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How to pronounce words in Mossflower country.

Started by Redwall Musician, September 22, 2011, 02:48:45 AM

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Quote from: Tiria Wildlough on September 22, 2011, 06:40:33 AM
I am not sure how you pronounce Salamandastron. I pronounce it Sa-la-MANDA-stron, but on Snowfur's Redwall Encyclopedia, it says to pronounce it Sala-mand-ASTRON.
Yeah, I think it's supposed to be pronounced Sala-man-DAS-tron (although with this pronunciation Dinny singing "Salad-anna-scon" makes no sense), but I'm just going to be a rebel and pronounce it Sala-MAN-da-stron.   ;)  Wanna join me???  We could have a club of Salamandastron rebels.  :P :P
On Kotir, I've always said it Ko-TER  or Ko-TEER.  I also say Ru-SAN-no. 
Btw, does anyone pronounce the G in Doogy Plumm like the G in Fudge?  I've always said it like the G in "hug". 
"Aha! Today I shall become an author, and I shall auth, and auth, and auth, and make a squillion dollars! Whoopee!!!"
~Brian Jacques


^ My thought would be DOO-GEE Plume would be how to say it.  Most other words ending in "gy" sound like "gee".
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Quote from: Dotti on September 23, 2011, 02:09:49 AM
Btw, does anyone pronounce the G in Doogy Plumm like the G in Fudge?  I've always said it like the G in "hug". 
I always pronounced it that way too, with a hard "G".


Well, if it was pronouced "dewey' then that would be a little odd. Dew'gee is better. I alwas loved the word Mhera. According to Rukky Garge, it is pronouced "meera".
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Is Basil pronounced Ba-zill, or is is Bazzerl, like the Dibbuns spelt it?
I won't be on this forum much anymore, but I'll pop in to say hi every now and then.

Redwall Musician

..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.


I won't be on this forum much anymore, but I'll pop in to say hi every now and then.


I used to say Mhera as mih-HAIR-ah. I'm so intent on pronouncing H when I see it, like with herb (one of the rare times I ignore the American way of doing it. I never cared for "thru" either, it should be spelled "through"!). Saying it as "meera" is more elegant though. And I pronounce Doogy with a hard G.

Why yes I have seen the Eddie Izzard skit on differences between American and British pronunciation.


I always loves how Martin was pronouced "mhar'tan" by Brian.
Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.

Redwall Musician

I kinda came up with the pronunciations of the characters for the first book. I still need to do places. Feel free to point out any errors I made. Don't be afraid to tell me if the list is confusing.

