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Mafia IV

Started by Jetthebinturong, October 18, 2015, 04:43:53 PM

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5 (50%)
5 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Cornflower MM

Mmmm. . . . . . . I'm going with Sage. For this Day, anyway.


Quote from: Sagetip, the hare on October 22, 2015, 01:30:22 AM
I'm not Mafia! Maybe it's Sky, che's blaming a lot of people.... (lol, not really. Although it would[/b] be a twist if she were Mafia...)

Well, anyone can sit at a computer and type the words "I'm not Mafia". In Mafia 2, that's what Mafia Søren said more than once. For some time, I actually fell for it. Never making that mistake again.

And now you're suspecting me after I suspected you first...

I'm satisfied where my vote is.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Cornflower MM

Hey, so you mean I could have actually said I wasn't Mafia in Mafia II, and. . . . . . Seriously.


I'd just like to point out that while Rachel may seem very into her first game, I was too and I was Medic. And I'm thinking it's either Soren or Sage.

Soren is a mouse guard and would most likely use a sword. He's a guard, meaning he knows how to kill, and mice aren't champion climbers. The weapon used to murder was a sword, and he most likely had one.

Sage's posts definitely haven't been the most helpful. And he's a hare, and I pointed out earlier why that would seem reasonable for a hare to be one of the Mafia. I think it may be Sage more than I think it's Soren, because Soren was already Mafia in the round that just ended. That might not mean anything, but I think it could be helpful.

So... I'm voting Sage. I hope it's right.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

Cornflower MM

You know what? People keep pointing that Soren would have already had a sword. A sword, sure, it would be kinda silly if he didn't have one, but a black sword? Unless everyone totes around black swords, it seems kinda odd to me to be pointing fingers at Sor just because he has a sword. Because if everyone toted around black swords, then the assassins wouldn't be called 'The Order of the Black Sword' because they'd use a different color blade if they wanted to be 'recognized; and if they go so far as to have a guild and a name I would say they want to be recognized.

((Is that confusing?))


I'm just going to say something here:
No, that's exactly right. Soren being a guard and owning a sword isn't grounds to accuse him. C'mon guys, I think you can safely assume that both assassins have swords. Black ones. Except they don't now because they'll have gotten rid of them.

Of course, I'm not saying Soren isn't a member of the Order, but him owning a sword isn't a good reason to accuse him.

Sage is on three votes, Soren two and Rach one, right?

"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


I believe that is the correct vote count.

I'm retired from the forum


Quote. I think it may be Sage more than I think it's Soren, because Soren was already Mafia in the round that just ended. That might not mean anything, but I think it could be helpful.

I have to reply to this.

NO. We need to stop thinking like that. Just because Søren was Mafia last game doesn't mean he can't be again. As Jet said, those roles are randomized. We shouldn't speculate on past games or "who might be chosen for which role" because it's completely unrelated.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Gonff the Mousethief

Quote from: Jetthebinturong on October 22, 2015, 02:53:55 AM
I'm just going to say something here:
No, that's exactly right. Soren being a guard and owning a sword isn't grounds to accuse him. C'mon guys, I think you can safely assume that both assassins have swords. Black ones. Except they don't now because they'll have gotten rid of them.

But he is a guard, and has experience with a sword.

I googled Kuki and Suna for a long time and only came up with this cheesy drawing of a Cat and Mouse, similar to Redwall in style. That does help my theory of Rain and Soren. However, I will go with Soren on this one, really by what others have said and a gut feeling I guess.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


I didn't vote for Soren simply because he's got a sword. Also, thank you Sky for your complement on how well I'm doing. I am really enjoying the game and can't believe I never knew about it before.
I didn't know Soren had already been a Mafia but as Sky said it's randomised so my vote still stands. Also, I was surprised as everyone else how quickly Sam voted the same as me. I thought it was just because we happened to be on at the same time and with similar views.
Also if we were the Mafia, wouldn't it make more sense to disagree with each other so as to throw you off the sent. Rather than making you actively suspicious of us?


I need to put up a defense. 0.o

Quote from: Jetthebinturong on October 20, 2015, 07:32:08 PM
The Ionas castle stood on a rocky crag overlooking the great north sea. It was built of a black stone shot through with lines of grey and white. The main keep was enclosed in a hexagonal wall with high guard towers at each corner. The keep itself was an enormous pentagonal shape, with a straight wall facing the main gate, two more straight walls branching back from that point and two more walls which tapered to a point at the back of the keep. A spired tower stood at each corner. It was a daunting structure, but The Order of the Black Sword had encountered worse.
The Order of the Black Sword were an assassin's guild which had stood as long as anyone could remember. They were willing to do anything, providing you had the coin to pay them. The Order had dispatched two of their best operatives to the Castle to deal with their target. The one they called Kuki boosted their compatriot, Suna, into the open window of the cat King Velf Ionas. The king lay in his bed, sleeping blissfully. Suna pulled Kuki up into the room with them went over to block the door. Kuki drew their black blade, and stepped softly towards the bed. Kuki thrust the sword through Velf's throat and with a gasping of breath, the king died. Kuki and Suna allowed themselves a private moment of victory, then slipped out of the window again, leaving the sword behind.

The next morning, Prince Jet arrived back at the Castle, having heard the news of his father's death. The Prince vowed revenge upon those who had killed his father. According to a reliable informant, on the night of King Velf's murder, only twelve inhabitants of the Castle had been unaccounted for. There were Gonff the mouse and Skyblade, the badger, Castle recorders. One of the mouse knights known as Soren. A travelling squirrel entertainer who'd been staying at the Castle called Sam. The leader of the court's dancers Cornflower, the squirrel. The hares Sagetip and Sandpaw. Eulalia the hawk. The foreign ambassador otter, Rachel. The otter captain Rocktree. The (mouse?) Perifaen. And the cat artist, Rainshadow. Clearly the killer had to be one of them.
Prince Jet called the group to the main hall. Without wasting time, he shouted, "My father was killed by one of you!" He allowed the words to sink in. "You are all to be held accountable for your absence. This section of the Castle will be sealed off from all of the others. Every day you will vote which among you goes to the afterlife. Choose carefully, because I've no doubt that The Order of the Black Sword are willing to kill you all to escape." With that he left, and the doors swung closed behind him. They were locked soon afterwards. "Your first victim will be today. Hurry up and decide."


First off, Suna went to block the door. Whether xe physically held the door or blocked with an item, they'd need to have some strenght characteristic of a badger to do that, and if they moved something (ie: a chair) to block the door, than they'd need to pick it up from the floor because dragging it would create a lot of sound, and picking up a chair is a pretty heavy thing, although, since we don't know the dimensions and weight and stuff of the chair or door this entire paragraph is spectulation, but if it's true then it proves that I am not Suna; at least it might narrow it down. Which, let me remind you, is something the Mafia doesn't want to happen.


Second of all, Jet says "stepped softly towards the bed." While anybeast can do that, I believe mice are known for quietness of paw. Not hares. Again, speculation, but it might narrow it down.

I vote Skyblade.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Quote from: Skyblade on October 22, 2015, 03:09:03 AM
Quote. I think it may be Sage more than I think it's Soren, because Soren was already Mafia in the round that just ended. That might not mean anything, but I think it could be helpful.

I have to reply to this.

NO. We need to stop thinking like that. Just because Søren was Mafia last game doesn't mean he can't be again. As Jet said, those roles are randomized. We shouldn't speculate on past games or "who might be chosen for which role" because it's completely unrelated.

I know, I was just wanting to add anything that might be helpful. Like I said, it may or may mot be (and probably isn't). I just thought the chances of him being picked twice weren't very high, but that is no reason to accuse someone, which is one of the reasons why I voted for Sage.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Okay by the looks of it, Sage and Søren have three votes each, and Sky and I one each. Right?


"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

LT Sandpaw

A lot of good points being thrown around but nothing that I really incriminating. I still think Rachel and Sam's both turning on Soren like that is really suspicious, which is the only solid evidence, I can see anyway. I'm voting for Rachel

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro