Robin Hood RP

Started by Faiyloe, September 29, 2015, 02:03:21 AM

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Quetzal rolled his eyes at the weasel and turned back to Luis.
Obviously the weasel wasn't understanding. That's why I'm sheriff and not him.
The marten thought about Luis's question for less than a second before answering. "Mm...that would be death. Better fer everybeast, ha!"

LT Sandpaw

Shaking his head the ferret crossed his paws chuckling. "Nay, you misunderstand me mate, how much of the shiny stuff does she got goin' for her? Surely she's got a price on her head, no?" He patted his cutlass winking at the marten.

"I'm a'lookin' for goods to sustain me, the rivers clearly ain't floodin' wit' milk n' honey so I need to find other means, you understand of course matey."


"Aye, that is a fine deal, one of the best you have ever made Young Robin." Avis sat back down shuffling his spikes.  He stood up quickly and pushed a large beetle off the log. Retaking his seat the musician returned to repairing his lute, plucking the strings with a steady paw. Noticing Midge he leaned over prodding the young rabbit in the side.

"Hey young master midge you ought to be a gentlebeast and help Robin, didn't anyone ever teach you manners." Avis asked sternly, hiding a teasing smile.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

The Skarzs

  Brother Stoh leaned against the gnarled stump of a willow on the bank of the slow-flowing stream. The mole's helmet was dropped over his eyes, blocking out the daylight as he dozed, a makeshift fishing rod held loosely in his paws as the line dangled lazily in the water. He was unaware when he settled down to try to catch one of the small trout how close he was to Robin's camp, and he was still blissfully ignorant, just as he was ignorant of the small fish wiggling on the end of his line.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


"Oh you wound me, Is my word worth not but a bowl of soup and the safety of your tongue," Robin said with just as much theatrics as Avis.

"Hey young master midge you ought to be a gentlebeast and help Robin, didn't anyone ever teach you manners."

"Gentlebeast phish, You make me sound like so fragile lady of the court who couldn't pull back a bow if their life depended on it, Just watch to pot and make sure it doesn't boil over, while I go and fill these up," She said taking three canteens and returning to the spring to refill them.

When she neared the place she slowed having spotted some beast by the waters edge, She decided to great him out right and strode out of the trees, "Hey there good fellow, mind tellin' me your businesses in these parts?"


Malena rolled her chair over to the window and looked out at Bredon's streets. She then picked up the letter that rested in her lap, broke the seal and read the neat script that covered the page.

Lady Malena,
I write to request your presence at my side at the opening games of this summers festival. In light of recent events, the raise in crime, and the news from the fronts, the people need to see that you still have hope.

Lord Arcon

Malena folded it back up and put the letter on the table and sighed. Hope... Where was hope when she was stuck supporting a false ruler, Her sister was the real hope in this world but Arcon would never see it that way. The real reason he wanted her there was because she apposed Robin at least in public.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Jack had slowed to a saunter after he went far enough into the forest to escape Quetzal's line of sight. Stupid pine marten, thinking he ruled everything. The weasel muttered some foul insults as he walked along.

Eventually, he happened upon a stream. This would be a nice oppurtunity to get a drink and consult his options. He was about to exit the trees when he noticed Stoh. The sleeping mole looked ever-so faintly familiar. Jack mused to himself about the identity of the creature before him for a little bit before finally leaving the forest and attempting to quietly make his way past Stoh.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Quetzal flinched, watching the ferret carefully.
"Oh...Er, I don't know that off the top of my head...Probably a lot."

LT Sandpaw

Stroking the soft fur under his chin nodding sagely. His eyes kept flicking between the marten Quetzal, and the soldiers who were in the finer state of disarray. "Ah, I see. Well mate you have found the right pir- hm I mean mercenary for this job." His voice began to rise as he spoke changing from the dour creature to his more exciting self.

"Its been a good while since I've had somebeast to catch. An' a pir- ahem, s'cuse me. Mercenary never looses, ain't that right mate."


Rolling his eyes the hedgehog minstrel returned once again to the difficult task of repairing his lute. A light smile on his lips, after a few moments he held the instrument up again inspecting its fine woodwork. "Don't worry my little flower, pappy will have you singing again in half a moment."

The sound of approaching footpaws alerted Avis to an approaching creature. Looking up his smile broadened at the limping form of an approaching squirrel.

"Ah Ruby, I trust you were well gratified by thy lovely walk in the woods." The squirrel snorted crossing her paws.

"Where's Robin?"

"Down by the river love, she should be back soon."

"Don't call me love hedgebrain! Do you know when she'll be back?"

"Of course not dear, I just told you though she should be back soon. Why do you want her so bad, did you find something?" A snort of annoyance was the only response Avis got from the squirrel, who limped off to go wait elsewhere. Winking at Midge Avis chuckled to himself setting to work on his lute.

"She's in a good mood today."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Quetzal narrowed his eyes.
The marten stepped forward and prodded Luis in the chest.
"Now, now. You wouldn't be a pirate, would ye?"

The Skarzs

  Stoh grunted as Robin's voice woke him, and he pulled up his helmet to let his beady eyes see the speaker. "Hrm, moi business is of mpi own an' those Oi choose to help, miz otter."
  He noticed the fish on his fishing line and pulled the wriggling creature out of the water. "Least this 'un has the decency of lettin' a sleeping beast loi, yurr . . ." he said in his grumbly way.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Dannflower Reguba

       Aulwinn had been spending his time in town, keeping his relations with the the commoners intact. Old miss Wrelling had lost her cane... again, and the bees in the region seemed to be giving their keepers some trouble. All in all, the squirrel's day was pretty droll, but he could practically smell the mischief in camp when he got within the last half of a mile... But that was probably the missing leeks in the soup. He stopped, and proceeded to groan as he sprinted the distance to camp. Of all the times to be behind, it was dinner time.

       The campsite was in its' usual disorganized self when Aulwinn showed up, making a beeline for the pot... To have his fears confirmed. He quickly grabbed a couple of nearby leaves, pulling the pot off the fire before discarding them. Analyzing the contents of the partially cooked soup he scolded whoever really had ears to listen, "How many times do I have to tell you, don't let anybeast start dinner without me! You're pretty darn lucky Robin didn't fill this thing half way with hotroot, though I've half my own mind to do it myself!" There was little he could do about the onions, they had been properly minced, so a quarter serving of leeks would have to suffice. The carrots hadn't been chopped, merely halved, and there was roughly three quarters of a canteen more water than should have been. Aulwinn rolled his eyes in comical surrender, "Robiiin, you know full well this stuff doesn't taste half as good without the pepper paste anyway, how could you." He set to work ladling out the carrots best he could, and cut them down to now small half circles. The water draining wasn't particularly fun either, but after grabbing a few more leaves, and wringing his hand out after still getting a minor burn, dinner was almost set. After re-adding the carrots, a couple pinches of salt, and a homemade pepper paste, the pot was once again returned for cooking. The squirrel couldn't help the smile that played across his face as he stirred the paste in to mix, keeping a close eye last something in the pot over-cook.

OOC: I'm assuming that there are still towns, but since I have no location names, I can't really be specific.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

LT Sandpaw

"Pirate! Where?" Luis did a full spin coat and tail twirling. Ears twitching, and lifting his nose the ferret preformed a over dramatic performance of searching for the possible pirates. Stopping on impulse he suddenly prodded Quetzel in the chest.

"Now you weren't calling a gentlebeast-mercenary like meself a pirate!" The pirate captain demanded. "Now I'm just insulted mate."


Watching Aulwinn work the hedgehog minstrel chuckled. Finishing the repairs on his prize instrument the homely creature padded up behind Aulwinn watching the squirrel work. His travels had granted him knowledge inn the art, however most of the creatures in the camp would gag at his choice of meal. Besides it wasn't his place to get in the way of others showing off their skill, or lack thereof.

"My thanks to the fates you arrived good sir Aulwinn, Robin is hardly known for her culinary capabilities, though I thought she did rather well last time." Avis paused considering, "Unless of course it was you who pulled the chestnuts out of the fire last time as well."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"These are dangerous woods to be takin' a nap in mate, they say these parts are full of outlaws," Robin said. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Jack was now caught in a very bad position. The very person he was looking for was right in front of him, and she was talking about outlaws. Well. Quickly composing himself, the weasel opened his mouth. "Aha, the very beast I was looking for. I take it you are the one who puts the Hood in Robin? Pleased to meet you."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

The Skarzs

  Brother Stoh squinted at both creatures. "Burr, aye, an' who's to say yore both not outlaws? Oi'm inclining to sleep where Oi wants to, missy, an' bain't nobeast gonna scare me off, hurr. Naow leave off moi turf, if'n ye please."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Dannflower Reguba

       Aulwinn couldn't help but chuckle himself, "well, I didn't take the chestnuts off... But I had my hands full with the fish when they were supposed to come up. I was pretty happy myself, would've been quite the shame to lose those nuts, good batch."
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This