shove it to the back of her mind but it kept coming back to her: the name Rapshade the Swift. Should she have gotten in to detail on the state of the house? It looked like a crime had happened there. Rapshade was dead, Brandon had said, so had somebeast taken his name as an alias? She still longed to show her father.


OOC: I'm ready to join.

Edit: Changing some stuff on my profile, then I'll join.

Ho arr, mateys, swimming is fun!

I had shrimp 'n' hotroot soup today.


Okie. :)
Once Sandpaw replies maybe you could have the Abbot come join them or something...

Cornflower MM

Padding down the hallway, Rayne stretched, berating herself for sleeping in late.. "That's what you get, staying up late reorganizing your herb cabinet!" She was saying to herself as she went into Cavern Hole for breakfast. She spotted Duncan, a friend of her's, and walked over. "Good morning, Duncan." She said.

OOC: Hope you don;t mind, Scar?


Not at all. ;)
Duncan smiled, dipping his head to Rayne.
"Ah, g'morning to you too!" The hare reached out and snatched a scone from the table, munching it excitedly.

Mixy leaned over to Bracklew.
"C'mon, let's go before we get caught up in the badgermum's plans." She whispered, nodding sideways at the door.

LT Sandpaw

"Hm hard choice, I personally would go for the nutbread but if I had to choose I would say." Here he paused as if seriously considering what Mixy had asked. His ears twitched and he finsiehd by nodding solemnly." The scones, definitely the scones."

Realizing that Mixy had already started to leave he snatched up two and trotted after her. "Hey Mix do you want the one with honey, or the one with acorns? Or maybe you want a mix of both." Giggling at his own joke Bracklew pulled the still warm pastries in half, holding out the two smaller pieces for her.


"Er Cap'n wot if'n its full o' fighters too." Some random unimportant searat pointed out. Saltooth, who had been struggling to keep his find of wild garlic away from Blackclaw, snorted at the speaker but didn't speak. He was still on the captain's bad side and was smart enough to keep quiet.

Pulling out one of his curved daggers the searat jabbed at Backclaw's seeking paw. "Keep yer paws off me onions!"

"C'mon mate let me 'ave some, an' them beein' garlic too."

"Find yer own gar-lic stoat, these be mine!" Saltooth said threateningly waving the curved dagger under Blackclaw's nose. "An' shut yer trap afore th' Cap'n 'ears ye an' uses our skins as targets."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Ava could overhear their words perfectly, but chose to let them go on. You weren't their age forever. She shook her head slightly and followed the Friar into Great Hall.

† † †

Jetfur turned around to face Fangfang. "And why would he send you?"
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Cornflower MM

Rayne shook her head, "You hares," She said with a smile. Taking a plate, she headed for the mouse serving oatmeal. On her way, she passed Mixy and Bracklew and smiled at them. "You eating everything in your way?" She teased.


"Oh, even if it is that'll be no deal at all." Rapshade smirked, twirling one of his whiskers.
"I wasn't planning on attacking today anyhow. If they're peaceful creatures it won't be hard to slay 'em, but if they're not we can trick 'em into thinking we're friendly and then get 'em while they're sleeping...But not today. I just want to check it out now."
He pulled a cloth out of his pocket and coughed into it, then put it away, looking like he didn't want anybeast to see. In reality, he felt awful. It wasn't hard to hide his sickness, however.
"C'mon, you lot, follow me." The ferret grinned and darted in the direction of Redwall.

Fangfang winced.
"'E got mad at me so I was told t' get back 'ere... Can't I just come in?"

"No, Mam, not the furniture."
Mixy happily accepted the two half scones and winked at Rayne. The hare downed them quickly, before grabbing Bracklew's paw and running off.
"I wanna go find Brandon and see what he's up to!" She chuckled. "He seemed like he was hiding something..."


Jet fur smirked. "Of course."

OOC: He in charge of the ship at the moment, with the captain in the woods?
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Sure, he just can't move the ship or anything.^^
"Then open the door," Fangfang whimpered.