
"Beep-Bloop" -Verdauga, 2024

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In the Ashes we will Rise.

Started by Vilu Daskar, November 10, 2015, 10:02:17 PM

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Vilu Daskar

"Well first you're going to have to clean yourselves up, you can't sneak up of beasts covered in that blood," said the Raccoon.


Dutter was crying now, "Don't cut me throat Drew. You can keep the treasure, I just want to come with you, please."
Never trust a smiling pirate.  :D

I can do that because I'm awesome.

"It really gets up my nose when publishers call my book another Lord of the Rings. It's my bloody book! I wrote it. And another thing, I didn't have to plunder Norse and European mythology to do it!" - Brian Jacques.


Bul yelled at the assembled ex-Redwallers.
"You heard him! Go jump in the creek!"
The immense badger led the charge, jumping into the creek, splashing everyone on the shores.


Drew advanced on Dutter.
"Mebbe I should. It'd stop yer whinin'. NOBEAST TRAVELS WITH ME! Ye'll try and kill me while I sleeps an' steal me treasure."
Drew slashed the air in front of Dutter, narrowly missing him.
"Get outta here, mousey, afore I kill ye an' take YOUR treasure."

Vilu Daskar

Dutter was shocked by Drew's behavior. Still crying he stumbled off into the woods dragging his bow behind him.
Never trust a smiling pirate.  :D

I can do that because I'm awesome.

"It really gets up my nose when publishers call my book another Lord of the Rings. It's my bloody book! I wrote it. And another thing, I didn't have to plunder Norse and European mythology to do it!" - Brian Jacques.


"Hahahah! He looks a lot like this dead bird when he's wet, eh, Pakith?" Ghasritz remarked, nudging his sister with his elbow whilst holding the bird up near his head.
"Hey, Bitey! C'mere, ya can wear the bird as a hat! Hehehee!"

The stoat that was next to him smirked and rolled her eyes.


Bitey and the rat helping him edged over towards Ghastritz. He lowered his head and brought it back up underneath the horde leader's paw. The bird's carcass rested comfortably on Bitey's head.
"Thanks, chief. Sun was startin' t'burn me noggin."


Ghasritz shook his head and let go of the bird so that it flopped down between Bitey's eyes.
"You really went for it there, didn't you..." He said, muffling a snicker with his paws.
Foolish marten, indeed.


OOC: Well, his character sheet did say he was kinda stupid.

BIC: Bitey looked at the delicious-looking bird flopping between his eyes. He grabbed a leg with his teeth and started chewing it. Between chews of leg, he muttered to nobody in particular.
"Umph, cherf werfnd warnt diff affa its been on my 'ead. He can haff thiff hufe fifsh inshtead."
The rat on the other end of the fish shook his head. Bitey might have been a good archer, but he wasn't smart in any sense.


The rat leader smirked and played around with one of his necklaces, twirling it on his finger.
"If yer going to eat it, take it off your head, yah look rediculous!"


Bitey flicked his snout, pulling the bird off his head. It looked even more ridiculous dangling from his mouth by a leg.
"Er nerd a fere to hert thif upf."


"I can't understand a word coming out of your mouth," Ghasritz said, shaking his head.


Bitey let go of the fish, leaving the rat to hold the thing on its own. He disentangled the bird from his teeth.
"I said, I need a fire to cook this thing on. No use tryin' to eat it raw."
He unsheathed his dagger and sliced off the leg he was chewing. He resheathed the dagger and stuffed the rest of the bird shamelessly into his quiver, where it was promptly pierced by several arrows.


Ghasritz curled his lip.
"I guess that's yours now, since yah ruined it." He turned and nodded at the others when they arrived at the place they could camp for the time being.

LT Sandpaw

Clapping her paws over her ears Pakith attempted unsuccessfully to ignore the antics the male hordebeasts. Finally giving in she stomped off kicking at the stones.

"Gah, I never heard nor seen such nonsense. Bah wasted soldiers, wasted time, wasted, gone." She groused crossing her arms irritably. "Now what brother tell me? Now what, are we to wander round till we find some new place to terrorize?" Having completed her fit of temper the rat kicked the closest creature, a ferret, glaring and swiping at anybeast that dared get to close.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Bitey's face lit up.
"Thanks, Chief! Ye can always have the fish I got for ya!"
He motioned to the struggling rat who toiled behind them.


"Nah, I don't care much for fishes. That rat who's working so hard to carry it can have it 'f he wants...Hey, Pakith, stop it!" Ghasritz's grin vanished as he bounded over to where his sister stood.

"Now what, are we to wander round till we find some new place to terrorize?"

"Yeah, I was thinking that. Where, I don't know yet. Perhaps I'll get a vision of it or something." The rat said. Some hordebeasts ran off with their friends to set up tents and celebrate their recent victory.