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Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall

Started by Groddil, November 16, 2015, 02:15:24 AM

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Chapter 27
Spinetingle moaned with pain. He tried to rise, but he found himself chained to the wall. Bloodboots the ferret tickled him with a dagger point.
"Wakey wakey, hedgepig! We know your secret, you're one o' those escaped slaves. We're gonna take yer t'the King, an' he's gonna hurt ya til' ya tell us where ya friends are!"
The ferret grew bored of torturing Spinetingle and left, the dagger abandoned on the floor. Spinetingle stretched out a footpaw, and grabbed the dagger. He flipped it into the air and caught it in one paw. The hedgehog pushed the blade into one of the locks of his chains, which snapped open with a sharp CLANK! He opened the rest of the shackles. Free at last! Dagger ready, the hedgehog crept from the cell. A rat dozed in the morning sun, unaware of Spinetingle creeping up behind him. The hedgehog slammed the hilt of the dagger into the rat's skull several times, before dragging him back into the cell. Spinetingle readied the dagger once more and stole away.


Martin was surprised at how deserted the town was. He expected it to be a hustling, bustling port, but all the slaves and guards were busy at Nix Praesidium, and the only real residents of Saltstone were there to supervise the unloading of ships. With no ships to be seen that day, most vermin spent the day in their homes or drinking away at the tavern. The mouse warrior crept behind a large rocky outcropping towards the building the slaves had told Dosha was the jail. He was skirting around when he ran into a figure. Martin drew the rapier and poised to strike when the hedgehog grabbed his paw.
"Whoa, Martin, don't kill me. It's me, Spinetingle."
Martin sheathed the blade.
"Sorry, Spinetingle. I wasn't expecting you to be free. How did you escape?"
"Some stupid ferret left a dagger at my feet. Pretty self-explanatory."
Their conversation was cut short by a holler from the jail.
"Er, er...The prisoner's gone...He must 'ave escaped...THE PRISONER'S ESCAPED!"
The port became much more lively now, vermin pouring from the tavern. Martin grabbed Spinetingle and ran. The running vermin were met with resistance by Rolam's Holt and Stonepaw's Stalwarts.
"Eulaliaaaaaaa! Waaaaaveriiiiideeeeerrrrr!"
The hares counter-charged, weapons flashing. The sloppy, unorganized vermin fell swiftly to the blades of Chello and Rolam's fine fighting forces. The remainder scattered in disarray, but not before a weasel grabbed Bloodboots.
"Ferret! Run to Nix Praesidium! Tell King Mortspear that we're under attack!"
Bloodboots nodded dumbly as a spear slew the weasel. The ferret squealed and ran for the path.


Mel sat upright with a jagged scream. She looked around, nothing to be seen but corpses. No wildcats or anybeast still alive for that matter. She stared dumbly at the spear lodged in her side. Foolishly, the mousemaid gripped and yanked it. She stumbled with pain and fell, blood re-emerging from the gaping wound. She crawled towards a still mole.
"Durgle? Durgle? DURGLE!"
The mousemaid turned the mole over. Dead as a doornail, his entrails showing in places. Mel retched and crawled backwards away from the wretched sight. She fell into a vole, who stirred. He had sustained no injuries, in truth he was a coward, who had played dead to avoid Dark Forest's gates. The vole was called Rumil, and he swatted at Mel.
"Go 'way. I'm dead, you don't 'ave to kill me again."
Mel stared dumbly at the vole, before kicking him in a rage.
She continued to beat upon Rumil, tears of rage in her eyes. The vole squealed and rolled away. He sprang upright, pushed the mousemaid back into the dust, and ran onto the path. Mel sobbed, she didn't want to die alone, a complete failure.


Somewhere in the cliffs east of Saltstone, hidden from the path, Rolam Waverider handed Spinetingle fresh water and some fruit. As the hedgehog ate, he filled the sea otter in on the area.
"Mff, snort. Foller the track nor'easterly. Gromp, charmph. When it forks, take the northern one up the mountain. Sniffle, slurp. Takes yer straight t'the main gate o' Nix Praesidium. Munch, crunch."
"Come on, holt; ready yourselves for battle, we're leavin'! Time to go knock on Mortspear's gate, and the Dark Forest's ones if we fail. Chello, are your hares ready?"
Chello gave a thumbs up and motioned the Stalwarts into three ranks. Moments later, when Spinetingle finished his meal and everybeast was lined up, Dosha gave the order to march.


Chapter 28
Bloodboots the ferret had been running all out, and now needed a break. He staggered, leaning heavily against a tree, when he saw a creature. The ferret drew his dagger, squinting at the creature. It was a trembling vole, grovelling at his feet. Bloodboots poked it with the dagger.
"Er, er...who are you?"
"M-m-my name is Rumil, sir. Please don't hurt me, I'm not a member of the freed slave army, they stole me away, I didn't want to leave, I..."
Bloodboots kicked Rumil roughly.
"Er, quiet. The woodlanders are followin' me, an' I need to get t'the castle!"
Rulin grinned. Maybe this would be an opportunity to get into Mortspear's good books!
"Tell you what, sir. You keep runnin' and fetch his Mightiness. Tell 'im Rumil sent yer, and that Rumil is distractin' the woodlanders so that 'is Mightiness can catch 'em offguard. Okay?"
"Er, er...fine. Just make sure it's a good distraction!"
The ferret sped off up the mountain path. Rumil gleefully smiled and whispered under his breath.
"Don't worry, sir. It'll be one good distraction..."


The better part of a day later, Chello called a holt to the marching. Gillaina and the other two squirrels, the advance scouts, returned to the main party supporting a vole between them. He collapsed roughly at Chello and Martin's footpaws.
"Please help us, good sirs. Me and the other freed slaves were attacked! In that woodland over there! They're all dead, and I don't know what to do! The crows have started to look at the bodies, but they're my friends! Please help me!"
Martin patted Rumil softly.
"There, there. We'll help bury your mates."
Chello and Rolam issued orders to their respective troops, who ducked through the trees into the wood where Durgle and Mel had made their last stand. Martin turned over all the freed slaves in turn. Dead, dead, really dead, dea-alive!
"Rolam, this one's alive."
Mel groaned and grimaced in pain. Rolam knelt beside her, covering the wound with his tunic.
"Be still, marm. You've lost a lot of blood."
Mel shook her head.
"Don't worry about me, just teach Mortspear a lesson."
The mousemaid winced.
"Gillaina...Gillaina is that you?"
The squirrelqueen was at the side of the dying mousemaid immediately.
"Mel...Oh, Mel...Why?"
The mousemaid gripped Gillaina's paw.
"I couldn't stand by and watch everybeast be enslaved. What would you think of me then?"
Gillaina blinked back tears.
"At least you would be alive!"
Mel's grip faltered.
"One...last...thing. Don't trust...Rumil."
The squirrelqueen shook her head.
"Who is Rumil? I don't understand."
But the mousemaid was gone. Gillaina laid her to rest, along with Durgle and the rest of the freed slaves. He stood alongside Rulim, who had still not revealed his name.
"We can't let your friends sacrifice be in vain, friend. We're marchin' on Nix Praesidium right now."
Rumil put up a good face for sake of appearances, but kicked himself inside. This didn't take as long as he thought it would. Still, someone could have an accident and fall off the mountain.


Hi, Groddil! (Cool name btw) I finally finished reading Book 1 and plan to get to the rest later. Good work. The chapters seem a bit short, and could be more detailed, but that could just be your style. I also still see more room for character development.

Nice story, anyway :)

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Thanks, Skyblade.


Chapter 29
Bloodboots burst into Mortspear's throne room. The wildcat snarled.
"Who do you think you are, ferret? SPEAK UP!"
Bloodboots clumsily saluted.
"Er...Bloodboots, yer Mightyness!"
Mortspear leaned forwards angrily.
"And why did you run into my throne room?"
The ferret scratched his head.
"Er...Oh, Rumil send me."
The wildcat was fed up. He got up and grabbed Bloodboots.
The ferret shrieked.
"Saltstone's bein' attacked, sir!"
Mortspear threw the ferret aside and stormed out to the courtyard.
"Nole! Verdauga! Ungatt!"
The wildcat king groaned in anger.
"Why did I send all my trusted lieutenants out at the same time? You there, rat. Over here!"
The rat in question scurried over and kissed his lord's footpaws.
"Oh Mightiness, you called of me?"
The wildcat grimaced and kicked the rat.
"Go tell the soldiers. We are marching for Saltstone immediately. Every single soldier, from keep or town, get them all together NOW!!!"
The rat saluted and dashed to the barracks. Mortspear shrugged on a suit of chainmail and donned a helmet. He gripped a javelin tightly and awaited the soldiers.


