Is Redwall as safe as they say it is? (Role-play thread)

Started by Ashleg, September 02, 2015, 03:24:49 AM

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Should the vermin meet the Redwallers?

Not yet...When we're further into the roleplay. c:

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Oh yay I should have cleared that up, Duncan was heading up to the infirmary that's who I was referring too.


Feeling her heart jerk Rayne kept her voice steady considering the best way to encourage the young hare. "I don't think it is so Mixy, Brandon was a warrior, and so was Creekpaw for that matter. They were ready to give their lives especially for you. And I doubt Bracklew is so horrible a friend to think poorly of you if you lived and he didn't..." Realizing she was stumbling for words Rayne grew silent and went on inspecting the injury. It wasn't bad, though it must have hurt. Having finished with Mixy's back Ranye moved on to the hare's footpaws. She brushed a gentle claw though the fur.

"Tell me if it hurts anywhere, running though Mossflower gives even the most capable beasts injuries on the footpaws. And those can sometimes be the most dangerous of injuries."


To exhausted to care much what the Abbot and Badger mother wished to discuses out of his hearing, Bracklew made his way up towards the infirmary. His footpaws seemed to radiate the pain in his heart but some hope flared. Mixy had got away, and made it back to the Abbey. Amidst all the horrible events of the day there was still one good thing.


Even the most stealthy of creatures would have trouble moving though the sleeping vermin mass. Especially if that sleeping mass was on a creaky ship. One searat, a young creature named Frogeye sat up suddenly as he felt a creature pass by him. Rubbing sleep from his eyes he blinked, then grunted as a masked creature kicked him back down. In the creature's paw was a gleaming knife and its body was so swathed in black cloths that Frogeye could name who it was or even what species.

"Go back ter sleep mate, n' ye get a surprise in th' morn. Or don' wake up at all eh?" Frogeye laid back closing his eyes not about to argue with the knife wielding assassin. A few moments later whoever it was had moved on and there was the sound of somebeast on the ladder going up to the deck. But as far as Frogeye was concerned, he hadn't seen or heard anything.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"But I'll think horribly of myself," Mixy whimpered, shaking her head as Rayne began examining her paws.
The hare wiped a tear away, staring angrily at the infirmary sister.
"...I'm fine down there, it doesn't flippin' hurt." She snapped.

Vadoma backed up towards the door. She was about to go, but turned to see the ferret one last time before opening the door. Her paw rested on the handle. "Tomorrow will be better...Well, goodnight, then, Cap'n. I'll see you in the morning."
"Of course you will," Rapshade sneered.
Once the fox left, the ferret cursed under his breath and scratched vigorously behind his right ear.
I'm not a babe anymore. She can't control me. Perhaps I'll get rid of her tomorrow.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Is Duncan going to come in or naw? because I want to do Mixy and Bracklew's reunion but Duncan was slightly ahead on him going up the stairs.


Frowning Rayne pulled away and moved around and pulling up a stool she sat beside the bed. "Mixy, there is little I can say. There is no herbal remedy for grief, loss is horrible. Though there may be creatures willing to help you with kind words and actions. Do not be so foolish as to push them away."


Three figures sank back into the shadows watching as Vadoma pass. One of their number stood up and slunk after her dagger raised. The other two moved forward, one wielding a long knife, and the other a double edged dagger. Stopping beside the door they waited counting with nervous breaths waiting for Vadoma to be fully out of earshot. Stepping up the taller of the two rapped on the door soundly.

"Cap'n we need ter talk with ye."

Saltooth followed his target treading soundlessly along, or at least as soundlessly as he could. Fortune wasn't shining on him however, as his footpaws caught a bit of mold growing on the deck. Ironically some of the same mold they had been supposed to clean earlier. Slipping and grasping out into the darkness Saltooth fell knocking his head firmly on the deck. Stunned he felt gravity roll him into the shadows hiding him from sight.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Jetfur, tired from his hours in the forest looking for Mixy and Bracklew, climbed onto the ship. He headed straigh to his cabin, missing Saltooth and ignoring the Captain's door. He didn't feel like getting yelled at. A night's sleep would do him good.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Oh yeah!  :o Whoopsie.
Duncan crept towards the door, but as he heard Rayne's conversation with his daughter he decided that it would be best to just have Bracklew enter.
That would send Mixy flying around the room in excitement, he knew it.

"That's all you have to say? Are you bloomin' kidding me?" Mixy ground her teeth together.
"I should kill the ferret," she sobbed, looking away, though her gaze held fire.
"I should get up right now and a-avenge Bracklew. I would've died for him."


Vadoma froze, standing rigidly when she heard a sudden crash.
Whirling around, the vixen didn't notice anyone.
She curled her lip, eyes flitting about and scanning the deck.
"...Alright, that's it. What kind of sick joke do you think this is? Show yerself, for goodness' sake!"

"Lousy scummy vixen..." Rapshade muttered, changing into his nightshirt. He picked up a comb and started brushing through the fur on his head when he heard knocking. More visitors?
A groan escaped Rapshade's mouth as he shambled over to the door.
"Y' can't be serious. Yer better have a pretty good reason t' be keeping me from sleeping, fools, or else I'll make sure the next time you sleep, 'twill be forever."
The ferret narrowed his intimidating amber eyes as he opened the door.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Hey I just got a good idea, how about if Blackclaw and Goddith get the advantage over Rapshade over the next few battle posts then the Rapshade calls for help and Jetfur comes and saves him. It would give Sage's character something to do.


Surmounting the stairs Bracklew came across Duncan who was stopped outside the infirmary door. Giving the adult hair a confused glance the squirrel walked up to the door and opened it. He happened to hear Mixy's last words and despite the fact that he was exhausted, sore, and filthy he smiled.

"Thanks Mix, I would do the same for you." Rayne nearly toppled to stool jerking around. Her face lit up but she stayed back letting the two friends reunite.


Blackclaw opened the confrontation quickly. As soon as the captain's cabin door opened the weasel forgot about waiting for the right moment and leapt forward dagger at the ready. Goddith wasn't prepare for the quick assault and stood dumbly for a moment knife hanging in his paw. Then realizing what was happening he leapt forward too. Both silent assassins moved to take out the ferret daggers and knives flashing in the dim candlelight.

Saltooth had been left semi conscious and he remained still. The only thought flooding his head was how much his head hurt. He felt a tooth roll loose and tasted the sharp salty tang of blood on his mouth. His vision wavered and he might have let out a moan if his mouth hadn't been full of blood.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Ooh, sure! :)
Jetfur, don't come until he calls...And one of them should close the door.
"What in th' name if the sea are y' trying t--Aaah!" Rapshade stumbled backwards and fell with a yelp when suddenly the two vermin lunged at him. He fled towards the back of the room, reaching clumsily for any weapon without bothering to take his eyes off the intruders.
...He grabbed a candle instead, and took a quick glance at it to realize that it was not his sword.
Still, the ferret held it out like a weapon as he backed up against the wall.
"I'm warning you, get out!"

Sorry, I'll do Mixy's reply later since my iPod is about do die.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Ok.


The door clicked shut as Goddith shut it quickly blocking Rapshade's escape. Then pushing forward they attempted to get close to Rapsahde. However the two assassins found it difficult to lunge at their captain at the same time in the cramped quarters. Of the two Blackclaw was the most aggressive, lunging with his dagger he attempted to disembowel Rapshade. Both pirates were using a old trick to try an goad their enemy into making a mistake. However the insults lost some of their sting as they were whispered.

"We don' take orders fr'm ye Cap'n seabird droppings."

"Aye ye look like a bloated swordfish wit'out 'is nose."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Mixy's heart skipped a beat as Bracklew, for some lucky reason, appeared near the door.
"BRACKLEW, YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" She hollered and leapt off the bed, hightailing it towards her friend. She never thought she could scream as loud as she did just then.
"Oh, I thought for a bally minute that you died, Bracky, ha, but you didn't...I knew you wouldn't die!"


Rapshade threw the still burning candle, aiming for Goddith's head. "Blackclaw, that you, traitor? i recognize that voice. Seabird droppings yerself, you fat bloody salamander. When y' were born your mother cried because she couldn't believe her child 'ad been born so ugly--Ah--Owowow!"
The ferret inhaled sharply and fell on his back, staring in dismay at the long bloody slash which ran from his stomach to the bottom of his neck. He was lucky that it wasn't deep.
He started feeling sick again and coughed into his arm. More blood.

LT Sandpaw

Squealing Goddith struggled with the candle as his long black mask began to smolder. Both candle and mask clattered to the floor reveling the fox's face. Not that it mattered now, they were fully committed. Blackclaw screeched wit hrage at the superior insults his voice raising with every word.

"Bloody bloated shark bait! Ye ain't gonna live long'r th'n me dagger blade jellyfish paws!" Having gained one small victory over the captain, seeing him cough made the weasel smile widely. "Ye sick ain't'cha." Blackclaw lunged forward trying to snag Rapshade's nightshirt and pull him forward.