Redwall Fan-Made Pronunciation Guide


Abbot Cedric: ab-uh-t sed-dr-ik
Abbot Mordalfus: ab-uh-t m-oor-d-alf-uh-s
Abbot Mortimer: ab-uh-t m-oor-t-I-mer
Abraham Vole: A-br-am v-OO-l
Ambrose Spike: am-br-OO-s sp-I-k
Asmodeus Poisonteeth: as-m-OO-d-A-us p-OY-zon-t-EE-th
Basil Stag Hare: ba-zil st-A-g h-A-r
Battlehawk: bat-el-h-ah-k
Beaver: b-EE-v-er
Bill: b-i-l
Brother Anthony: br-uh-th-er an-th-OO-n-EE
Brother Edmund: br-uh-th-er ed-m-uh-n
Brother George: br-uh-th-er j-or-j
Brother Joseph: br-uh-th-er j-OO-s-uf
Brother Methuselah: br-uh-th-er me-th-ew-zel-uh
Brother Rufus: br-uh-th-er r-ew-fus
Brother Walter: br-uh-th-er w-ah-l-ter
Captain Snow: k-ap-ten sn-OO-w
Cheesethief: ch-EE-z-th-EE-f
Cluny the Scourge: kl-ew-n-EE th-EE sk-er-j
Colin Vole: k-ah-lin v-OO-l
Constance: k-on-st-an-s
Cornflower Fieldmouse: k-or-n-fl-ow-er f-EE-ld-m-ow-s
Darkclaw: d-ar-k-l-ah
Doby: d-OO-b-EE
Dunewing: d-ew-n-w-EE-g
Fangburn: f-A-ng-b-er-n
Foremole: f-oo-r-m-OO-l
Friar Hugo: fr-I-er h-U-g-OO
Frogblood: fr-ah-g-bl-uh-d
Gaffer: g-a-f-er
Glacier: g-li-A-sh-EE-er
Greytail: gr-A-t-A-l
Guosim: g-ow-s-uh-m
Jess Squirrel: j-e-s sk-w-er-l
John Churchmouse: j-ah-n ch-er-ch-m-ow-s
Killconey: k-i-l-k-OO-n-EE
King Bloodfeather: k-EE-g bl-uh-d-fe-th-er
King Bull Sparra: k-EE-g b-uh-l s-p-ar-ah
Log-a-Log: l-uh-g ah l-uh-g
Mangefur: m-A-nj-f-er
Marge: m-ar-j
Mattias: m-a-th-I-as
Mingo: m-EE-ng-OO
Mr. Bankvole: m-i-st-er b-an-k-v-OO-l
Mr. Fieldmouse: m-i-st-er f-EE-ld-m-ow-s
Mr. Squirrel: m-i-st-er sk-w-er-l
Mrs. Churchmouse: m-i-s-ez ch-er-ch-m-ow-s
Mrs. Fieldmouse: m-i-s-ez f-EE-ld-m-ow-s
Mrs. Vole: m-i-s-ez v-OO-l
Nyctea: ni-c-t-EE
Plumpen: p-uh-mp-en
Queen Warbeak: qu-EE-n w-or-b-EE-k
Ragear: r-ag-EE-r
Redtooth: r-ed-t-ew-th
Sam Squirrel: s-am s-kw-er-l
Scratch: sk-ra-ch
Scumnose: sk-uh-m-n-OO-z
Sela: s-el-uh
Shadow: sh-ad-OO
Sister Clemence: si-st-er k-lem-en-s
Sister Stephanie: si-st-er st-ef-an-EE
Skullface: sk-OO-l-f-A-s
Slagar th Cruel: sl-ag-ar th-EE kr-ew-l
Sparra: sp-ar-a
Squire Julian Gingivere: sk-w-I-er j-ew-l-EE-en gin-g-EE-v-EE-v
Tess Churchmouse: t-e-s ch-er-ch-m-ow-s
Three-leg: th-r-EE-l-eg
Tim Churchmouse: t-im ch-er-ch-m-ow-s
Walt: w-ah-lt
Windplume: w-in-d-pl-ew-m
Winifred: win-i-fr-ed
Wormtail: w-er-m-t-A-l
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


Thiz iz juzt me opinion, but ah perzonally think tha' it doeznae matter wha' the correct pronounciation o' it iz. Take the northlanderz fer example. Let'z zay the word iz about. The average woodlander wid pronounce it az "A-bow-t", while in northlander-zpeak tiz "A-boo-t". Juzt like with wordz that ztart with F, zuch az fieldmouze, ah uzually pronounce it with a v, and vice versa; zae twould be "Vieldmouze" and vole wid be "Fole".

But az nay tae drive anyone crazier than me Lizard/northlander/etc. zpeak ah willnae uze it on thiz forum.



Nay really.

*the zoundz o' a zmall fiolin are heard in the diztance*
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.

Redwall Musician

Yes, actual words are pronounced differently everywhere. But names are different. Since the names are English, I gave the English pronunciation as best I could.
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


My only complaint is you separated the consonants from the vowels / double vowels, which is unnecessary and clarifies nothing. A hyphen - or some other bullet point separates syllables. What you did is break up each syllable into more than one part. It's occasionally important to know which syllable a consonant or vowel is in, plus sometimes consonants are used twice.

Let's take Asmodeus.
as-m-OO-d-A-us p-OY-zon-t-EE-th

It'd be easier to understand and more readable as
as-mOO-dA-us pOY-zon-tEEth
or preferably as-MOO-DA-us POY-zon-TEETH

I thought the stress was supposed to be as-moo-DA-us POY-zon-teeth. Also, I could be wrong, but I thought it was DAY-us and not DA-us.

It helps saying that the names are said in English and not American, but pronunciation's still needed as a lot of readers are American and probably aren't familiar with most British pronunciations.

One interesting thing I saw was you saying Slagar is sl-ag-ar, easier read as SLAG-ar. I think it was pronounced in the TV series as SLAY-gar. Just wanted verification on which syllable the G goes in.

Redwall Musician

Yeah, I need to do some editing as far as that goes. This is something I threw together in like 40 minutes, so I didn't really take the time to do all that. I'll take what you said and post the new one when I'm done.
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."