Rumil had retrieved a dagger from one of the corpses. If he could strike at the proper time, Mortspear would treat him like royalty. The vole hung around the back of the army, which had just started to ascend the mountain. Spinetingle slowed down to match the vole's pace. The hedgehog twirled an axe.
"Best if ye keep outta the battle, mate. You won't get very far without a weapon."
Rumil nodded.
"Don't worry, sir. You won't see me." He dropped his voice to a low whisper "Until it's too late."


Bloodboots rubbed his head and sat up. He looked out the window at the soldiers assembling. The ferret grabbed his dagger and dashed down the stairs.


Martin, Chello, Gillaina, and Rolam led the marching column, which ground to a halt at the front gates of Nix Praesidium. Dosha stepped forwards.
"Mortspear, Tyrant of the North. I am Liuetenant Dosha of the Stonepaw's Stalwarts. Together with us are the Holt of Rolam Waverider and Martin the Elder Warrior, defender of Mossflower. We are here on behalf of one of your former slaves and Gillaina, squirrelqueen and rightful ruler of these lands."
Spinetingle stepped forwards.
"Throw down your weapons, cat. Your reign of terror has come to an end!"
Mortspear's head poked over the balcony.
"Hah! Listen to yourselves! A bunch of do-gooders from the South and one lowly hedgehog slave, here to make me surrender? Why not come in and take your freedom by force."
The gates were flung open and the screaming horde rushed out.
Martin and the rest of the front runners braced for the impact. Then came the clashing of steel as the two armies collided. Mortspear threw his javelin into the teeming ranks, taking Rolam through the chest. The sea otter grunted and lashed out at the charging rats, taking as many as possible with him. Martin watched the sea otter go.
The warrior mouse cut through the vermin to Rolam's side, but the otter had already gone to Dark Forest, surrounded by the dead of Mortspear's army. Martin sighted Mortspear retrieving another javelin from a weapon rack within the fortress. The mouse warrior cleaved the blade, forging a path through the vermin. His eyes were aflame, with only one purpose. Spinetingle saw Martin heading for Mortspear. He could never take on the wildcat alone. Swinging his axe, the hedgehog followed his friend.


Bloodboots was fenced in. Liuetenant Dosha had cornered him against the wall. The hare raised his spear, ready to run the ferret through, when his throat exploded with pain. The liuetenant touched his throat, then stared dumbly at his bloodied paw. His eyes rolled back as he fell. Rumil stood over the slain hare, dagger in paw. Bloodboots grinned stupidly at the vole.
"Thanks, matey. Wait, I knows you! It's Rumil!"
Colonel Chello heard the voices. He looked over his shoulder and stood Rumil, the very vole they had helped, standing over Dosha conversing with a ferret. The hare gripped his sword in rage. He raised it above his head and threw. His aim was true. Bloodboots stared in horror at Rumil, the sword protruding from the back of his head. With one final movement, the vole stabbed at Bloodboots, cursing the ferret for getting him caught.


There was a lull in the fighting outside the gate. Mortspear was nowhere to be seen, fleeing into Nix Praesidium pursued by Martin and Spinetingle. The vermin horde, disarrayed with nobody to command them, retreated to within the walls. Chello sat outside, cradling Dosha in his arms.
"You were right, Liuetenant, it wasn't our fight. We never should have come to this snowy wasteland."
With tears in his eyes, the Colonel hauled himself upright.
The colonel leapt into the fray.


Chapter 30
An old squirrel blinked. There was movement in the room. He sat still, careful not to disturb his chains. He squinted through the darkness, listening for the soft snores of the weasel guard. The snores were interupted.
"Grmff! Nrphh!"
The weasel thrashed about, then went still. Gillaina tossed aside a thin piece of rope and took a keychain from the dead weasel. She unlocked the chains of the old squirrel. With her so close, he recognized the face.
"Gillaina the squirrelqueen? No, you were captured by Ungatt Trunn. I'm dreaming."
"You are not dreaming, old one. Ungatt Trunn is currently floating on a piece of driftwood in the middle of the southern oceans. I am free, and so are you. We are taking the fortress!"
The old squirrel shook with joy.
"Wake up! Gillaina is here, we are free!"
The old squirrel roused the slaves, and Gillaina freed them. She now had another small army at her back, fourscore freed slaves. She flung open a closet and handed out weaponry.


Martin stepped around a corner, sword raised. He looked around at Mortspear's throne room. He had sworn the wildcat went this way. Martin turned his head and a face filled his vision. He raised the sword, when the face grabbed his paws.
"Whoa, mate. 'Tis me, Spinetingle."
Martin felt the red mist dissipate.
"Why are you here, Spinetingle?"
The hedgehog brandished his axe.
"'Tis my fight, Martin."
"He killed Rolam! It's as much my fight as yours."
"And what of Holt Waverider? Do they not deserve the retribution? Ye hardly knew 'im! Ferget it, let's just kill this spawn of darkness. He went thataway!"
The hedgehog pointed a claw at a door behind the throne, slightly ajar. The mouse warrior raised his blade and charged. He was halfway through the door when Mortspear swung the javelin. It snapped roughly over Martin's head. The mouse warrior was dazed. He heard voices.
     "Trust the mousey and the mole,
          Put your trust not in the vole,
          Don't follow the spikes that point the way,

Martin rolled to the side as Mortspear stabbed at him with half the javelin. The wildcat threw aside the broken weapon and leaped at Martin with his lethal claws and teeth. The tyrant was momentarily distracted by a hedgehog that threw an axe at him. Mortspear caught it! He swung the axe in a broad sweep. Martin, who had stood up and grabbed his sword, jumped back. Spinetingle was not so lucky. The hedgehog staggered, pulling the axe from Mortspear's paw and using his last momentum to thrust the axe blade forwards. Mortspear took a deep slice across his waist, but kept fighting. He stepped over Spinetingle and, with the axe in paw, locked blades with Martin.


Outside the gate, a thin mouse, one of the slaves that had been freed, was poking through a pile of bodies. He pressed his paw to the throat of a large sea otter with a spear sticking out of his side. The mouse found a pulse. He waved to Colonel Chello.
"Look! He's alive!"
Chello raced over, together with a small group of otters. They carefully removed the spear and bound the wound with dockleaves. Chello then revived Rolam with a damp rag. The sea otter winced in pain.
"Be still, Rolam. You're alive, just don't move."
The otter ignored Chello, pulling himself up.
"I'm not going to sit here while my comrades die. Let me at 'em."
Chello shrugged.
"It's your life, but we can't fix you up if you take another hit."
Rolam snatched his spear from Chello.
"Holt Waverideeeeeerrrr!'
Another war cry joined them.
"Gillainaaaaaa! Freeeeeedom!"
Gillaina rushed from the fortress at the head of the freed slaves. With their new reinforcements, the army overpowered the vermin horde.


Martin's strength was faltering. No matter how hard he fought, Mortspear's superior strength and cunning always won the bout. Martin was pressed against the walltop, the victim of several nasty cuts. Were it not have been for Spinetingle weakening the wildcat, the warrior mouse would have been dead before the fight had even begun. Martin now saw that he would not be able to defeat Mortspear in single combat, he needed an edge. The warrior mouse swung low with his blade, buying some time while Mortspear stumbled. He looked over the battlements at the battle raging.
"Rolam! You're alive!"
The sea otter glanced upwards. Martin chose to forgoe further conversation as Mortspear jumped at him. Martin parried the blow, but could not get a chance to hit back. With steel in his eyes, Rolam hefted his spear.
"What goes around comes around, mate."
The otter threw the spear which found its mark easily, burrowing deep into Mortspear's flesh. The wildcat screamed in pain and tossed aside the axe. Ignoring Martin's stinging blows, the tyrant of the north grabbed his enemy in a death grip and jumped from the walltops.


     "You paid no heed to the mousey and the mole,
     You foolishly put your trust in the vole..."

     "No, not this again!"
     "You followed the spikes that pointed the way..."
     "Now I will kill you on this day!"

Martin gasped in pain. His whole body felt on fire, like every single bone had been broken. The warrior mouse groggily opened his eyes. He was lying on a ledge, jutting out awkwardly from the cliff face. There was a small cave hollowed onto the ledge, but Martin saw only two things. Mortspear, lying like him on the other side of the ledge, and the sword lying just out of reach. Martin tried to ignore the excruciating pain as he stretched out his paw. Martin felt a claw lightly bump the blade, and stretched further. Mortspear rose. The wildcat was made of stronger stuff than the mouse, and even with his wounds, he was not as close to death as Martin. Mortspear crawled towards Martin, staggering several times, but making it. Martin was just about to grab his blade when the wildcat stompted on his paw. Martin let out an agonized scream as Mortspear picked up the sword. He rose it, ready to slay the mouse, when a deafening screech filled the air, and a bolt from the blue struck the mountain king. Argulor, now fully grown, snatched the wildcat in his talons, seeking revenge for his mother. The eagle took off into the sky, with the wildcat in his claws. Mortspear slashed at Argulor with the sword, but to no avail. The eagle's powerful talons ripped the wildcat in two, dropping him far, far below into the valley of thistles. The gruesome sight was the last straw for the tyrant's army. They threw down their weapons in surrender. The freed slaves cheered, a smile appearing on even Gillaina's face. The squirrelqueen shed a tear of joy; after so many long seasons of oppression, the north was finally free. Chello and the long patrol quickly gathered the fallen weapons while Rolam's Holt tied up the sorry vermin. Amidst the joy, Rolam's heart sank. Where was Martin? The sea otter rushed to the side of the cliff, and there on the ledge below was Martin. The sea otter climbed swiftly down the cliffside to be at his friend's side. Martin weakly forced his eyes open.
"Rolam...did we do it? Did"
Rolam nodded.
"We won, matey. Mortspear is no more. The mountains are free."
One last smile crossed the warrior's face.
So died Martin the Elder Warrior, Saviour of the North and Ancestor of the Hero of Mossflower.


Gingivere snapped the book shut.
"That's how it ended. Gillaina reclaimed her throne as rightful queen of the Northern Mountains, and ruled for many seasons. Chello returned to Salamandastron a hero, but he never got over what happened to Liuetenant Dosha. The Colonel was appalled by how they had trusted Rumil, a vole, and he betrayed them. Chello left Salamandastron to wander, and he was never seen again, although there were stories of vermin camps being ransacked in the middle of the night by a lone hare. Rolam scoured the mountains for Martin's blade, and he eventually returned to Mossflower to return it to the warrior's family."
Ferdy rose from his seat.
"Does Martin know? Our Martin, I mean."
Gingivere shook his head.
"He should know his own history, shouldn't he. Here, take the book."
Ferdy accepted the large tome.
"Come on, Coggs. Back to the Abbey to see Martin, I suppose."
The other hedgehog shook Gingivere's paw.
"Thanks, uncle. See you soon."
The two hedgehogs departed. Gingivere watched them go, and soon felt a tug on his paw.
"Papa, can you tell us another one?"
Gingivere chuckled.
"No little one, it's time for bed."
The small wildcat sulked.
"But I want to hear another one!"
Gingivere hoisted the young one onto the armchair.
"Well, all right. But just a short one..."


The Skarzs

Hey, @Groddil.
Well, I decided to take a look at this. Congratulations on sticking through to the end! I'm not finished reading it yet, about halfway through the first page, but I'll keep going.

I do like that you attempted to give an origin to the wildcat brothers. However, it has, so far, always seemed very compressed and unbalanced, especially with how "close" things are with how quickly they happen right after one another in the story. Just something for future reference if you decide to start writing again. That, and the characters are hard to get a read on. . . not a great deal of development in the characters. One last thing that I noticed, which is something a LOT of new writers struggle with is the show versus tell method of writing. It was a very common thing for you to tell us what was going on rather than show us through the expansion of character action and thoughts.
Hope I didn't cut through your skin there, man.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Stop reading! It's terrible! Don't do this to yourself!

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.