"I would rather dislike dying Mix pal, thanks for having such confidence in me, though from you pledging to avenge me I would say you were rather mixed on the matter." He pulled his friend into a tight hug but winced as pressure was placed on his paw. Rayne was immediately between them clicking her tongue and eyeing the paw.

"What did you do to yourself Bracklew? This is horrible, there might not be much I can do for this."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Just hurt him and make him do their bidding and stuff, then when they think they're done and are about to finish him off he'll call for help.
Rapshade's eyes widened in fearful dismay upon revealing the fox's face, but he had no time to comment since Blackclaw snagged his shirt and pulled him closer. "No, no, let me go, I'm not sick!" The ferret wailed, struggling to no avail to get out of the weasel's grasp. Just as he said that he could taste the blood rising in his throat, but he pulled himself together and swallowed, giving up on the struggle since every time he moved it sent a painful jolt up his body. "See?! I'm healthy! Why d'you want t' get rid of me?!"


"Yeah..." Mixy's grin could've charmed a bird out of the sky.
"I guess I won't have t' do any avengin' now, will I? Wot wot!" She returned Bracklew's hug with a tight squeeze before turning back to Rayne.
"He broke his thumbs so we could escape. Brave, no?"

LT Sandpaw

OOC: So some major PP, but you said I could right, that's what you said right. Anyway you ought to be the one to have him call for help. ;D


A powerful blow from Blackclaw's paw smashed into Rapshade's eye as the weasel roared with laughter. "We ain't getting' rid O' ye because yer sick Cap'n, we jus' don' like ye. No 'ard feelin's O' course." Goddith stepped forward and pinned the ferret down while Blackclaw grabbed his former captain's ears pulling his head up.

"I'm gonna slit yer throat Cap'n like we gill a fish see, n' yer gonna squeal n' plead fer mercy. But ye ain't getting' none. 'Old "im Goddith." The dagger was raised as both assassins grinned with battle fever ready to kill.


OOC: Meanwhile back in the more peaceful part of the woods.


The young squirrel winced again as Rayne examined the injured appendage. "Thanks' Mix though we might still have to avenge Bra- Ow, that hurts Sister Rayne!" The squirrel healer shook her head having finished her inspection.

"I'm sorry Bracklew there's nothing I can do for this paw you mangled it beyond repair. I wouldn't call such an act wise though I must agree with Mixy. It was very brave. Luckily the right paw suffered less damage though it still is bad. You can't use your right paw either for the next couple days, you'll have to take everything very easy." Bracklew's eyes widened and he looked at his left paw with wide eyes.

"How am I supposed to do anything if I can't use my paws? How will I eat?"

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Yup.  :D
"Nooo, no, no! Let go and get off, please, yer hurtin' me!" Rapshade cried, staring down in terror with his good eye as his head was jerked up by the ears so they could have an easier time getting at his neck.
He didn't want to call for help. The ferret viewed those who did that as weak and pathetic creatures who couldn't take care of themselves, and he was a captain. He couldn't.
Once the blade started scraping he was convinced otherwise.
"Aaagh! Owwoww, please, stop! Vad, Frogeye, Jetfur, anybeast, help!"

Ah yes, the good part of the woods. ;)
Mixy grinned and shook her head, doing as best as she could to comfort Bracklew.
"Oh, who knows? If you were a hare you'd know, since even broken paws can't stop us from scoffing, wot! Just use your face. 'Tis like using your paws but not."


Jetfur was just about to lie down when he heard the captain's cry. Leaping up and grabbing his whip, he raced out of his cabin and up to the deck. Confused for just a second, he yanked open the door to the captain's cabin. Taking in the scene with a glance, he unfurled his weapin of choice and lashed out toward Goddith, using his skill with the whip to wrap it around the vermin's paw and tugging him away from the captain. The slavemaster punched him, knowcking Goddith out and turned to face Blackclaw.

OOC: Biggest powerplay ever.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Alright lets make things happen.


Struggling with Rapshade the weasel pirate cursed as he saw Goddith fall. Launching forward Blackclaw twisted the dagger in his paw closing the distance between himself and Jetfur so as to limit the capability of the whip. "Wot are ye doin' Jetty!? We almost 'ad "Im, we could'a set back ter sea!"

Blackclaw leapt forward swinging his dagger for Jetfur's midriff.


"Heh, I suppose so." Bracklew fell silent kicking his paws and staring avidly up at the roof simply enjoying the company of his friend. After a few moments he yawned letting his eyes droop. "Hey Mix, what happened to you once we got separated, I found a rabbit who led me back here. How'd you find your way back?"

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro